So - the? is how much time should follow up by surgical office be?

Posted by cindiwass @cindiwass, Sep 28, 2022

My first visit to doctor's office after hip replacement surgery is scheduled for 20 minutes. I guess I won't waste words on things like the weather, etc. to be nice (which I never really do anyway). I'm having trouble w/my knee after the surgery and this is my first visit back to surgeon's OFFICE (not the doctor himself but his assistant) after the surgery. I can't say I'm doing too well, but I wonder -- is 20 minutes enough time for the assistant to detail what is happening? I guess it is -- but it seems like a short time, maybe I'm wrong however. If I were really going well and walking well, etc. I would probably think differently. But again -- it disturbs me a little that (1) the doctor won't see me, and (2) it's scheduled for 20 minutes. I'm having so much trouble with the knee after the hip surgery, I wonder if she will simply schedule another appointment for me.

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I'd certainly advise the doctor's office ahead of time about new or worsening symptoms, either via patient portal or by phone triage, and also, if you're doing PT, discuss with your physical therapist ahead of time. It's really typical for us all to throw our alignment/kinetic chain (ie, now your knee maladaptations are being challenged by changes in your gait after hip surgery) out of whack when we are injured or damaged, and then it can take a LOT of PT to get straightened out after surgery. Good luck!


20 that's good. I had a first-time telemed with a doctor and it lasted 9 minutes!


My first appt after knee replacement was 15 or 20 min. Can't remember which, also with the PA. Didn't see the Dr until my 3rd & final appt. I agree with nancyoinnc about the PT. & just giving Dr office a head's up on your problems. Good luck. Hopefully, it's all going to work out as the hip heals & you do PT.


Your physical therapist should be addressing these issues in my experience. My therapist taught me how to walk correctly! Yes after 65 years never realized I was walking incorrectly. In my experience your therapist is the one to talk with, they would be able to fix or if they thought it was related to surgery they would have you ask surgeon.
Best of luck sure do hope you have a good physical therapist.
Best of luck


Hi Cindy. It's good to talk to you again. I'm sorry that you had to have surgery on your knee this year. So did I. My follow-up was about that long. Usually, insurance companies will pay for 15-20 minutes. Some doctor ignore that time limit. Did the assistant help at all? Did she give you a solution?

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