Severe gas acidosis ?

Posted by ctarrillo @ctarrillo, Jan 25 4:13am

Before Jan 1st I could eat whatever I want, then after Jan 1st I can’t seem to eat anything without an extreme amount of gas. Comically extreme. I’m not bomiting but the gas builds up so much that I’m vomiting gas. Then what follows are intense heat flushes, intense weakness (almost paralysis), confusion dizziness, I even fell over once, rapid heart rate, headache. Are these symptoms of acidosis ? Maybe a yeast infection ? Does anyone have something similar ? When I googled symptoms it came back with acidosis. I even went to the emergency room and they discharged me bc that didn’t see any blood but I swear something is very wrong with me. Is perhaps my gut microbiota metabolizing methanol causing acidosis ?

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Welcome @ctarrillo, I know it has to be troubling when you are having gut wrenching symptoms and not getting any answers following your visit to the emergency room. The symptoms do sound similar to Metabolic Acidosis. While we wait for members who may also have experiences or symptoms similar to yours, here is some information that might be helpful:
--- Metabolic Acidosis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment:

Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic?

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