Temporomandibular Joint Disorder/TMJ Restoration Surgery

Posted by Bobbi Dawn Semore @mizbbd, Apr 16, 2024

Has anyone had restoration surgery of their jaw, caused by TMD/temporomandibular joint disorder A.K.A. TMJ disorder? If so, would you please share your experience?
I’ve been given the option, and my impulsivity trait wants to scream YES. After 30 plus years of suffering; limited movement and pain everyday, I still want to weigh out my ALL my options. TIA

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bones, Joints & Muscles Support Group.

Hello @mizbbd, I'd like to invite @heinsztandm who talked about having TMJ surgery to share their experience and recovery. I'd also like to invite @dsjohnston53, @lbean and @stephdoug123 who also expressed interest in learning more about surgery and others' outcomes.

@mizbbd, it is good to weigh your options, especially when considering surgery. What other sort of treatments or therapies have you tried that have not given you the relief that you were hoping for. Have other alternatives been presented to you by your provider?


Hello @mizbbd, I'd like to invite @heinsztandm who talked about having TMJ surgery to share their experience and recovery. I'd also like to invite @dsjohnston53, @lbean and @stephdoug123 who also expressed interest in learning more about surgery and others' outcomes.

@mizbbd, it is good to weigh your options, especially when considering surgery. What other sort of treatments or therapies have you tried that have not given you the relief that you were hoping for. Have other alternatives been presented to you by your provider?

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Oh yes, other treatments; mouth guards. And that’s all she wrote folks! LOL! They suggested surgery when I was a child and my guardian never followed through and as an adult, I had forgotten about it, and then the pain began.
I appreciate you for replying and mentioning others who can join on this discussion.


I had it done twice, after the first procedure didn’t help, and I would do it again!
It was no decision for me, as I couldn’t open my mouth enough to eat. I was 55 at the time, but had symptoms for 30 years. Very quick and simple, with no down time.
Relief is in your future.


Hi Bobbi -- So sorry you're experiencing this health prob. Can imagine the challenge / suffering of dealing with daily pain.

This may or may not be helpful but I'll put it out there for whatever it may be worth:

A co-worker of mine had TMJ surgery on his left side about 15 years ago. From memory, they went into his skull in the area behind the ear, found the segment of nerve they thought was being impinged, freed it, and placed some type of protective wrap around it... this is all my simplification of what he shared. The procedure seemed to correct the pain for a month or so, but then it came back.

The procedure was done by a "reputable" surgeon in the Philadelphia area... per my co-worker's sister, who was an RN and assisted her brother with this medical issue. The Philly region was / is known for having excellent practitioners and medical facilities... but as noted, the surgery was done a LONG, LONG time ago.

Can't comment on how much research / progress / technology has improved over all these years.

Wish you the best. Please keep us all posted on the course you choose, and how things go. Thank you.



Hi Bobbi -- So sorry you're experiencing this health prob. Can imagine the challenge / suffering of dealing with daily pain.

This may or may not be helpful but I'll put it out there for whatever it may be worth:

A co-worker of mine had TMJ surgery on his left side about 15 years ago. From memory, they went into his skull in the area behind the ear, found the segment of nerve they thought was being impinged, freed it, and placed some type of protective wrap around it... this is all my simplification of what he shared. The procedure seemed to correct the pain for a month or so, but then it came back.

The procedure was done by a "reputable" surgeon in the Philadelphia area... per my co-worker's sister, who was an RN and assisted her brother with this medical issue. The Philly region was / is known for having excellent practitioners and medical facilities... but as noted, the surgery was done a LONG, LONG time ago.

Can't comment on how much research / progress / technology has improved over all these years.

Wish you the best. Please keep us all posted on the course you choose, and how things go. Thank you.


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Thank you so much. I’m choosing to be all in for surgery. My posture has been affected; hunchback (beginning stages), tilt head to left side, right shoulder feels as if slips out of socket) and constant pain. No! No! I don’t, I can’t live like this anymore. Yikes!
I appreciate your feedback. Medical advancement is astonishing and I’m hopeful. I will definitely keep you posted.


I had it done twice, after the first procedure didn’t help, and I would do it again!
It was no decision for me, as I couldn’t open my mouth enough to eat. I was 55 at the time, but had symptoms for 30 years. Very quick and simple, with no down time.
Relief is in your future.

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Oh, yes! Thank you! Thank you! I’m truly grateful.


You should check out to see if there's any TMJ specialties in your area I have it and a lot of times they do say it is cosmetic. I just found out I went to the TMJ specialist at news today I have no joints in my jaw. No I got to have the option now I'm choosing between to do more treatments or if I want to go through with surgery so I'm kind of in the same boat as you. My jaw locks up and it gets pain and bad headaches but I have no joints I hope you do good with your surgery or find a good option. 🙏🙏🥱


Looking for anyone who has had tmj treatment at Mayo. Thanks.


Looking for anyone who has had tmj treatment at Mayo. Thanks.

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Hello @hanzo, welcome to Connect. There are several discussions on TMD or TMJ. Not too sure about pin pointing treatment at Mayo specifically, but the following conversation speaks pretty recently of restoration surgery:
- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/temporomandibular-joint-disordertmj/

Perhaps if you scroll through, you may find helpful info and insight in this thread:

TMJ Questions -
You can apply to be see at Mayo through this link:
I've had bouts of TMJ and learned management tools through Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center where they treat TMJ among other chronic pains. Do you suffer with TMJ symptoms presently? If so, what treatments have you tried?


Looking for anyone who has had tmj treatment at Mayo. Thanks.

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Hello and thanks for responding.
Have tried almost everything but surgery for jaw pain, headaches, ear fullness, all the usual. Mouthguard w multiple adjustments , massage, acupuncture,mindfulness training, meditation, yoga, exercise. Have not tried pt. Have lg overbite and bite shift. No MRI yet to see disk and tissues. That is what i am pursuing now and trying to get covered by medicare.
The topic of surgery keeps surfacing but have read 90% negative experiences on these sites...
Would appreciate any thoughts or successes. Thanks.

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