This stretch helped relieve my brachioradial pruritus

Posted by restisaweapon @restisaweapon, Jun 19 10:05am

In 2019 I accidentally discovered a relief to my brachioradial pruritus condition. Since that time I have created a simple exercise, a stretch really, that has completely stopped my itching. I have to do it daily for about 2 minutes and it keeps the itching away ever since. And if I happen to feel any itching coming on I immediately use the stretch to make it go away.

The accidental discovery happened when I was using an inversion table for traction. I have occasional sciatica from a lumbar disc issue decades ago. When I get some foot pain caused by the sciatica I use the table for some traction relief. Coincidentally I was also suffering with a bout of forearm itching when I got on the table. When I finished the 15 minute session. The foot pain was almost gone but so was the arm itching. I realized they were similar issues and within a couple of days developed a simple neck traction exercise. So I added it to a daily morning stretching routine and the itching has stayed away ever since. If I occasionally feel itching coming the traction exercise takes my itching away in minutes.

The exercise is simple: While standing, I take my shoulders and roll them back and hold them down. Then I lift my head off the shoulders using my neck muscles. I hold that position and count to 30 slowly. Then I do my usual stretch of touching my toes for the same 30 seconds. I return to my first stretch of shoulders back and down while lifting my head off my shoulders and holding for 30 more seconds. I repeat this series 3 times.
Since starting this stretch a couple of years ago I've increase my stretch times to 60 seconds from 30 seconds.

This stretch has helped me but I sure there are levels of the brachioradial pruritus condition. I hope this helps some of you. Try it and let me know.
2 photos show my regular posture and then position for stretch (shoulders rolled back and down with head lifted)

What things do you do to relieve the symptoms of brachioradial pruritus, like itching, tingling or pain?

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