TKR 2.5 weeks ago.

Posted by paulette1605 @paulette1605, Oct 6, 2023

I am 2.5 weeks post total knee replacement. Still having lots of pain which is manageable, but just barely. My biggest problem is “cabin fever” and in the late afternoon/early evening, I get “antsy” and/or blue. I am so tired of dealing with the pain and the lack of mobility and confinement. I know it will get better, but how do I handle these afternoon blues?

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I camenup.with a very structured schedule for my days for weeks 2-4 after my TKR. I found having a list and order helped me stay focused and not zone our or get on a roller coaster while I was off with nothing specific to do. Good luck!


2 1/2 weeks!! Give it time, do what you are supposed to do for rehab and find things you like , reading, music , meditation, sitting by an open window. 2 1/2 weeks, try 5 1/2 yrs of terrible pain, limited mobility and no answers in sight


@paulette1605, it sounds like you have pent up energy that is giving you the cabin fever. I would move around as much as you can, either doing extra minutes of your prescribed PT exercises more times a day, or just using your walker or cane if needed, to just walk back and forth in your largest room (or preferably outdoors) for 15-20 minutes sessions at a time or until you tire. If you were an active person before the TKR, your body is probably craving more activity. And don't forget elevation and icing many times a day.


It was hard the first few months....I would take several walks outside with my walker and go up and down for 3-4 times (driveway is 100 feet) and it helped getting out. It's a slow process. I was really active prior so it makes things harder. I drove at 4 weeks and pushed myself to do that and used my adaptive cruise control and made my PT appointments during the non-busy driving time. I started with a cane the 3-4 week and used it until I felt steady without it. Even at 5 months I'd use it if I was doing lots of walking or we were out doing things. Take lots of breaks. You've got this and will be active before you know it.


Thank you. These suggestions are great!


Well use the time to focus on your rehab exercises. This should have been given to you at discharge. It's so very important to do these as instructed, usually 3x day.

As for ways to distract yourself, try audio books. I use but there are many.

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