TKR pain when standing, what helps?

Posted by figy @figy, Sep 13, 2024

It’s been 61/2 months since I had a tkr, every time I’m in a laying position or sitting as soon I get out of bed or stand up I’m in excruciating pain. Told my doctor took X-rays and everything is in place. Gave me lyric and meloxicam no relieve at all. Has anyone gone through this? I need feed hack please

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I had tkr over five years ago. I am experiencing pain, tightness, and sometimes, burning. My doctor did an X-Ray and MRI. He says everything is as it should be and the replacement, “Fits like a glove.” I exercise and ice my knee to no avail. I would love to find something that gives me relief!


I asked my doctor to sent me to get MRI and I was they cannot do an MRI in a TKR 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had tkr over five years ago. I am experiencing pain, tightness, and sometimes, burning. My doctor did an X-Ray and MRI. He says everything is as it should be and the replacement, “Fits like a glove.” I exercise and ice my knee to no avail. I would love to find something that gives me relief!

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Sounds like the doc didn't offer any help on what comes next to alleviate pain. You will have to be your own best advocate. Another appt to sit down with doc and get plan for discovering source then developing treatment plan or second opinion


I asked my doctor to sent me to get MRI and I was they cannot do an MRI in a TKR 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I had an MRI with no restrictions after TKR. Get a second opinion if someone told you you couldn’t. Good luck.


I asked my doctor to sent me to get MRI and I was they cannot do an MRI in a TKR 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Yes, you can! I had a spinal fusion with titanium rods and pins and have had many MRI's after that! Whomever said this to you, was wrong!


I asked my doctor to sent me to get MRI and I was they cannot do an MRI in a TKR 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I just had one. What in the world???

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