Posted by barbarakincaid @barbarakincaid, Jun 18 9:04pm

Hello, I just thought I would share my story December 2022 I fell, fractured my leg in five places to 2 in my knee 2 in my ankle and bone fragments on the inside Of my ankle. ER doctor consulted with surgeon and decided not to do surgery. The next day I was put into a cast from my foot to my thigh. I was in a cast until March very restrictive only could get around in a wheelchair. Had a doctors appointment during the time that I was in a cast they x-rayed it really didn’t say anything. March 2023 the cast was removed x-ray was done. PA stated that my tibia bone had an induction or shadow ordered a bone stimulator. I had the bone stimulator for three months till July I spoke with the PA that during physical therapy my leg and my knee was only bending at 90%. I still had lot of pain during physical therapy. Because I continue to complain about my pain in my knee, and in my leg, a CT scan was ordered in August. The report came back, saying that I had a chronic fracture of my tibia, nonunion and fragments. I was very upset. I called the orthopedic department, left a message and was never contacted about that report. I ended up going to another surgeon. He’s stated that he would fix the tibia bone put a support Post and replace my knee at the same time. I am seven months since my knee replacement. I did have the manipulation 11 weeks after my knee replacement, but with no success. I have terrible stiffness, pain, swelling, not able to bend it only at 70% now during physical therapy. I have been told now by the surgeon that there’s Is so much scar tissue that I would just probably have to live with it as it is. There is a slight chance of doing laparoscopically and may be trying to eliminate some of the scar tissue. I am very concerned with this procedure. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

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My first tkr was to big that is why I was only able to get to 65-75 after getting second opinion after dr said was my fault I could get no further in my recovery…. New dr after looking at original dr x-ray said new knee was two sizes to big that is why I can’t gain flexion…. Schedule surgery for year after first surgery… I woke up no pain which first time was tremendous pain… was walking doing stairs within hour after waking up ….. my flexion is now 105 but works for me before was 65-75 ….so don’t give up maybe myofascial release will help I started this after my first bad surgery…. It helped so much after the good surgery … I also did Graston both help with scar tissue… good luck don’t give up

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