Spinal Cord Stimulation Trial

Posted by ch665296f @ch665296f, Aug 3, 2023

I am being scheduled for a spinal cord stimulation trial to treat my spinal stenosis and peripheral neuropathy. Has anyone experienced this form of treatment? It is a very long process to get scheduled. I am not a candidate for back surgery. It would be too extensive, and injection treatments would be ineffective.

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@ch665296f Yes! I have! Keep in mind that everyone is different, but in my case (I have both of what you have + extra layers) I felt 100% relief across the board of all my symptoms, which fluctuated around a while but settled at about 85%. I got the Boston Scientific WaveWriter Alpha model and I LOVE it!!! I wouldn't turn back from it, it's been such a game changer for me. But remember, you are you and I am me. Don't get discouraged if you don't receive the same results as me. Good luck to you, I'm rooting for ya!


Yes I have one. It helps me a great deal. It’s not a cure all but an adjunt therapy. It helps a lot along with whatever else helps you

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