Thyroid disease and seizures disorder

Posted by mjcbsn @mjcbsn, Nov 21, 2023

I had a TBI in my 20’s and had a craniotomy to remove a blood clot . I had seizures for a couple years after then they stopped. In 2018 I was diagnosed with thyroid autoimmune diseases and the seizures came back .in may of I a seizure and was hospitalized with swelling in my hippocampus. My thyroid antibodies were high . My drs. See no connection. HELP

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high TPO alone can cause seizures. Low thyroid hormone can cause seizures.
Your drs may understand of another cause of your seizures and may be correct that there is no connection.
You have made a connection. Do you have an endocrinologist or rheumatologist. Is your THS normal.
I'm not recommending this site, except to suggest that you read it.,can%20accompany%20this%20critical%20state.


My TPO was 57.1 and thyroid hormones are on the lower end of “normal “ range .


mjcbsn, your TPO is low abnormal. HE thyroiditis may be a wild run in the wrong direction. I would want to know because there are monoclonal antibodies that could resolve the seizures.
My TPO is 380 and I have no other symptoms of Hashimoto's. Again this site comes only with the suggestion that you might read it.
You may have to do your own investigations.


mjcbsn, your TPO is low abnormal. HE thyroiditis may be a wild run in the wrong direction. I would want to know because there are monoclonal antibodies that could resolve the seizures.
My TPO is 380 and I have no other symptoms of Hashimoto's. Again this site comes only with the suggestion that you might read it.
You may have to do your own investigations.

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I have read the articles months ago . I wasn’t diagnosed with Hashimoto’s I was diagnosed with Graves without having a full thyroid panel done . My thyroid antibodies were not tested until my stay in the hospital with swelling in my hippocampus . I was told my Graves is in remission and then told I may have Graves and Hashimoto’s. I have a goiter with 4 nodules. And am having a second biopsy on one of the nodules that is suspicious.

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