Resources for dealing with grief and loss (mastectomy)

Posted by coffeecat @sgorecki, Jan 22, 2024

Does anyone know of good books or resources for coping with grief and loss around losing a breast or breasts to mastectomy?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I found this list of books, I read a few of these and they have been very helpful. I can’t say they are all mastectomy specific, but there are descriptions to help you choose which might be of interest to you.,Difficult%20Times%20by%20Pema%20Ch%C3%B6dr%C3%B6n%20...%20More%20items
There are many, many more, I remember going to the used book store and asking the staff who helped me find so many that she had to help me carry them out.
I found “pink is the new black” to be engaging.
Do you read digital books, audio books or paper books? Do you have a used book store close by?


Hello. Maybe it would be helpful for you to talk about what you are experiencing , and your feelings about it here.


@sgorecki, I agree with @colely. It can help to talk about your grief and feeling of loss here with others. I know you are not alone with these feelings. In fact, these 2 discussions started by @colely and @rhongirl touch on similar feelings of loss and emotional side effects.
- Anyone feel devasted about how you look & feel? And guilty too?
- Emotional aftermath following breast cancer treatment

Breasts are part of us and to varying degrees go hand in hand with our sense of self, our sexuality, gender identity, sensual pleasure, the nurturing of our children both in milk and cuddles and more. It is what you once saw reflected back in the mirror that is no longer there.

Coffeecat, I appreciate that you framed this discussion in terms of grief and loss. If you are comfortable sharing, what do you miss the most?

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