Anyone have cancer with unknown primary?

Posted by rita8898 @rita8898, May 20, 2019

Anyone suffering from cancer with unknown primary?

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I am praying for you and your daughter. I was thinking of you since I woke up. Keep in touch, I am in the USA, but it seems we have the same choices- double chemo. How are you feeling yourself?

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Well, thank you. I am doing the double dose chemo paclitaxol and carboplatin. I love listening to a pastor that was in Redeemer in Manhattan (Tim Keller who is with the Lord now). I’d recommend listening to two messages - one is Death can only make me better- remembering Tim Keller and the other is Talking to yourself, not listening to yourself. They are both short on YouTube. I will let you know how things go and will remember you in prayer.


Only you can decide. I’m having double dose chemo. Well, will have my 3rd round only if blood count comes up - was too low last week. I’m in UK. Praying you’ll know God’s peace.

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I am praying for you and your daughter. I was thinking of you since I woke up. Keep in touch, I am in the USA, but it seems we have the same choices- double chemo. How are you feeling yourself?


Thank you for replying! I was diagnosed in February as well. They offered me a double chemo, because nothing else would help( according to an oncologist), but chemo will add just several months to live. Struggle so much for nothing basically? Does it worth it? Maybe I should go with the flow, I feel good, no side effects ( yet?). I have never smoked, I don’t drink, eat healthy, and problem was accidentally found on my annual ultrasound check up. I have a little time to make a decision. Don’t know what’s to do.

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Only you can decide. I’m having double dose chemo. Well, will have my 3rd round only if blood count comes up - was too low last week. I’m in UK. Praying you’ll know God’s peace.


Hi Nikkie
I have CUP too diagnosed beginning of February. It had already metastasised to lymph nodes. If it was just pelvic area (2 tumours here) things would be better but in peritoneum -lining (2 here also) We probably killed the primary with our immune system but too late. I’m attacking it from all angles because I’ve got a little girl aged 12 which is the hardest thing but as a Christian, I trust my Saviour and know without any shadow of doubt that ‘absent from the body, present with the Lord’. I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Do vit c IV, eat foods that will starve the cancer plus try the off label drugs or supplements that Jane McClelland talks about in her book.

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Thank you for replying! I was diagnosed in February as well. They offered me a double chemo, because nothing else would help( according to an oncologist), but chemo will add just several months to live. Struggle so much for nothing basically? Does it worth it? Maybe I should go with the flow, I feel good, no side effects ( yet?). I have never smoked, I don’t drink, eat healthy, and problem was accidentally found on my annual ultrasound check up. I have a little time to make a decision. Don’t know what’s to do.


I was just diagnosed with metastasis in liver, but no primary tumor. They scanned me from head to toe- didn’t find a cancer origins. I have noticed that you posted your question about 5 yrs ago- how r u doing or someone you placed your post for? Just curious

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Hi Nikkie
I have CUP too diagnosed beginning of February. It had already metastasised to lymph nodes. If it was just pelvic area (2 tumours here) things would be better but in peritoneum -lining (2 here also) We probably killed the primary with our immune system but too late. I’m attacking it from all angles because I’ve got a little girl aged 12 which is the hardest thing but as a Christian, I trust my Saviour and know without any shadow of doubt that ‘absent from the body, present with the Lord’. I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Do vit c IV, eat foods that will starve the cancer plus try the off label drugs or supplements that Jane McClelland talks about in her book.


I was just diagnosed with metastasis in liver, but no primary tumor. They scanned me from head to toe- didn’t find a cancer origins. I have noticed that you posted your question about 5 yrs ago- how r u doing or someone you placed your post for? Just curious


Good morning everyone,
It has been a long time since I have posted on this thread. I had surgery in December and radiation in February and March, and then back to chemo afterward. Astonishingly, I am almost at my two-year cancerversary and am feeling better than I have in years! The reason, I believe, is that the cancer was in me long before diagnosis (main symptom: exhaustion which was blamed on taking care of my sweetheart who was getting sicker and sicker--he is now in a nursing home and is doing well). I am so grateful to be feeling well! Chemo is keeping the growths at bay and I can still work which is a blessing. Cancer is tough but we are tougher.

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Congratulations, Sheri!! I know you went through heck and back to get to this point. It’s amazing what the body can go through and overcome, isn’t it? I’m so glad you wrote in to share this positive message that cancer is tough, but we ARE tougher!! ☺️


Good morning everyone,
It has been a long time since I have posted on this thread. I had surgery in December and radiation in February and March, and then back to chemo afterward. Astonishingly, I am almost at my two-year cancerversary and am feeling better than I have in years! The reason, I believe, is that the cancer was in me long before diagnosis (main symptom: exhaustion which was blamed on taking care of my sweetheart who was getting sicker and sicker--he is now in a nursing home and is doing well). I am so grateful to be feeling well! Chemo is keeping the growths at bay and I can still work which is a blessing. Cancer is tough but we are tougher.


@rita8898, have you heard of RGCC testing? Do your own research, but from what I understand, it can provide origin along with other helpful information.

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RGCC was developed by a Swiss company. It doesn't appear to yet be approved by the US Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) and The College of American Pathologists (CAP). US labs that provide medical grade testing are CLIA certified and CAP accredited. This ensures test results meet and exceed industry standards for clinical laboratory testing.

RGCC looks promising and is similar to the Galleri test. The Galleri test is a blood test, offering a new way to screen for cancers. Many cancers can start to grow but show no symptoms until later stages. With Galleri pathologists are able to look for a signal shared (tumor DNA in a person’s circulation) for more than 50 types of cancer. If a cancer signal is found, the results predict where in the body the cancer may be located to help your provider guide your next steps. Galleri should be done in addition to, not in place of, any annual cancer screenings recommended by your healthcare provider. This test does not detect all cancers and is not meant to replace genetic testing for those at increased risk of hereditary cancers.

More information can be found at

Patients interested in this Galleri test can talk to their primary care provider. This test is available at Mayo Clinic.


Thank you so much. Gods bless you for encouraging me and I pray it goes well with you

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