Sleeping arrangements
After being here for a couple of weeks, it's pretty obvious that a lot of the people here have problems sleeping at night. I was just wondering what kinds of things you have to do to get a good night's sleep, if it's at all possible?
Considering my physical issues, osteoarthritis, and idiopathic poly neuropathy in my feet, I can usually get a full night's sleep, as long as I don't lie down flat on a bed. I haven't been able to do that and sleep for almost 10 years now, for several reasons.
I can't lay on my sides because the pain from the arthritis in my hips won't let me sleep, along with the pain in my neck from the 2 spinal fusion surgeries. We've tried every kind/combination of pillows to see if it would work, and it never did.
If I lay on my back, I need a pillow under my knees because of the arthritis in them, and again, my neck doesn't like any kind of pillow behind it.
And to top it all off, the neuropathy in my feet was so bad that the pressure of the blanket and sheet became very painful. So my wife and I made a decision, we went to a local furniture store looking specifically for a sleeping recliner chair. They had 3 or 4 options for me to try out, but as soon as I sat in the first one, we both knew that was the one. It's huge, it looks and feels like sitting in a throne, and it's powered top and bottom. It fits me perfectly, and while the salesman was upstairs checking on something, my wife looked at me and said, "we should buy you 2 of these". I looked at her like she was nuts, the chair was pretty expensive, but she said that I should have one in the bedroom to sleep in, and one in the living room for when we sit together and watch the idiot box(tv). We were still living with our son and his family after I had to retire and we had to sell our house, so we still had some money in the bank. So I said that if she was okay with it, so was I, so when the salesman came back down stairs, the first thing we asked him was, "can we get 2 of these"?
Long story short, I have to sleep in a special chair that reclines enough to keep my feet up off of the ground, with 2 pillows under my knees to keep them bent, and my head laying back slightly. I use 2 bed spreads for blankets to keep warm during the night, and since they're not tucked in, my feet normally don't mind.
Every morning I get up, fold the blankets in half, and throw them in a drawer in the dresser, and my bed is made. Being able to sleep is a very important part of living a quality life, but after almost 10 years of having to exist like this, you realize something, a huge part of your marriage no longer exists. The intimacy of just sleeping in the same bed next to your wife for over 30 years was taken away from me. We even had to go so far as replace our old queen size bed with a twin size bed for her due to financial and space issues.
Not being able to sleep next to my wife for the past decade, as well as the foreseeable future is really depressing, but we do what we have to.
What things do you have to do to sleep at night?
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Thc gummies help me sleep
I sleep in a power recliner and keep a book handy if I wake
I usually read for an hour to an hour and a half every night before I go to sleep. If I have problems falling asleep, I put on my headphones and listen to some music until I fall asleep. My wife turns the music off when she gets up to get ready for work.