TBI-induced executive function hinderance & dysarthria
At age 21, I was involved in a death-defying car accident. My physical body cracked and was taken to its limit, but the body can heal. It may not be the same as it was prior to the accident, but I can adapt, fortify myself from complete atrophy, and thrive; the mind though, is at a whole other level. You learn to accept your scars as reminders of your struggle and adopt them as battle scars, but the years of torment and anguish dealing with the aftermath gets to me from time to time. I learn to smile and laugh through my pain, but there comes a time when you need to be real with yourself and prioritize health. I've been bad at that though. I didn't give myself adequate recovery time. as soon as I was able to, I was tainted by the "hustle culture." now, I feel like I've plateaued, and the only way I can continue my course to neuromuscular recovery is with the introduction of Human Growth Hormone with TRT. From what I understand, testosterone is lost from brain injuries, which limits things in the absence of HGH...
I've taken an assertive action to educate myself in the pursuit of O.T. I'm halfway through my mission, but I am crossing uncharted territory. with a dysarthric voice, it's hard to find a companion that will walk with me through this endeavor.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group.
@manuelmaldonado, welcome. It sounds like you are working hard on your recovery on several aspects of improvement:
- neuromuscular recovery, which you hope to help with human growth hormone supplements
- executive function working with the plasticity of the brain
- dysarthria, difficulty speaking caused by brain damage
I've added your discussion to the Brain & Nervous System group too. It's where most of the TBI-ers hang out. Members like @bluesplashgirl @lakelifelady @stevegrinstead @dawnpereda @nannybrister @rosexxxx and others will be familiar with that feeling of hitting a recovery plateau and can share their experiences and encouragement.
Members like @judigirl1 @chorba @dkeg @remybelle have experience with dysarthria too.
Manuel, is the dysarthric voice a more recent development? Have you consulted with a speech pathologist?
thank you @colleenyoung, I appreciate the support. I've been dealing with my dysarthric voice, and other physical health problems for the past 10 years. I've consulted with SLPs both in California and Arizona. my issue is not somatic as it is neurological. that's why I assume steroidal drugs might offset some issues.
Hi, @manuelmaldonado - I am wondering how recovery is going in all the areas you mentioned you were working on following your death-defying accident. How is the dysarthric voice you mentioned?