Seeking Advise on Uterine Cancer Surgery

Posted by guruprasadss @guruprasadss, Nov 17, 2024

My Mom is 74 year old and recently developed Uterian cancer - stage-1
which was detected post white discharge with foul smell over a month.
in the MRI report, it is reported as very mild and inside uterus inner layer and can be cured permanently by removing Uterus and related parts.
she is on Hypertensive medication for more than 25 years and been asthma for more than 5 years and currently on daily nebulation twice a day also blood sugar of past 3 months is ( HBA1C ) is 6.8 and was not on medication till date , currently medication is prescribed for the same

Is this advisable to do surgery at this Age and is there any other alternative therapy which can help solve this issue ?

Thank you
Guru Prasad

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Gynecologic Cancers Support Group.

That's a question for her surgeon.

Depending on the type of surgery she receives will also make a difference in how quickly she recovers.

If living is what she wants to do, and if surgery is the Frontline treatment for her situation then the answer in my opinion would be yes.


@guruprasad I am in agreement with @denisestlouie. I am thinking that the surgeon will evaluate your mother’s health overall. For instance, before I had surgery for uterine cancer the surgeon ordered certain blood tests, a lung X-ray and an électrocardiogram of my heart. This was all done to make sure my health was stable for surgery. I did not have diabetes or any respiratory problems that could have an effect on surgery. I had a hysterectomy and the surgeon removed the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and cervix.

Since your mother takes medication for hypertension and has asthma I think her surgeon will take this into account and talk with her about any risks. It’s good that your mother’s uterine cancer was found early.

You are a loving daughter to come here with your questions. Will you let me know what the surgeon recommends?


Thank you Denise, Helen for your kind answers ,
sure shall come back about the status post surgery or treatment


I agree with Helen and Denise, and have one thing to add. I have a friend who is 80 who had several similar potential complicating factors before she could undergo a knee replacement surgery. She researched surgeons who work with older adults and found one not far from us. At their recommendation, she did “pre-hab,” which included cardio-informed physical therapy, much of it in a warm, salt-water-based pool until she could meet the criteria set by the surgeon for a safe -enough procedure. I met her in the pool, in fact. The pre-had took her two months. She underwent successful surgery in May and is back in the pool again, continuing what became an enjoyable and life-expanding routine for her. If your mother’s surgeons are concerned about her safety if she were to have it as she is, it might be worth asking whether such a regimen could be possible for her, and if so, what criteria she would need to meet. A nutritionist on her team might also be helpful. This might or might not appeal to her, but having an option and something to aim toward might be meaningful whether she is able to do the surgery or not. And, I agree with Helen that your mother is blessed to have your support! Wishing you and her the best possible outcomes.




This was very insightful reply, this can prepare me to ask right queries to Surgeon before surgical procedures

Thank you so much


Mayo is very thorough in their pre-op workup - way more than other hospitals. If she went to Mayo and they cleared her for surgery, than she would be getting a very good review of how well she could tolerate it, risks, etc. They were also way ahead of other hospitals in terms of post-surgical infection prevention, which frankly is always a significant concern for elderly.


at@lilacs777-what does the Mayo clinic pre-op workup look like to be considered more thorough? What is a thorough pre-op workup?
What does Mayo do better for post- surgical infection prevention? I did not think of asking
these questions before OP.


@charlotte12 mayo is the only place that i've seen to do in person pre-op eval for All patients. most hospitals will only do that if you have certain high risk pre-existing conditions. Re: post-op infection, I noticed that most of the things used by the patient (i.e. blood pressure cuff, anti clot booties, etc) were all one time use disposable, which is nice to minimize chance of infection from re-use between patients. Frankly I've never thought to ask about that in advance either but they were things I noticed atf that were very different from other hospitals.


@charlotte12 mayo is the only place that i've seen to do in person pre-op eval for All patients. most hospitals will only do that if you have certain high risk pre-existing conditions. Re: post-op infection, I noticed that most of the things used by the patient (i.e. blood pressure cuff, anti clot booties, etc) were all one time use disposable, which is nice to minimize chance of infection from re-use between patients. Frankly I've never thought to ask about that in advance either but they were things I noticed atf that were very different from other hospitals.

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no disposable cuffs or disposable compression devises were used in my hospital, I was told
that they wipe the cuffs in between patients, I would think they sanitize the non disposable compression device which was used around my calves for the entirety of my hospital stay-

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