Small Cell Lung Cancer: Let's connect
Most of the discussions about lung cancer has been about Non-small cell lung cancers. There are many sub-types of this that are included. But there is another type of lung cancer that needs to be discussed and that is Small Cell Lung Cancer. This aggressive form of lung cancer most commonly occurs in smokers. It usually starts in the breathing tubes (bronchi) and grows very quickly, creating large tumors and spreading (metastasizing) throughout the body.
Symptoms include bloody phlegm, cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
Treatment includes surgery (for small tumors) as well as chemotherapy, sometimes in combination with radiation therapy.
Lung cancers cells are sometimes classified by where they tend to grow.
There have been huge breakthroughs in lung cancer research of late.
Please join @margot69 and I in this new disussion.
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Hello Joe- First let me welcome you to Mayo Connect. I hope that you are recovering well from your surgery. How long ago did you have your lobectomy? I'm sure that you are frightened but it sounds as if your doctor acted quickly as your tumor was caught relatively early was small and the PET scan showed that your cancer, at the time of the surgery at least, had not metastasized. This is all good news for you.
Small cell carcinoma- Small-cell lung cancer starts when healthy cells in your lungs mutate or change into cancerous cells. These cells then divide and multiply uncontrollably. Eventually, the cancerous cells clump together in masses (tumors) in your lungs.
There are two types of small-cell lung cancer.
Small cell carcinoma: This is the most common form of small cell lung cancer.
Combined small cell carcinoma: Combined small cell carcinoma represents about 2% to 5% of all small cell carcinomas. This small cell type is a combination of non-small cell and small cell lung cancer cells.
There are people who have not died from small-cell lung cancer. What is the next step for you now that your operation is complete?
Was it small cell?
I recently had a lobectomy and like you, my PET Scan was negative for any cancer activity elsewhere. My nodes were also negative but my understanding is that Stage 2 requires some chemo but not a lot and is still considered early stage and curable. Hang in there. I know it’s hard not worry but it sounds as if you are in good shape.
4 weeks ago l got lobectomie in my write lung and l find out was carcinoma stage 2b they told me he spread in my lymph node they take out with the operation on 9 lymph node they give to the biopsy l got just 2 with cancer in it and they take pet scan before my lobectomie and he dint spread anaywhere else
I’m really scared but l try to stay positive next week they gone to call me if l need chimo and radiation to be sure l got nothing else
My Dc told me everything his gone but we never know if got some so small that can see
Did somebody can tell me if they got the same thing happen to them lf we can get get cure or not
Thank you
Welcome @amatics. I believe fellow lung cancer members @remi @popkorhn @dedehans @cwm1 @shamrock5jeg @seaspray have experience with treatment at Moffit.
Amatics, do you have small cell lung cancer?
Was anyone treated at Moffit for lung cancer
Is it working?
I’m so sorry to hear this. Are you taking immunotherapy?
I’m not exactly in the same boat, but I also had sclc, a few months later it went to my brain. This was in 2020 & 2022. Living life in 3 month increments is not fun. I had a seizure, then they removed the tumor in my brain. That was a year ago. Now they just found a lesion in my liver.