Side of bed preference discussion

Posted by 1k194 @1k194, Jun 29, 2023

Do you have a preference for which side of the bed you sleep on?

I’m curious how other people feel about this. I am EXTREMELY possessive of “my side” of the bed. I consider myself pretty darn flexible in most areas of life. I’ve had people even say that about me.

But when it comes to the bed sides…..fortunately, my husband doesn’t usually fuss about it and lets me have my side. But once in awhile he’ll “steal” my side. I don’t get outwardly angry, but inside I’m furious. My feelings about it are stupidly out of proportion. I don’t understand why this little thing upsets me so much. I literally can’t sleep on the “wrong side”.

Does anyone else experience this? Or am I just crazy?

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@1k194 well yes! You are justified and not alone with having your side.
When I was a kid, I shared a room with my sister. I had my side of the closet, and my side of the bed.
I also have a favorite burner on the stove. The front left is my first choice every time.
I guess it’s comforting to know that we have a spot that is ours. And if somebody invades that spot, we can get upset with out feeling bad about it because, it’s our spot!


Hey I'm in choir and I can tell you people sit in the same spot every Sunday. I have a bird's eye view, and with out fail, even if they come in late they go right to "their spot". I think it's only normal.


No choice in our bedroom- each side has our own mark with our nightstands full with our specific items, from books to meds to different types of phone chargers we have or whatever individual junk drawer items we like. Hotel rooms are when we test our ability to switch and is usually dictated by me having the side that has the best fit for my walker beside the bed, but we’ve come prefer having our nightstands on the side we’re used to!


@1k194 What a fun discussion! I’m with you, I quite literally do not like waking up on the wrong side of the bed nor sleeping there. 😅
My husband and I have been married 49 years. When we were first set up housekeeping in the early 70s we hadn’t lived together. (His mom wouldn’t even let us go camping alone…but that’s another story 😂) Anyway, we were furnishing our new apartment and I was taking some things into the bedroom. My pending husband was putting things in the little book case on the headboard…gasp! ON MY SIDE!
To be fair, we never discussed which side was whose. But that was one of my first non-compromising moments! That’s My side! My husband can sleep anywhere, anytime but he has learned, (with much reinforcement just short of a cattle prod) that I have a preferred side. Even when we travel, in the hotel room he’ll ask ‘which side do you want?’ and we both sleep comfortably without me sticking my knee in his back. Giggle.
I’m tend to be the mediator, the fixer, the pleaser and relent or acquiesce to the needs of others. But nope, my side of the bed is where I draw the line…my pillow is there!


@1k194 What a fun discussion! I’m with you, I quite literally do not like waking up on the wrong side of the bed nor sleeping there. 😅
My husband and I have been married 49 years. When we were first set up housekeeping in the early 70s we hadn’t lived together. (His mom wouldn’t even let us go camping alone…but that’s another story 😂) Anyway, we were furnishing our new apartment and I was taking some things into the bedroom. My pending husband was putting things in the little book case on the headboard…gasp! ON MY SIDE!
To be fair, we never discussed which side was whose. But that was one of my first non-compromising moments! That’s My side! My husband can sleep anywhere, anytime but he has learned, (with much reinforcement just short of a cattle prod) that I have a preferred side. Even when we travel, in the hotel room he’ll ask ‘which side do you want?’ and we both sleep comfortably without me sticking my knee in his back. Giggle.
I’m tend to be the mediator, the fixer, the pleaser and relent or acquiesce to the needs of others. But nope, my side of the bed is where I draw the line…my pillow is there!

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Lol! Well I’m glad to know I’m not the only one 😅

I always had a twin bed, those pretty much are “middle only beds”. When I was a kid if I had to share with my mom or a sister, I don’t remember ever having a side I preferred.

Lori, my husband and I also had a chaperoned courtship and our first time sleeping in the same bed was on our wedding night. It was at our new home together, and as is my sweet husband’s personality, he asked which side of the bed I wanted. I thought about it a minute…I chose; and that’s been my side ever since.
I’ve tried to analyze why I “have to” have that side…I’m not entirely sure. I know it’s not about the orientation of the room…i.e. who’s closer to the door, etc..because even in a hotel where everything else is oriented the opposite of our bedroom, I still pick the same side.
I think it has to do with the positions I sleep in and the subconscious “map” in my mind of which side my husband is on and which side I get out of bed. I often feel for my husband with my right hand (because he usually sleeps to my right) and if he’s not there, I then fully wake up and look. In other words, I know where to find him in my sleep. Also, if I’m awaken startled, I subconsciously know which side to fling off the bed to get up.

I think a lot of it too is the positions I sleep. When my husband sleeps to my left, it throws off my preferred sleeping positions.

Anyway, thank you all for posting. It’s an interesting and fun discussion ☺️


@1k194 What a fun discussion! I’m with you, I quite literally do not like waking up on the wrong side of the bed nor sleeping there. 😅
My husband and I have been married 49 years. When we were first set up housekeeping in the early 70s we hadn’t lived together. (His mom wouldn’t even let us go camping alone…but that’s another story 😂) Anyway, we were furnishing our new apartment and I was taking some things into the bedroom. My pending husband was putting things in the little book case on the headboard…gasp! ON MY SIDE!
To be fair, we never discussed which side was whose. But that was one of my first non-compromising moments! That’s My side! My husband can sleep anywhere, anytime but he has learned, (with much reinforcement just short of a cattle prod) that I have a preferred side. Even when we travel, in the hotel room he’ll ask ‘which side do you want?’ and we both sleep comfortably without me sticking my knee in his back. Giggle.
I’m tend to be the mediator, the fixer, the pleaser and relent or acquiesce to the needs of others. But nope, my side of the bed is where I draw the line…my pillow is there!

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You made me laugh! But I’m a light sleeper, and I have to tell you that some of my best laughs (and worries) are when we’re in a hotel or guest room and I see my husband wandering out of bed in the middle of the night going in the opposite direction of the bathroom!


Lol! Well I’m glad to know I’m not the only one 😅

I always had a twin bed, those pretty much are “middle only beds”. When I was a kid if I had to share with my mom or a sister, I don’t remember ever having a side I preferred.

Lori, my husband and I also had a chaperoned courtship and our first time sleeping in the same bed was on our wedding night. It was at our new home together, and as is my sweet husband’s personality, he asked which side of the bed I wanted. I thought about it a minute…I chose; and that’s been my side ever since.
I’ve tried to analyze why I “have to” have that side…I’m not entirely sure. I know it’s not about the orientation of the room…i.e. who’s closer to the door, etc..because even in a hotel where everything else is oriented the opposite of our bedroom, I still pick the same side.
I think it has to do with the positions I sleep in and the subconscious “map” in my mind of which side my husband is on and which side I get out of bed. I often feel for my husband with my right hand (because he usually sleeps to my right) and if he’s not there, I then fully wake up and look. In other words, I know where to find him in my sleep. Also, if I’m awaken startled, I subconsciously know which side to fling off the bed to get up.

I think a lot of it too is the positions I sleep. When my husband sleeps to my left, it throws off my preferred sleeping positions.

Anyway, thank you all for posting. It’s an interesting and fun discussion ☺️

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Early on when we had babies I got the side closer to the door to get to the babies faster...

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