Salvage radiation therapy after radical prostatectomy

Posted by samadhi @samadhi, Jun 15 8:13am

I had radical prostatectomy in 2020 but now PSA is high at 0.26 so radiation specialist recommended salvage radiation to prostate bed.

Can you share your experience with Salvage Radiation? Side effects to
1. Bladder
2. Bowel
3. Sexual function.

Thank you

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Sorry you have to go through salvage radiation, but it is likely necessary. Based on my experience (salvage radiation beginning 11 months after RP due to a PSA of 0.5), you may anticipate side effects to your bowel, bladder and sexual function. In my case, Imodium and high fiber helped with my bowels. Although I was told bowel problems would cease about a month after radiation they persisted for about 10 months. Increased urination especially at night which I attributed to ADT, resolved itself once the ADT left my system. Leakage still persists but is not a significant issue except in the bedroom. More on that later. Assuming you’ll be on some form of ADT, expect a low or nonexistent libido. That should improve a few months after the ADT ends. Urinary leakage during sexual arousal remains a problem for me. I have started using a condom for intercourse, and that helps insure I will not dribble in my partner. For me, the side effects of salvage radiation were much worse than advertised. However, given that I have been cancer free for more than a year now, salvage radiation was definitely worthwhile.

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2 years of lupron. Been done for 3 years. Bad side effects. Still have bad hot flashes. 3 different meds and none work. Muscle loss and weight gain. But 5 years since radiation and still here and psa undectable. Good luck . HBO also caused problems. Have a great day


Sorry you have to go through salvage radiation, but it is likely necessary. Based on my experience (salvage radiation beginning 11 months after RP due to a PSA of 0.5), you may anticipate side effects to your bowel, bladder and sexual function. In my case, Imodium and high fiber helped with my bowels. Although I was told bowel problems would cease about a month after radiation they persisted for about 10 months. Increased urination especially at night which I attributed to ADT, resolved itself once the ADT left my system. Leakage still persists but is not a significant issue except in the bedroom. More on that later. Assuming you’ll be on some form of ADT, expect a low or nonexistent libido. That should improve a few months after the ADT ends. Urinary leakage during sexual arousal remains a problem for me. I have started using a condom for intercourse, and that helps insure I will not dribble in my partner. For me, the side effects of salvage radiation were much worse than advertised. However, given that I have been cancer free for more than a year now, salvage radiation was definitely worthwhile.


I forgot. Add 50 HBO treatments. Good luck.


Cancer came back 16 months after removal. 35 treatments. Way too many problems afterwards. Gross hematuria radiation cystitis radiation proctitis total incontinence catheter for almost 3 years. Many hospital stays. Failed aus placement and finally removal. Urethroplasty . 3.5 years of uti and miserablelife..Suprapubic catheter for another year and finally found great surgeon who installed another aus and much better now.


I had 39 salvage radiation treatments 7 years after my prostatectomy, in 2013. My PSA had gone up to 0.22. Since then I’ve had ED, increased urinary urgency, leakage and increased bowel movements.

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