Sudden drop of BMD while on Prolia.

Posted by connectalant @connectalant, Aug 24, 2023

Diagnosed with osteoporosis 20 years ago. I have been Prolia for 7 years. Latest DexaScan showed 11% decrease in hip BMD. Blood tests ruled out parathyroid adenoma. Have others had a similar experience/

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I took Porlia two years ago wish I didn't. I only had two injections and I lost some of my jaw bone it started like a bluster on my gums and got worst my jaw bone had gotten so soft that it would come through my gums and they were deterateing I was so scared I was crying a lot I thought I was going to lose my whole jaw Finally I went to a specialist he had to cut and scrape the dead bone out and it left a big hole but thank God it did heal most of the way I haven't had any more problems I forgot to say that my jaw bone lose does not show on the outside of my face I thank God for protecting me from that I can't give him enough praise for what he has done for me. So I advise anyone never to try Prolia that medication should be taken off the market I hope I have helped anyone who read this.


@connectalant be careful getting off Prolia. You might want to read McCormick's book "Great Bones" on this. If you do Reclast too early it won't work, and if you do it too late you might lose more bone density, according to him. He suggests using blood tests to determine best timing.


Are you saying your DEXA score dropped 11% over 7 years of using Prolia? If so, is that what you are referring to as 'sudden?'

After only 2 doses of Prolia, my score increased by 18.5% and into osteopenia territory. I was able to go off Prolia and quite happy to do so even though I had no side effects.

It is a big deal to go off Prolia....please review the previous postings on MayoConnect.


@connectalant be careful getting off Prolia. You might want to read McCormick's book "Great Bones" on this. If you do Reclast too early it won't work, and if you do it too late you might lose more bone density, according to him. He suggests using blood tests to determine best timing.

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What type of blood tests did he suggest?


Are you saying your DEXA score dropped 11% over 7 years of using Prolia? If so, is that what you are referring to as 'sudden?'

After only 2 doses of Prolia, my score increased by 18.5% and into osteopenia territory. I was able to go off Prolia and quite happy to do so even though I had no side effects.

It is a big deal to go off Prolia....please review the previous postings on MayoConnect.

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Thankyou for your response.

Unfortunately the drop was since my last DexaScan in July 2021. So the decrease started sometime in the last two years.

Have be unable to find similar occurrences in blogs or medical oriented websites. Hip T-score went from -1.4 to -2.0.

I did not go off Prolia, but it looks like Prolia went off me.


I took Porlia two years ago wish I didn't. I only had two injections and I lost some of my jaw bone it started like a bluster on my gums and got worst my jaw bone had gotten so soft that it would come through my gums and they were deterateing I was so scared I was crying a lot I thought I was going to lose my whole jaw Finally I went to a specialist he had to cut and scrape the dead bone out and it left a big hole but thank God it did heal most of the way I haven't had any more problems I forgot to say that my jaw bone lose does not show on the outside of my face I thank God for protecting me from that I can't give him enough praise for what he has done for me. So I advise anyone never to try Prolia that medication should be taken off the market I hope I have helped anyone who read this.

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Thank you for your response. I require dental work on a somewhat regular basis. My concerns vary between the risk of fracture and osteonecrosis.

I wish you the best.


What type of blood tests did he suggest?

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@connectalant CTX especially, and P1NP.


Thankyou for your response.

Unfortunately the drop was since my last DexaScan in July 2021. So the decrease started sometime in the last two years.

Have be unable to find similar occurrences in blogs or medical oriented websites. Hip T-score went from -1.4 to -2.0.

I did not go off Prolia, but it looks like Prolia went off me.

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I have not seen anyone taking Prolia with DEXA scores that are in osteopenia territory. Are you taking it due to lumbar osteroporosis?

Note my previous posting mistake. My scan score improved by 18.5% after two Prolia injections. Sorry for the confusion. I was focused on the 'suddenness' of the change.


Thank you.

Prolia helped until it didn't. Trying to find out why.

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