request for culture of sinuses before shoulder replacement

Posted by hlp123 @hlp123, Aug 21, 2023

Was anyone asked to have a culture of their sinuses two weeks before their shoulder replacement? The orthopedic surgeon did not tell me about this order, but the sign out person gave it to me and it is an order with my name on it.

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My surgeon didn't request it, but I think getting your sinus cultured is a great idea! I have an infection in my RTSR and had to have components removed and currently on IV antibiotics for 6 weeks. Best of luck to you!


My surgeon didn't request it, but I think getting your sinus cultured is a great idea! I have an infection in my RTSR and had to have components removed and currently on IV antibiotics for 6 weeks. Best of luck to you!

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I am right there with you…..TSR has failed (for unknown reasons at this time) since the original March 2023 surgery….. and now need revision to RTSR….but MD is adamant about tissue biopsies for infection BEFORE proceeding with RTSR…..thankful for his knowledge….no sense putting in a new shoulder if infection is present. Was your infection immediately noticeable? Like drainage and pus? Mine appeared very subjective in the arthroscope pictures and tissue samples he took. But definite darkening of the tendons showing failure ……I have no terrible symptoms of any infection, except constant pain, especially reclining, and almost no ROM but do have extreme weakness in the shoulder. And extreme fatigue….all I want to do is sleep!
I am really interested in how your infection started and progressed. My biopsy results will not come back for a couple weeks….I am praying for negative infection. He put me prophylatically on anti-biotics, pending test results….
What made you suspect you had an infection?


I had my shoulder revision surgery on 11/9/2022. From the beginning, I knew something was wrong. I was in constant pain, had severe weakness in my arm,no ROM, and fatigue. I also knew I had nerve damage because the pain was so severe! Had to go to a nerve specialist to get rid of nerve damage. I had no drainage or pus or fevers. In June 2023, my student therapist told me I needed to see my surgeon because my arm would make a thud sound going through the motions she was putting me through. I saw surgeon and he took an x-ray and based on that he diagnosed me with an infection. Scheduled surgery (7/13/2023)to remove implants and replaced them with antibiotic infused cement. Went to Infection Disease doctor and found out 3 of the cultures came back with 2 different types of cultures. I got PICC line placed and am receiving 6 weeks worth of IV antibiotic. My arm didn't heal right so I will have to have my arm rebuilt after infection cleared up. Still no fever or drainage to indicate I have an infection. The noise my arm was making was the humerus implant was loose and moving around in my arm. What a mess!


I had my shoulder revision surgery on 11/9/2022. From the beginning, I knew something was wrong. I was in constant pain, had severe weakness in my arm,no ROM, and fatigue. I also knew I had nerve damage because the pain was so severe! Had to go to a nerve specialist to get rid of nerve damage. I had no drainage or pus or fevers. In June 2023, my student therapist told me I needed to see my surgeon because my arm would make a thud sound going through the motions she was putting me through. I saw surgeon and he took an x-ray and based on that he diagnosed me with an infection. Scheduled surgery (7/13/2023)to remove implants and replaced them with antibiotic infused cement. Went to Infection Disease doctor and found out 3 of the cultures came back with 2 different types of cultures. I got PICC line placed and am receiving 6 weeks worth of IV antibiotic. My arm didn't heal right so I will have to have my arm rebuilt after infection cleared up. Still no fever or drainage to indicate I have an infection. The noise my arm was making was the humerus implant was loose and moving around in my arm. What a mess!

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Wow…thanks….that is very helpful. Sounds very similar… long did it take to get your cultures back… shoulder is not making any noises, but it sure feels like it is not attached too well…..I’d like to keep up with your progress and am brand new to this site…..will you keep us updated? If not, I can give you my email….

Thanks. Hoping you are feeling better every day!


It took 2 weeks for some of the cultures to come back, but the final report comes about 21 - 24 days.


I am so very sorry that you are having all of this pain and that you are going through continual surgeries !!!!
I already knew from years ago, when I had a sinus infection that did not clear up and my primary doctor ordered a sinus culture that came back as a "drug resistant staph infection". I think it is really a good idea to have a culture done before anyone has surgery. My primary tells me that everyone has staph all over their skin and that any surgeon will take precautions to be sure the staph does not get into the incision. But, I do not trust this. I do not know if I will have the shoulder replaced. I was just surprised to be given the order for the culture, since this did not come up in the visit and I was wondering if it is routine to do a culture before surgery, and if anyone else had this experience. I hope you get some relief and positive progress with your condition. Please continue to let us know how you are doing. Maybe we can help each other.


Sorry, I forgot to add in the above comment, that I really value that we can help each other and share information. One thing that I always find to be helpful, is that I always ask my doctor's "If I was their mother, is this what you would advise them to do". It is very interesting, how many times they think for a minute and then come up with something helpful.
My heart goes out to all of you going through this pain.

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