Stage 4 MBC with bone mets — urinary incontinence now

Posted by catlady7 @catlady7, Nov 22, 2022

Hi! I’ve had BC three times — 1995, 2004 and 2020. This past September, I was diagnosed with bone metastasis to my pelvis, spine, ribs and skull. I’m taking letrozole and Ibrance.

Now to the point: I am having rather disgusting urinary incontinence. Ugh. Many times recently I’ve been unable to make it to toilet in time during the night. Just yesterday, I had an episode during mid-day as I was putting away groceries. 😩

How do some of you deal with this? I’m not talking about leakage. I’m talking about full-on whoosh without prior notice from my dear bladder.

Thank so much!

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So sorry you are dealing with this! Would Depends be possible? There are also thick pads that can absorb quite a bit but the whoosh is a problem! I wonder if you can empty your bladder very frequently, even while at the store, so the whoosh is lower volume....


Good morning. Have you mentioned the incontinence to your oncologist? Since you mentioned spinal/pelvic mets (which I have also) sometimes they can press on nerves that control the various bodily functions. They might be able to look into that. I know there are others who have small areas radiated to deal with the issue that might arise. Not sure if this is one but it is absolutely worth asking your oncologist about.


So sorry you are dealing with this! Would Depends be possible? There are also thick pads that can absorb quite a bit but the whoosh is a problem! I wonder if you can empty your bladder very frequently, even while at the store, so the whoosh is lower volume....

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Thanks so much for responding, @windyshores!

I tried using the thickest pads I could find, but when I “whoosh” they don’t help much. However, I still wear them when I go out, in hopes that I’ll have a moderate leak instead of the dreaded whoosh. ☺️


Good morning. Have you mentioned the incontinence to your oncologist? Since you mentioned spinal/pelvic mets (which I have also) sometimes they can press on nerves that control the various bodily functions. They might be able to look into that. I know there are others who have small areas radiated to deal with the issue that might arise. Not sure if this is one but it is absolutely worth asking your oncologist about.

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Good morning, Peggy!

I have an appointment with my oncologist on the 28th, and this issue is at the top of my list.

I, too have been wondering if my issue is nerve related. I don’t know how on earth the specific nerve can be isolated, but that’s up to my oncologist to figure out.

If there’s one treatment I don’t want, it’s radiation. I had it for six exhausting weeks back in 2005, and I swore to myself I’d never have it again. But hey, if it helps my current state of whooshiness, I’m all in!

Right now, I’m obsessive about voiding as well as the availability of bathrooms if I leave the house. Tomorrow, I’m going to a Native American Thanksgiving get together, and I checked to make sure bathrooms will be available. They will, of course. But I compulsively had to check. 😏

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! 😀


@catlady7 I bought this thing: it helps you "go" anywhere and can handle whooshing 🙂

@windyshores !!! Thank you!

Does it really work? This will be a miracle for me if it does, especially at night (well, in the morning.)

This morning wasn’t pleasant at all — and as soon as I opened my email your message was the first one I read.

Again, thank you.


@windyshores !!! Thank you!

Does it really work? This will be a miracle for me if it does, especially at night (well, in the morning.)

This morning wasn’t pleasant at all — and as soon as I opened my email your message was the first one I read.

Again, thank you.

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This is basically a funnel that folds into a purse. You take it with you outside of the house. Sorry, it won't help at night! I used it when going with a friend walking dogs, as an example. I need to go very often 🙂 The site says you can open both car doors and use it between the doors (for privacy). You have to unzip or pull down pants. I used it during COVID when I did not want to use public bathrooms. The product sold out online!


This is basically a funnel that folds into a purse. You take it with you outside of the house. Sorry, it won't help at night! I used it when going with a friend walking dogs, as an example. I need to go very often 🙂 The site says you can open both car doors and use it between the doors (for privacy). You have to unzip or pull down pants. I used it during COVID when I did not want to use public bathrooms. The product sold out online!

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I go often, too. This would help prevent the whoosh while I’m out and about, I’m sure.

Today, my sister and I are going to the Poarch Creek Indians’ Thanksgiving Pow Wow in lieu of a traditional Thanksgiving family dinner. I’m already worried about bathrooms, but I’ve been assured they will have plenty available. I always worry when I’m going to a place I’ve never been before. I also have interstitial cystitis — I’ve had it for decades.

It would have been great to have one of these all these years for back-up just in case!


Thanks so much for responding, @windyshores!

I tried using the thickest pads I could find, but when I “whoosh” they don’t help much. However, I still wear them when I go out, in hopes that I’ll have a moderate leak instead of the dreaded whoosh. ☺️

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@catlady7 Oh, how awful and inconvenient! I’m do glad that you have an appointment with your oncologist. Hopefully, they will be able to do something to fix it.
The same thing happened to me after i got his autoimmune disease that attacked my brain.
When i was looking for help, my doctor sent me for pelvic floor physical therapy. I’m sure the kegel exercises can really help, but I didn’t like the whole program.
Then i found these underpants! They are great! Ive been wearing them ever since AND watching how much I drink,
Will you see if they’ll work for you?

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