Time frame for pathology report post RP

Posted by jwoy @jwoy, Jul 9, 2023

What is the average time it takes to get the pathology report after the RP surgery? My husband had surgery on June 23rd, late in day on a Friday. We are still waiting, I realize there was a holiday, but seems we should be getting something. Thanks.

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My path report is dated 5 days after surgery.


Mine took a little over a week. The holiday may have delayed the results. I know it's nerve wracking waiting. Is your husband's post surgery followup meeting soon? Report could be done but it may have not been posted to patient portal yet. I've had normal PSA test results post RALP not be loaded on the portal page before. No reason for it.


That deserves a call to surgeon's office. It's possible they sent out the slides for another opinion, but this seems too long a wait to hear something regardless.


Thank you, everyone. We recieved the call from our surgeon this morning. And, the news was overwhelmingly positive. Was worth the wait!


I got mine 11 days after surgery. Same time a catheter removed.


I received a phone call after 4 or 5 days. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear what I wanted to hear.


Thank you, everyone. We recieved the call from our surgeon this morning. And, the news was overwhelmingly positive. Was worth the wait!

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That's great. Congratulations.


I received a phone call after 4 or 5 days. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear what I wanted to hear.

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Sorry that your path report was disappointing.
Similar here: My path report regraded my PCa upward to Gleason 9 and reported extraprostetic extension (EPE) outside the prostate.
Surgical boundaries, lymph nodes and seminal vesicles reported clean.
The result for me was BCR at my 1st 90 day postop PSA of 0.19.
Completed salvage radiation and short term ADT 4 weeks ago. Now awaiting next PSA test in November.
Feel pretty well and side effects of tx waning.
Have good thoughts about the future.
Best to you for a good and successful treatment path going forward.
"After mountains; still mountains, mountains".

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