Referrals to Mayo Clinic

Posted by gwen72 @gwen72, Jan 27 1:10pm

Hello I'm 50years old needing a Doctor who believes me and doesn't tell me I need a Psychological Evaluation!I've had right abdominal pain between right rib cage and hip bone for the last6 years,been to multiple ER..was told it was gas,that I needed Psychological Evaluation,1 Doctor actually believed me and ran multiple tests..the CT scan showed something was wrong was sent to a big Hospital in different city..all I was told wasi needed to go to bigger hospital cause their hospital was equipped for whatever reason..Bigger Hospital pumped me full of tramadol after I told them I get bad migraines from it,after 2days they switched me to tests done just pumped with these pills then sent me home with NO ANSWER AND FELT LIKE I WAS DYING!!Still No answer still dealing with pain and I'm miserable..had gallbladder removed a year ago felt better for about 3months after removal,then pain came back GI specialist removed polyup from stomach and told me I have chronic pancreatic, been taking Zenpep 2pills 3times aday..NO relief Please help,I need answers or even suggestions. Concerned Mother,Daughter and A New Grandmother who wants to Live.

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Hello @gwen72, I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been able to get any answers or relief for your pain. Am I right in assuming the GI specialist told you that you have chronic pancreatitis? Mayo Clinic does provide pancreatitis care if you would like to seek help -

If you would like to seek help from Mayo Clinic, contact one of the appointment offices. The contact information for Minnesota, Arizona and Florida can be found here


gwen72 @gwen72

It is frustrating when you have a chronic condition and feel like your not being listen to.

Would it be so terrible to have a psy evaluation? I am not saying your pain is not physical, but if nothing else, they may be able to help with the anxiety till you find the reason and a treatment for your physical pain. And, you can tell doctor you followed his advice, but did not solve problem.



@gwen72 So sorry to hear about your struggles, and it’s so frustrating to have your symptoms dismissed.

Were you able to find out if your pain is from pancreatitis, or is the cause still unclear?

I know it would be difficult and potentially more time-consuming, but would you be able to seek another opinion from a different gastroenterologist that may be a better fit or has more experience with your condition? Although it was extremely frustrating and I feel, unfair, I’ve had to do that to access the care I needed.

And as @roch mentioned, while I’m by no means saying “the pain is in your head,” especially when I was at the start of my chronic pain path, working with a health psychologist was really helpful for me because it gave me someone to go to for support while navigating the medical mess and strategies to help cope with the stress or it, and some strategies for relaxation techniques that by no means cured the pain, but helped calm the pain signals down or get me focused enough to plot a way forward. Wishing you all the best.


I would ask for a PET scan. The hospital I went to kept telling me my pain was diverticulitis but on a second opinion PET scan I had stage 3 sigmoid colon cancer. Luckily it hadn’t spread. Be your own best friend and keep pushing for a test. If you’ve had a PET scan ask for a biopsy of the painful area. Good luck.

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