Strong odor comes through the nose.

Posted by sanitygirl @sanitygirl, May 10, 2022

I read other discussions on this topic, so I can relate. It’s debilitating! I’ve been struggling with this since I was young with some sort of odor that I wasn’t aware of. It started in high school. People would say little things under their breath, then act like they didn’t say anything. I also sweated a lot. without cause. I went to four ents, dentist, multiple doctors. I complained about a strong odor like blood in my nose. Nothing was found, but one Ent said I had a deviated septum, so I had surgery. I had no other complaints besides the nasal odor. I don’t believe I needed that surgery. I had my tonsils out because I had stinky tonsil stones. That didn’t make my situation better either. But It did help stop the stinky whitish balls from forming. All my blood tests were always normal. I had the barium swallow, ct scans, etc. Then I was told I have rhinitis, but none of the nasal sprays helped. Then I noticed when I would lick my lips, I smelled fart. I thought it was my lip gloss, so I scrubbed it off, but the odor was from my tongue. I took breaks from the doctors, because I was just so depressed. I would only go for my yearly check ups. Fast forward. I go to a GI doctor, because through research I read it could be SIBO, or h pylori. The doctor gave me the SIBO test, and it was positive. I was put on antibiotics which didn’t help. I took another break from the doctors. Went back to the GI doctor and asked to be tested for h. Pylori, it came back positive. After two rounds of antibiotics, I still tested positive for h pylori. It seems h. Pylori might be the cause of SIBO, they seem to go hand in hand. The odor coming from my nose seems to make people cough or give them a runny nose. Any solutions?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Digestive Health Support Group.

Well, as it pertains to my situation, I've not been to a GI specialist, just to GP's that, on every occasion , would prescribe me antibiotics for sinusitis but were ineffective at dealing with the source of all my troubles . Now it's approaching 2 decades that ive been forced to struggle with this foul sulfurous odor that fills an entire room, an entire household for that matter. Probably is gut related and I should of gotten diagnosed by GI specialist when I was still insured, however I didn't know what it was and I was humiliated whenever I left the house. But now I don't have anything and it's more anger inducing than ever.


It sounds like you have either SIBO or H.plylori, or both. I can relate, I have both. I seem to make people cough or make their nose run. I think some foods make it worse, like dairy and processed foods. I can feel a sensation in my nose when It’s really bad. Good luck to you. I know how you feel. I’ve become a loner; I’ve lost who I am. I just ordered mastic gum on Amazon. It’s supposed to be good for H.plylori, and other gut issues. I’m hoping for good results. I’ve been on two rounds of antibiotics, but it didn’t help. My doctor ordered a third round of antibiotics, but I really don’t want to take anymore. I pray you can find some resources in your community to help you get medications.


You seem to have tried too many regular medical approaches without success. Have you considered a naturopathic GI specialists? I'm a retired nurse and I know many people, including my wife, who have sought help for GI issues from these folks with great success. I hope you find some relief?


Well, as it pertains to my situation, I've not been to a GI specialist, just to GP's that, on every occasion , would prescribe me antibiotics for sinusitis but were ineffective at dealing with the source of all my troubles . Now it's approaching 2 decades that ive been forced to struggle with this foul sulfurous odor that fills an entire room, an entire household for that matter. Probably is gut related and I should of gotten diagnosed by GI specialist when I was still insured, however I didn't know what it was and I was humiliated whenever I left the house. But now I don't have anything and it's more anger inducing than ever.

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Hi. Unfortunately, I've realized my body doesn't tolerate supplements well. I knew after taking one, it was a waste of money. I might be able to tolerate a liquid form, but I'm not sure it's available in liquid form. In regard to your previous question, I'm not a part of any groups. I was a part of a Facebook group in the past, but eventually I left. I thought being a part of a group where people could relate to what I was going through was good, but eventually it got very depressing to hear what people were going through day in and day out at their jobs, and withs friends and family. One person even committed suicide. There's a lady named Maria Torres who is part of a research group which raises funds to test for Tmau, and to find a cure. So far, I don't think any solutions have been found. Some people can control their issues with diet, others can't. In the past I was able to control things by eating only chicken, specific vegetables, and water only; sadly, I love food, so I suffer. For some reason I wasn't able to message you privately.


Hi. Unfortunately, I've realized my body doesn't tolerate supplements well. I knew after taking one, it was a waste of money. I might be able to tolerate a liquid form, but I'm not sure it's available in liquid form. In regard to your previous question, I'm not a part of any groups. I was a part of a Facebook group in the past, but eventually I left. I thought being a part of a group where people could relate to what I was going through was good, but eventually it got very depressing to hear what people were going through day in and day out at their jobs, and withs friends and family. One person even committed suicide. There's a lady named Maria Torres who is part of a research group which raises funds to test for Tmau, and to find a cure. So far, I don't think any solutions have been found. Some people can control their issues with diet, others can't. In the past I was able to control things by eating only chicken, specific vegetables, and water only; sadly, I love food, so I suffer. For some reason I wasn't able to message you privately.

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Feeling utterly defeated by this and the future seems bleak and misery filled. But at least I've got an online presence in lieu of actually being part of normal society. I love social media lol. And regarding your supplements, it's rather unfortunate that they didnt yield positive results. Good to get some updates from you, and whenever you feel inclined, be sure to make an account on that website Ive mentioned; its been very therapeutic for me, amd perhaps joining would be of some benefit to you also.


Feeling utterly defeated by this and the future seems bleak and misery filled. But at least I've got an online presence in lieu of actually being part of normal society. I love social media lol. And regarding your supplements, it's rather unfortunate that they didnt yield positive results. Good to get some updates from you, and whenever you feel inclined, be sure to make an account on that website Ive mentioned; its been very therapeutic for me, amd perhaps joining would be of some benefit to you also.

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Hi. I've never heard of that site before, is it the site for therapy and counseling? It's so difficult for me, I feel like a nut sometimes because I can't overcome this. I have a family reunion coming up this weekend, which I'm not attending; there's family I've not seen in over a decade, and it's too difficult to explain one would truly understand.


Yes that particular site is specifically designed for those purposes. And believe it when I say that im well aware of the frustration and demoralizing effect of having an ailment that is out of your control. An absolute inhibitor of all ambitions and everything I would've achieved, it just gets me questioning what's the point of continuing this.


Feeling utterly defeated by this and the future seems bleak and misery filled. But at least I've got an online presence in lieu of actually being part of normal society. I love social media lol. And regarding your supplements, it's rather unfortunate that they didnt yield positive results. Good to get some updates from you, and whenever you feel inclined, be sure to make an account on that website Ive mentioned; its been very therapeutic for me, amd perhaps joining would be of some benefit to you also.

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@itsocd - which website are you talking about? Maria Torres? If so, please give the website address.


Hi Rashida, the website that ive referenced is known as 7 Cups. And I'm so sorry that you've been led to this topic, I presume you're dealing with similar issues that are being described on here and we are well aware of the pain.

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