Multiple Sclerosis: Staggering gait

Posted by louisianamother @louisianamother, Nov 27, 2023

Hi I'm new here. My adult son has abnormal staggering gait. He has had mri,ncv, emg, spinal tap and seen by 3 neurologist and 1 neurosurgeon. He has a lesion on his cerebellum. The final diagnosis that all neurologist said its multiple sclerosis. Any one else have the same problem. Thank-you

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@louisianamother Welcome to Connect. Right now you probably have more questions than answers regarding your son's diagnosis.

I encourage you connect with other members living with multiple sclerosis (MS) in this discussion:
– Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – please introduce yourself


I would like to add my welcome to Jennifer's. In addition to Jennifer's MS welcome thread, I'd like to share another discussion about being recently diagnosed with MS:
- Recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis

@louisianamother, am I understanding correctly that Multiple Sclerosis was a definitive diagnosis for your son? Did the neurologists attribute your son's stagger gait as a symptom of MS?


I was diagnosed with MS in spring of 2020. I am retired Army vet that spent a year around the burn pits in Iraq when they were most active. My 1st neurologist sent me to the 2nd who is a VA doc as well, to see if it can be service connected. I've had so many other issues with my neck, spine, knees and feet that I never really had any "signs and symptoms " I couldn't explain away, except for a few. That is my introduction. Now i seem to be getting constant headaches that seem like they are more frequent and unexplainable, in that they don't seem like stress/sinus/etc. Is this normal for MS? Should I bring it up to my doctor when I see him again?

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