Thymus questions

Posted by dinahk @dinahk, Mar 3, 2022

Thanks for your help. 1) What size is an elderly lady’s thymus supposed to measure? Mine is apparently prominent. 2) what is the special Mri for thymus? How is it different from a regular mri? It’s been ordered for me. Thank you.

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Thank you. The double mastectomy was in 2015. My mri is on Tuesday and I guess is more sophisticated than the regular ones I’ve had. Somehow even though I’m a calm person this worry about recurrence or a new cancer is always there in the back of my mind. I also had extensive neck radiation after a giant cell tumor removal 66 years ago when I was 5. Maybe even after all these years it’s playing a factor. We’ll see. Feeling a bit anxious. Thank you for your help and information.

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@dinahk you’ve been through some stuff. Anxiety is understandable, but usually just makes things worse. My hope and prayer for you is for peace and calm that you are in good hands medically. As a Christian person of faith, I encourage you to also put this in God’s hands.



It is good that your MRI is scheduled on Tuesday, it will be good to have that behind you so that you will have the information you need to move forward. Uncertainty is always stressful.

Since you had neck radiation at such an early age, I'm wondering if you have any neck symptoms now?

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I have some thyroid nodules that were biopsied as Suv. Bethesda III. But I also have hypothyroid and hasimotos. We are keeping an eye on these. No idea if this could be connected to the
Thymus issue. As a 5 year old I had a giant cell tumor removed from my neck and a lot of radiation afterwards. Thank you.


Thank you @dinahk I have found some information resources and support groups through Mayo Clinic Connect. I shared them with my daughter.

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Take care. And ask for help. Write down all your questions so you’ll know as much as possible. Wishing you both the best. I’m glad Mayo support group will help

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