TKR / Numbness

Posted by fisherj09 @fisherj09, Jul 7, 2023

6 yrs. ago I had a TKR. My toes and ankles are still numb. My knee still is very painful after numerous PT. No pain pill, no physical therapy helps whatsoever. Was on Neurontin but was taken off and was given oxycodone but had to stop taking due to having mild allergy reaction. Was given Tylenol/Codeine which didn't help neither. I'm struggling with Fibromyalgia and neuropathy in the feet and on Lyrica for that. Lyrica makes me drowsy so I can't go anywhere. Flexiril for severe muscle spasm, now Cymbalta which does nothing either. So pretty much in pain all the time. Have to sleep with my feet hanging over the bed because anything that covers my legs, feet or ankles bugs me to the highest denominator. Can anyone shed light if they are experiencing such problems and what are you doing to relief the pain or be comfortable?

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Hello @fisherj09, Welcome to Connect. It sounds like you have a lot going on. Some folks with problems similar to yours with not being able to stand anything covering their legs or feet in bed have found that blanket lifters help -

You mention your toes and ankles are still numb following a TKR 6 year ago and your knee is still very painful. Even though it's not related to TKR pain I'm wondering if you might find the following discussion helpful.
--- Fibromyalgia or Neuropathy: Pain all over not just feet and legs?:

What do your doctors say about the pain? Do they think it's related to TKR or to your Fibromyalgia and neuropathy?


Hello @fisherj09

It was 3 years post tkr when I was finally able to find some pants that did not bother the nerves in the leg. The pants are very thick, almost cardboard like so that they don't drape on the surface of the skin. As for sleeping, I use the lightest sheet possible so is not to experience as much of the weight on my toes and foot. Oftentimes that leg will have to stick out from under the covers, so I wear a pair of socks for sleeping. I'm sorry your experiencing this pain. You're not alone. In health.


I know exactly what you are experiencing. I’m only 8 weeks out after having a left tkr and I have been experiencing pain and sensitivity for awhile now. My doctor said it was nerve pain due to the nerves reawakening after surgery. He suggested taking Gabapentin. It helps very little though and pain pills only help for a very short time. I can’t stand for anything to touch it either. The only thing that I find that helps me some is that I have a cold therapy machine with a knee wrap that I use when it gets to hurting and it seems to help for a while. I usually place a small hand towel between it and my skin so it’s not too extremely cold. I also have a very thin pillow that I use to sleep with between my knees . I haven’t experienced any muscle spasms. I do have pain just about all the time now. Sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble. I hope things get better for you soon!


I know exactly what you are experiencing. I’m only 8 weeks out after having a left tkr and I have been experiencing pain and sensitivity for awhile now. My doctor said it was nerve pain due to the nerves reawakening after surgery. He suggested taking Gabapentin. It helps very little though and pain pills only help for a very short time. I can’t stand for anything to touch it either. The only thing that I find that helps me some is that I have a cold therapy machine with a knee wrap that I use when it gets to hurting and it seems to help for a while. I usually place a small hand towel between it and my skin so it’s not too extremely cold. I also have a very thin pillow that I use to sleep with between my knees . I haven’t experienced any muscle spasms. I do have pain just about all the time now. Sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble. I hope things get better for you soon!

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Thank you so much for your reply.


I also have a 9 week old TKR. I had horrible sensitivity on my leg and I kicked everything off of me. Even the fan bugged me. I highly recommend a blanket lifter. Or a tent. Or a roomy cardboard box with a cut out for your leg. I also recommend gabapentin long term. It may not be effective immediately but long term it has a benefit. Every ointment and cream and pain killers have been contraindicated for me as I am a five year survivor of a wonderful liver transplant. Almost cold turkey on meds. Jus Tylenol and ointment choice is Arnicare Gel. I don't know if it helps but the message I use to put it on with does help. I still ice and elevate 3 times a day and occasionally use a heating pad on parts of my leg. My muscles knot up a lot and massaging them out is my therapy. I use anything I can roll on my leg, ie. rolling pin, tennis ball, hairspray can. I was plagued by horrific cramps in the night the first month, but thank God, and I do, they have lessened. I am a happy person and that has helped me with my recovery in many cases and I love to laugh. I am 72, married, have had 4 kids, 13 grandchildren and 4 greats. I have a renewed relationship with Jesus since this operation. It was a doozy. So, whatever floats your boat; be happy1


I also have a 9 week old TKR. I had horrible sensitivity on my leg and I kicked everything off of me. Even the fan bugged me. I highly recommend a blanket lifter. Or a tent. Or a roomy cardboard box with a cut out for your leg. I also recommend gabapentin long term. It may not be effective immediately but long term it has a benefit. Every ointment and cream and pain killers have been contraindicated for me as I am a five year survivor of a wonderful liver transplant. Almost cold turkey on meds. Jus Tylenol and ointment choice is Arnicare Gel. I don't know if it helps but the message I use to put it on with does help. I still ice and elevate 3 times a day and occasionally use a heating pad on parts of my leg. My muscles knot up a lot and massaging them out is my therapy. I use anything I can roll on my leg, ie. rolling pin, tennis ball, hairspray can. I was plagued by horrific cramps in the night the first month, but thank God, and I do, they have lessened. I am a happy person and that has helped me with my recovery in many cases and I love to laugh. I am 72, married, have had 4 kids, 13 grandchildren and 4 greats. I have a renewed relationship with Jesus since this operation. It was a doozy. So, whatever floats your boat; be happy1

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@jjo51, Way to go new Connect member. I wanted to welcome you and found that you are already going to work. Congratulations. I also want to acknowledge that you are continuing to ice and elevate 3 times a day.

Do you know why your muscles are knotting up? Have you ever tried the yoga pose "Legs up the wall". I do that every morning regardless of what condition I happen to be in. I think @sueinmn posted a video of it last week.
Here is one version.

You are surrounded by a wonderful family. And you have great-grandchildren at 72. That is wonderful. I also love my two families and especially the grandchildren. I am 81 and have two granddaughters, 24 and 21. They come to visit several times a year for long weekends. Great joy. My other two are 6 and 4 so it is like starting all over again.

Would you please tell me about the message you use to put on your ointment? That sounds interesting and it appears to be helpful. I practice mindfulness daily and have a wonderful habit of enjoying meditation.

I hope you enjoy your time on Connect and find that helping others reach out for happiness is very rewarding.

May you be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm.
Chris. (Two TKR's.....10 years apart.). This last one was a breeze.


Thank you for your welcome.
You sound at peace!
Arnicare Gel is a homeopathic medicine. I purchased it at Walmart. There is information for it online.
I will try the "legs up the wall" . I first have to clear a wall!
Thank you again . I wish all well.

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