Anyone else had thyroid tissue regrowth after a total thyroidectomy?
Hi All. In 2004 I had a total thyroidectomy for nodules that were suddenly growing quite rapidly (non-cancerous). Two years ago I was diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor in my terminal ileum which was surgically removed. In the last month, they found two stable tumors in my liver but the CT scan and subsequent PET scan also showed what appears to be thyroid tissue (3+ cm long) in the left thyroid bed. My doctors showed skepticism that I had a total thyroidectomy but I have records to prove it. Has anyone else had thyroid tissue regrowth after a total thyroidectomy? I have a biopsy scheduled in two days. Thanks.
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Thank you for your response. That’s so interesting that your Doc said meds suppress gland growth. That kind of makes sense in my case.
I had partial removed in May 1988 never took medication. Than in May 2006 they found another lump on my thyroid went in to remove the rest of the gland and discovered the other half was growing back. Doc said meds suppress gland growth and that it is one of many that grows back. Also each surgery involved taking gland out to test for cancer (found none). Fyi 50 % of autopsies show non cancerous lumps on thyroid glands of all ages. Can you say pharma scam🤪
I have had another sono, it showed negative for anything. With thyroid tissues except residual.
However I am now having scans of my entire spine, marrow, everything with and without contrast. Pet didn't show anything on the spine but still looking for what is causing the rest.
Bone tissue has many lesions. I pray you all have great results. I'm sure mine will be ok.
Im not sure I'll be back soon to respond.
God bless all of you and the doctors hands you are in.
Such a helpful post, @shelleyd84. I'm sure @avawein appreciated it.
I'm sorry to hear that the nuclear uptake scan show that they thyroid cancer may have returned. Did you find out in the meantime what treatment options are available to you?
I had a total thyroid removel in April 2020.
I was on carbimazole but after removed went into thyroxine. 6 months after my bloods showed I was in ti much medication so I was lowered still had the same symptoms of hyperthyroidism and had my bloods repeated and taking off thyroxine.
I am hyperthyroid again jow had a nuclear medicine for the uptake scan this morning and sit shows my thyroid is back again. Unfortunately I also have Graves’ disease watery eyes constantly put lucky not bulging eyes. I am also hoping for a 2nd surgery now.
Hope u all got urs sorted
@lilyann sending prayers your way.
I just had the ultrasound yesterday. Lung issues took priority. I will update when I hear from the docs. Pray you're doing well.
i have not read anything about thyroids growing back. i guess that is why you have to dig really deep and really to people on these forums. thank to all who post. so much more believable than what is written, they make it sound one two three, so now, its really not that simple. the other question is, if they open you up and the air hits the cancer and spreads more? so many questions and not enough answers. thanks everyone. yes, i do sound crazy, just got the results however, not surprised as to what i have read and it all falls in line. lilyann
i just now found out about my neck and soft tissue ultrasound. malignant neoplasm of the thyroid gland (hc). so my next visit will be with the surgeon on january 3, 2023 thanks for listening. lilyann
hi everyone, i have just learned that my brother had his thyroid grow back, had it taken out approximately when he was 50, so he had 2 thyroid surgeries. no one really remembers, he is no longer with us, had a stroke at 52, was wondering if that thyroid surgery had anything to do with his thyroid surgeries. thank you for listening. lilyann