Small chronic subdoral hematoma following a fall

Posted by dahawks57 @dahawks57, Mar 14 1:14pm

In November I face planted on a hardwood floor. Went right away to the ER. They did CT scan and all were negative. In January I had my bi yearly MRI for Multiple Sclerosis. I was informed at that point that there was a subdoral Hematoma in the temporal lobe area. It measured 0.7cm thickness with a very mild midline shift. Other than being sleepy and weepy, I had no symptoms. 4 weeks later, had another CT. It had grown to 1.02cm thickness. Had another CT 2 weeks ago and it had gotten somewhat better. Symptoms at this point is extreamly tired, weekness in both legs that feel like they can’t support me. And mood changes. I cry, I get angry, I get overwhelmed.. that is not like me again. Here is my question…. I am seeing a neurosurgeon, the first one I saw was a real jerk. He was arrogant. Told me it was my MS causing symptoms. And he very well could be right. I was crying and there was no compassion.. I called to see if I could see my MS doctor and was told I had to see the practitioner. So I did. She was nice enough but she told me it wasn’t MS, it was stress. Told me to get out and walk. Walking is what got me into this mess. Much less, I don’t think my legs would take me very far… Has anyone else ever had to go through this?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group.

If you haven't, it would be good to have a neurologic workup from a neurologist. Head injuries can result in feeling very tired. I remember a boy when I was in 6th grade that had had a head injury, and he would fall asleep in class. The teacher let him sleep, which I thought very kind. My moderate TBI was 31 years ago, and part was hitting my left temporal (word finding) and frontal lobes. I had fatigue for some months, but also my emotions were all over the place. Impulse control was diminished; I was more impulsive. When people would joke about my head injury it felt like I was being punched in the gut. When people dismiss it as all in your head (well, yeah) or stress, they are not good enough to find the root cause(s). MS can cause fatigue and stress, but so can head injuries, particularly depending on where the subdural hematoma is located. If you can't walk without assistance, it would be good to get some physical therapy. My head injury therapy was mostly waiting, getting enough sleep and exercise, avoiding stress, and finding fun things to do and look forward to every day. It is hard not to live in one's illnesses and limitations, but important to have "normal" time.


Hi, @dahawks57 - how are you doing?

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