Thymus questions

Posted by dinahk @dinahk, Mar 3, 2022

Thanks for your help. 1) What size is an elderly lady’s thymus supposed to measure? Mine is apparently prominent. 2) what is the special Mri for thymus? How is it different from a regular mri? It’s been ordered for me. Thank you.

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Hi @dinahk, welcome.
The thymus is a small, irregular-shaped gland in the top part of the chest, just under the breastbone and between the lungs. It is located in an area of the body called the mediastinum. The thymus is part of both the lymphatic system and the endocrine system. For this reason, I moved your question to the Endocrine System group here:

The thymus appears in a variety of shapes and sizes, even in the same person. It gradually involutes (rolls in) with age and may acutely shrink during periods of bodily stress. There isn't a standard "normal" size.

It sounds like there may have been unexpected changes in your thymus that your doctor would like to investigate. Do you know what they suspect?


Hi @dinahk, welcome.
The thymus is a small, irregular-shaped gland in the top part of the chest, just under the breastbone and between the lungs. It is located in an area of the body called the mediastinum. The thymus is part of both the lymphatic system and the endocrine system. For this reason, I moved your question to the Endocrine System group here:

The thymus appears in a variety of shapes and sizes, even in the same person. It gradually involutes (rolls in) with age and may acutely shrink during periods of bodily stress. There isn't a standard "normal" size.

It sounds like there may have been unexpected changes in your thymus that your doctor would like to investigate. Do you know what they suspect?

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Thank you. Because of my breast cancer on seeing the prominence in the cat scan the radiologist recommended a special mri to rule out malignancy or metastasis. I guess to rule out thymus cancer or thy moma. Thanks for transferring this to endocrine. I really know nothing about it and want to know. Much appreciated.


Hello @dinahk,

I would like to join Colleen, @colleenyoung, in welcoming you to Mayo Clinic Connect. I can understand that you are interested in learning more about the thymus and an upcoming MRI. Has your MRI been scheduled yet?

Whenever there is a history of cancer it is always worrisome to start looking at something else. I understand that completely. How long ago was your breast cancer treatment?


I appreciate learning about this also. My daughter was diagnosed with HERZ2 positive breast cancer a month ago. She has had biopsies, MRI & brain scan, CAT scan & a PET scan. These diagnostics revealed a cancer spread that includes right breast & lymph nodes, liver, lymph nodes near the pancreas, her spine and possibly her lungs. (She has had COVID twice; so the spots on her lungs could be that.) She has been called Stage 4 and had her first chemo treatment yesterday.


Hello @dinahk,

I would like to join Colleen, @colleenyoung, in welcoming you to Mayo Clinic Connect. I can understand that you are interested in learning more about the thymus and an upcoming MRI. Has your MRI been scheduled yet?

Whenever there is a history of cancer it is always worrisome to start looking at something else. I understand that completely. How long ago was your breast cancer treatment?

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Thank you. The double mastectomy was in 2015. My mri is on Tuesday and I guess is more sophisticated than the regular ones I’ve had. Somehow even though I’m a calm person this worry about recurrence or a new cancer is always there in the back of my mind. I also had extensive neck radiation after a giant cell tumor removal 66 years ago when I was 5. Maybe even after all these years it’s playing a factor. We’ll see. Feeling a bit anxious. Thank you for your help and information.


I appreciate learning about this also. My daughter was diagnosed with HERZ2 positive breast cancer a month ago. She has had biopsies, MRI & brain scan, CAT scan & a PET scan. These diagnostics revealed a cancer spread that includes right breast & lymph nodes, liver, lymph nodes near the pancreas, her spine and possibly her lungs. (She has had COVID twice; so the spots on her lungs could be that.) She has been called Stage 4 and had her first chemo treatment yesterday.

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I’m wishing the best for you and your daughter. It’s a rough road. I hope you both have people to talk with. My support breast cancer group at Gildas has been very helpful. Take care.


I appreciate learning about this also. My daughter was diagnosed with HERZ2 positive breast cancer a month ago. She has had biopsies, MRI & brain scan, CAT scan & a PET scan. These diagnostics revealed a cancer spread that includes right breast & lymph nodes, liver, lymph nodes near the pancreas, her spine and possibly her lungs. (She has had COVID twice; so the spots on her lungs could be that.) She has been called Stage 4 and had her first chemo treatment yesterday.

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Hello @cehunt57

I appreciate you sharing about your daughter's upcoming cancer treatment. It must be difficult for you to see her facing these health issues. On Connect we have discussion groups that deal specifically with breast cancer. I think you might find them helpful. Here is the link to those discussions,

In these discussion groups you will find many others who are dealing with breast cancer and follow up treatments. I would like to invite @trixie1313, @roch and @auntieoakley to this discussion. As they have all had experience with breast cancer.

What are your most pressing questions or concerns about your daughter's diagnosis at this time?


Thank you. The double mastectomy was in 2015. My mri is on Tuesday and I guess is more sophisticated than the regular ones I’ve had. Somehow even though I’m a calm person this worry about recurrence or a new cancer is always there in the back of my mind. I also had extensive neck radiation after a giant cell tumor removal 66 years ago when I was 5. Maybe even after all these years it’s playing a factor. We’ll see. Feeling a bit anxious. Thank you for your help and information.

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It is good that your MRI is scheduled on Tuesday, it will be good to have that behind you so that you will have the information you need to move forward. Uncertainty is always stressful.

Since you had neck radiation at such an early age, I'm wondering if you have any neck symptoms now?


Hello @cehunt57

I appreciate you sharing about your daughter's upcoming cancer treatment. It must be difficult for you to see her facing these health issues. On Connect we have discussion groups that deal specifically with breast cancer. I think you might find them helpful. Here is the link to those discussions,

In these discussion groups you will find many others who are dealing with breast cancer and follow up treatments. I would like to invite @trixie1313, @roch and @auntieoakley to this discussion. As they have all had experience with breast cancer.

What are your most pressing questions or concerns about your daughter's diagnosis at this time?

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Theresa thank you for your response. I have found some of the links you mentioned and others (information, support groups etc.) to share with my daughter. My greatest concern is that upon initial diagnosis she was encouraged and told that she she was Stage 3, treatment and Hope available unlike Stage 4 when there would be nothing that could be done but keep her comfortable. When further diagnostics moved her to Stage 4, I was terrified. It has since been clarified that Stage 4 means this is incurable (it will eventually win) but there is treatment (chemo) to try to hopefully kill whatever is there now and hopefully stop the spread to still more areas (remission). It will be a lifelong (however long that is) to “keep it at bay”.
I am a Christian and person of faith. My daughter belongs to God and He loves her more than I do. I don’t know why He is allowing this (book of Job). He has His plans and reasons (Jeremiah 29:11). It will all turn out for good (Romans 8:28).


I’m wishing the best for you and your daughter. It’s a rough road. I hope you both have people to talk with. My support breast cancer group at Gildas has been very helpful. Take care.

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Thank you @dinahk I have found some information resources and support groups through Mayo Clinic Connect. I shared them with my daughter.

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