Say no to reverse shoulder replacement

Posted by koneil @koneil, 2 days ago

Is anyone else regreting their decision to have a reverse total shoulder replacement?
I am about 9 months post surgery. The pain in my right shoulder has not been relieved. In fact it's much worse than prior to my surgery. I'm also very weak in my right shoulder. The doctor has sent me to PT ever since my surgery. According to my physical therapist , I have a severe deficit in the mobility and strength for my right arm. I have exercised my arm almost every day since my surgery. Does this get any better? It's definitely changed my way of life, driving and cleaning up my house is painful. I vacuumed my house, and I was sore for three days. I hope there are some insights on how to proceed with my recovery.

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@koneil Has your therapist communicated their findings to the surgeon? Has their been any evaluation of the implant, healing, etc? Not just an x-ray, but a CT or MRI that can see muscles, tendons, etc?

It sounds like once there I confirmation that all is well, you might need a total rehab evaluation, and specific therapies designed just for you. Continuing after several months to do exercises that aren't working won't suddenly make you better.

I always try to tell people that successful surgery is, at most, 50% of the equation. The rest is hard work, but it needs to be the right work. Vacuuming is still not possible for me 4.5 months after extensive rotator cuff surgery, so I am not surprised it caused you pain.

Can you talk to the surgeon about evaluating what is happening?


I had reverse shoulder replacement in October. Have had little or no pain ever since. Was in an i mobilizers for 30 days and started PT 15days after that. I am still in PT . Getting a little better each week. Has been a slow process,but I see light at end.. I think there is a difference in where you have it done. Going to do other shoulder done in Oc


Thank you for the comment
, ranch. My surgery was all unorganized. The shoulder surgeon forgot to order pain medication for the days after my surgery. That was the most painful day and night of my life.
I don't think that's the reason for my continuous pain. I really dont know why my shoulder is taking so long to heal
I felt a lot better prior to my shoulder replacement. They keep saying it can take up to a year to recover. I was hoping it would feel better by now.


Thank you for the comment
, ranch. My surgery was all unorganized. The shoulder surgeon forgot to order pain medication for the days after my surgery. That was the most painful day and night of my life.
I don't think that's the reason for my continuous pain. I really dont know why my shoulder is taking so long to heal
I felt a lot better prior to my shoulder replacement. They keep saying it can take up to a year to recover. I was hoping it would feel better by now.

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Sorry that you are having so much trouble. Both my sons have had shoulder surgery and don’t have any problems. They both play golf. They didn’t have replacement. My doctor said it would take 8 months for recovery and I think he is right. I am 85 years old.


Thanks for your comment ranch. I doubt my shoulder will be well in a week, but that's again for your post. It's not just the pain, but the range of motion too. If I try to move it too much it jabs me with pain.
I'll see my doctor in a week or so. I'll see what he says.

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