Should radiation start if breast has a hematoma?

Posted by glendafl @glendafl, Nov 5, 2023

I’m going to be getting radiation therapy in about 2 weeks. My question is what happens if I still have this hematoma? Do they go ahead and do radiation before my breast is healed? Is that safe? My breast is still sore, surgery was Sep.27th. It’s been 5 weeks. I had Stage 1 cancer, lumpectomy on my left breast. My treatment plan includes radiation treatment (3weeks) and estrogen blockers for 5 years. Has this happened to anyone here?

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Interesting. I had a rather big hematoma after my mastectomy. I had to be opened to make sure my implant was not affected a week after my original surgery. For you, it seems likely there are protocols on skin healing from that and starting radiation. In my online portal I have many photos of my breast, so my team was aware of the current conditions. Check with your doctors. Estrogen blockers, One of three I know of are assigned to many of us.


Thanks. You know it’s like we go through these treatments and learn as we go. I don’t know why some of this information is hard to find. It’s not like it’s a secret weapon or something. For example, I expressed a fear of having radiation on my left breast to two different doctors, why didn’t they tell me about the prone position radiation? Instead I had to spend a weak looking up information to find out about the different treatments/positions possible. Turns out the prone position is available at at another hospital in my town. So that tells me if your hospital doesn’t offer a treatment they don’t inform you about an alternative, etc. The prone position is recommended in some cases. Turns out I meet that criteria. But Now I started thinking, my breast is still hurting and there seems to be a lump in it where the tumor was, plus it’s not smaller than before surgery. I’m pretty sure it’s a hematoma. I’m wearing compression day and night.
I’m calling my Doctors on Monday to ask about this.
Thanks for your input.


Thanks. You know it’s like we go through these treatments and learn as we go. I don’t know why some of this information is hard to find. It’s not like it’s a secret weapon or something. For example, I expressed a fear of having radiation on my left breast to two different doctors, why didn’t they tell me about the prone position radiation? Instead I had to spend a weak looking up information to find out about the different treatments/positions possible. Turns out the prone position is available at at another hospital in my town. So that tells me if your hospital doesn’t offer a treatment they don’t inform you about an alternative, etc. The prone position is recommended in some cases. Turns out I meet that criteria. But Now I started thinking, my breast is still hurting and there seems to be a lump in it where the tumor was, plus it’s not smaller than before surgery. I’m pretty sure it’s a hematoma. I’m wearing compression day and night.
I’m calling my Doctors on Monday to ask about this.
Thanks for your input.

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Hi Glenda, did you learn anything new from your cancer team? Do they recommend dealing with the hematoma before starting radiation? Has the hematoma improved in the past few days?


I called and I’m supposed to go for an exam by my surgeon on Monday. Meanwhile it seems a bit smaller, yes. It’s still sore and tender to be touched. Now I’m having back pain at night while sleeping. I think it might be from wearing the compression bra 24/7. So I’m resting ( reclining) a few hours at night with out it. Then I put the bra back on to sleep. That has helped I believe. It’s just so many little things.


Hi - I have developed a hematoma on my right breast after having several needle biopsies on both breasts. I see my oncologist on Thursday for results. I’ve already been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma with neuroendocrine features. It appears my collarbone is destructive/fractured. I have not broken my collarbone. I need to have a PET scan to rule out metastatic cancer. I have attached a photo of the hematoma. Can this wait until Thursday when I see my oncologist?


I think only you can decide if it can wait. If it is unpleasant and worrisome, why not check in with the oncologist's office? It is quite possible they can get you in earlier. I used my PCP as back-up during cancer treatment. I had a rough rash around the surgical site and the surgeon's office wasn't helpful, but my PCP could determine it wasn't infected. Anyway, I think you should put yourself first here and get more info if you need it. Best of luck going forward.


Hi - I have developed a hematoma on my right breast after having several needle biopsies on both breasts. I see my oncologist on Thursday for results. I’ve already been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma with neuroendocrine features. It appears my collarbone is destructive/fractured. I have not broken my collarbone. I need to have a PET scan to rule out metastatic cancer. I have attached a photo of the hematoma. Can this wait until Thursday when I see my oncologist?

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Send the doc the picture you’ve posted here. That’s what I did following lumpectomy and huge hematoma that leaked profusely. He wanted to see me that day and tried to aspirate it, but the contents were gelatinous. I think they will want to see you.


I also had hematoma after 2 biopsies. Diagnosed with DCIS stage 0. I still have some hematoma but not bothersome, it’s been 3 weeks. I am concerned I will have it again once I have my lumpectomy. I even had a bad reaction from the sticker of the cold patch.
I agree that you show the Dr the picture of the hematoma, and press any concerns you may have with them. Hoping you recover faster! Stay strong.

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