Sciatica advancing to both sides - I am considering surgery

Posted by tess307 @tess307, Feb 14, 2023

I’ve had R sciatica c 1+ yr and now it’s started on L also. Now have buttock, posterior thigh and calf pain on both sides. Option for spine surgery is entirely my choice according to rheumatologist. Should I proceed to surgery?? I welcome any advice.

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@tess307: I can’t give you advice regarding spine surgery, not knowing your exact diagnosis. I had fairly serious Sciatica about 9 or 10 years ago, left side, that got progressively worse to the point where I had guided injections to relieve the pain. The shots worked for a while, but after the 2nd one I got physical therapy, and I’m happy to say that the daily (really, daily!!) exercise set has kept pain away for good, with few exceptions.
I knew from an MRI taken in my mid 40’s that I had atrophied discs in my lower lumbar area, one set of vertebrae was already bone-on-bone at that point. Main problem at that time was persistent, severe, back pain.
Sciatica started in earnest in my early 60’s.
Not sure if any of this helps, but if you haven’t given exercises and therapeutic massages a try, it’s worth a shot.
Afterthought: I also tried chiropractic, no help, and yoga, also not much.


@tess307: I can’t give you advice regarding spine surgery, not knowing your exact diagnosis. I had fairly serious Sciatica about 9 or 10 years ago, left side, that got progressively worse to the point where I had guided injections to relieve the pain. The shots worked for a while, but after the 2nd one I got physical therapy, and I’m happy to say that the daily (really, daily!!) exercise set has kept pain away for good, with few exceptions.
I knew from an MRI taken in my mid 40’s that I had atrophied discs in my lower lumbar area, one set of vertebrae was already bone-on-bone at that point. Main problem at that time was persistent, severe, back pain.
Sciatica started in earnest in my early 60’s.
Not sure if any of this helps, but if you haven’t given exercises and therapeutic massages a try, it’s worth a shot.
Afterthought: I also tried chiropractic, no help, and yoga, also not much.

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Thank you for your thoughts and advice. My MRI shows definite spinal stenosis at L4,5,S1. I’ve done some physio initially and do a few exercises at home but am not improving. I’d like to hear from people who have had spinal surgery and the results(good or bad).


Me too. No surgery please.hebr been taking a vitamin, Sciati/ease from / Amazon which has help along with naproxen sodium and have relief. Also on hydrocodone ER. Sciatic brace also helps. Nothing will cure it. Work with the body


My husband had radio-frequency ablation on his sciatica. This burns the nerves. It was done outpatient and lasted almost a year then was repeated. He also had hydrogen
injections between his L4 and L5 vertabre 3 years ago. This was done outpatient and has given him almost total relief. I hope you can can get some help.


I had the surgery on the left side. The dr hit a nerve and I now have neuropathy in that leg. He also had to go back in a second time because he had screwed the screws into far. I still have pain after 2 years . The dr had been successful on my husband’s knees. So if you go for surgery ask if they use screws. I am now seeing another orthopedic dr and he says they never use screws because it is too close to nerves. Just check all options and drs. Sorry you are hurting.


I have severe spinal stenosis at L4-5 and had serious sciatica pain. I was considering surgery, but heard about the Gokhale Primal Posture approach which a Mayo neurologist with MD and PhD called the greatest contribution ever made to non surgical back pain treatment. I did a Gokhale training and have been following that approach. No surgery and no sciatica pain for going on three years now.


I have severe spinal stenosis at L4-5 and had serious sciatica pain. I was considering surgery, but heard about the Gokhale Primal Posture approach which a Mayo neurologist with MD and PhD called the greatest contribution ever made to non surgical back pain treatment. I did a Gokhale training and have been following that approach. No surgery and no sciatica pain for going on three years now.

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@sbcarcht please share what Gokhale training is!!!


It’s a method developed by Esther Gokhale. Her book Eight Steps to a Pain Free Back overviews the method. Check out “” and search YouTube. Esther periodically does free introductory online Zoom chats. Make your own judgement, but as an architect myself, the postural structure principles made sense to me and bottom line for me as i learned and practiced the concepts over time the result was miraculous.


Thank you for your thoughts and advice. My MRI shows definite spinal stenosis at L4,5,S1. I’ve done some physio initially and do a few exercises at home but am not improving. I’d like to hear from people who have had spinal surgery and the results(good or bad).

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Before giving consideration to spinal surgery, I suggest seeing a pain management doc who can do directed steroid injections in the spinal area. I have had them and they do work. My last one was over three years ago and I am still pain free. Surgery, especially of the spine should be an absolute last resort. Surgery might make the situation better but maybe not. Go for the least invasive solutions before surgery.

It is important to have a strong core area to support the spine so exercise should also help.


Thank you for your thoughts and advice. My MRI shows definite spinal stenosis at L4,5,S1. I’ve done some physio initially and do a few exercises at home but am not improving. I’d like to hear from people who have had spinal surgery and the results(good or bad).

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Please ask your Physio if you would benefit from using use 2lb weights on hip L & R, On ankles and for each wrist. For pain I use CBD balm... it comes in different strength. It's a life saver. IT gets me through the day. Very seldom do I need. second application. CBD balm does not going into hour blood stream. Good Luck.

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