Rising PSA years after radical prostatectomy
I am 60 years and I had radical prostatectomy on 23rd Nov 2018. I was told out of the 15 lymph nodes taken only one was affected less than a millimetre. It was Gleason score 7B with PSA around 13 at time of surgery but 11 at time of diagnosis in June 2018.
The PSA been fluctuating between 0.09 and 0.18 since surgery on 23rd November 2018
I have no incontinence as well as Erectile dysfunction. I take hypertension medication – Norvask Amlodipine 5mg daily and Cetirizine 5mg for allergy. Below are some of the test results. I have many of these test results – a few below
Jan 2019: 0.11
April 2019: 0.11
June 2019: 0.09
August 2019: 0.12
December 2019: 0.12
April 2020: 0.12
August 2020: 0.11
October 2020: 0.17
December 2020: 0.15
February 2021: 0.18
I am worried the cancer may be returning or might have spread. I met my doctor today and expressed my concerns. He has agreed to refer me to the hospital where I had the surgery. Any suggestions based on this brief history?
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PSMA PET scans have greater accuracy at higher PSA levels.
I think below .2 sensitivity is 20 - 30 %
That said, it is thought that recurrence is from PCa cells in the pelvic area and/or pelvic lymph nodes.
I had IMRT radiation and 4 mos of ADT due to PSA .19 post prostatectomy.
Obviously, you need to consult with a Urologist and/or a Radiation Oncologist/Medical Oncologist.
Rising PSA is trended over 2, 3 or 4 tests, so first step probably is repeat PSA.
If rising, perhaps PSMA PET scan to rule out discernable distant metastases.
And then radiation and ADT.
But I am getting way ahead.
Prostate Cancer Foundation webinar on PSMA PET scan sensitivity an utilization at:
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March 14 2023
Good luck. Hope it's an anomaly and next test is back in line.
At 71, 2 and 1/2 years after my Radical Prostatectomy . No issues, until now PSA has been < .006.
Test last week 6 months after the last .006, showed a PSA .117 . Not thinking, I did ejaculate either the morning of or day before the test as well as an hour bike ride the day before. Don't know if that has impacts once prostate is removed. Would it be time for imaging tests already or wait and see the next test results in 3 or 6 months. Will be seeing urologist this week, but wondering what I might be asking or what to expect. thanks
Thanks for the comment. It appears that with radiation or surgery, if PSA begins to rise, then the potential for the onset of cancer is still apparent. I had a very low Gleason score and diagnosis was slow growing cancer on one lob of the prostate gland.
From reading all these years about this disease, there are few absolutes in terms of prostate cancer. My PSA went from zero in 2010 post proton radiation to currently 2.47 rising gradually beginning in 2015.
I hope to visit Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida sometime in the future to look at options. But, I suspect not much can be done. Currently in excellent health.
Regarding your post: Based on what I am understanding you still have a prostate. And, therefore you will be producing PSA. My prostate is gone. The whole kit and caboodle. My doc made it real clear that if any PSA shows up in my lab work that means that there are still cancer cells present in the body that are producing the PSA.
In my case, my prostate was shot. My Gleason scores were as high as they could go. 10's all across the board. (That's bad). While doing the prostatectomy they found that the cancer spread to other parts of my body, They did all kinds of stuff to kill it, but they made it clear the cells could still be present, but dormant. They could be anywhere in my body but just not active. Or should I say, kind of asleep.
Well, once they attach to something that they can feed off, they start producing the PSA again. So in my case, the cancer was never gone, it was in remission. Which, is a blessing, right?
Once again, I ain't no doctor, but your case sounds completely different. So yes, I would say you should be asking an oncologist some questions.
Proton radiation is early 2010 at Loma Linda, an early leader in the utilization of proton radiation therapy. At that time, PSA was 6.7; biopsy indicated cancer on one lobe of the prostate gland. From 2010 until 2016, PSA zero/0; beginning 2017, PSA was noticed at .4. As October 2020, PSA at 2.47.
Question: Does the return of PSA levels positively indicate a return of prostate cancer? As most know, the rule of thumb is anything below PSA of 4 is normal.
At this juncture, I plan to wait alitle longer, then head up the road to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fl for a review of the options. For example, can another biopsy be done?
Any comments from first hand experience is appreciated.
1st, agree with Kevin and the others above.
I have hope, and expectation of good results, but I am inherently positive, which has +s and -s.
What strikes me from Kevin's chart, is the old saying that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
And I am very grateful for so much research and advancement in tx.
That said, it's that damn Gleason grade and EPE.
RP Aug 2022 Grade 9, EPE, ALL else negative.
90 day postop PSA .19 - failure!
37 IMRT 66.6 Gy to pelvic bed w/ 25 txs 45 Gy to plns.
Together with 4 mos ADT Orgovyx, still in tx; 24 rad sessions completed and in 3rd mo of Orgovyx.
Sounds eerily similar to Kevin 2014/2016.
All dx & tx at center of excellence.
Hoping/praying for "quiet time" post tx.
But it will not be "quiet" mentally.
Best to all struggling with this insidious disease.
May you find peace and even joy along the way as you continue this challenging journey. You're right. Compared to my sister's untreatable brain cancer, having the most common male cancer with so many treatment options is filled with possibilities, even though they are all inadequate compared to simple good health. Having PSA tests that hint at what's going on, even when we can't pinpoint it, is a lot better than not having it. Without it I would have found out at far worst than intermediate unfavorable....
This may be something that you have not seen yet: https://prostatecancerinfolink.net/2015/01/14/low-detectable-psa-after-prostatectomy-watch-or-treat/
I think that sums it up pretty well.
Treat too soon or too late...
Mono, doublet or triplet therapy....
Continuous, intermittent or as I call it, for a defined period, criteria to stop, actively monitor and criteria to start again....
Quality versus quantity....
A very heterogeneous disease both in the cells that are PCa and our own PCa.
Financial toxicity ...
A plethora of treatment decisions that by the very exponential nature of medical research and the prodding nature of PCa for many do not necessarily lend themselves to long term data about overall survival so we use progression free, radiology free and the window for that data is 3-5 years.
The diversity of options the different members of our medical team - urologist, oncologist and radiologist bring to the decision making process.
If there is any good news in this journey it's the explosion of treatment and imaging advances in the last 10 years which may mean most can manage this as a chronic disease.
My case is an example, diagnosed in 2014, surgery, BCR in late 2015, SRT in 2016, triplet therapy in 2017-2018, 4-1/2 years off treatment and now it's back....a Plarify scan shows a single PLN though we know there's more, micro metastatic...I'm sitting with my radiologist reviewing the scan, she's been on my team since 2016, we both talked about not having this conversation in 2016 since no imaging at that time could have seen this lone lymph node. My oncologist and I are talking about whether or not to add an ARI and for how long. I'm taking Orgovyx vice that damn Lupron, side affect profile is so much better...
We know how this journey can end, it's not pretty. So, I'll do what it takes to have a different end to my story.
You have every reason to be hopeful. Keep watching the PSA every few months. If it gets over .2 or so, get a PSMA PET scan. If there’s cancer it will show. Best wishes. Live your life.