Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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Died of a blockage in the bowel. That what I meant to write above… predictive took over …


I’ve had 73 years of constipation caused by the redundant ( tortuous colon ). At long last I have relief.
I would love to have the colon cut and take out a chunk to enable the remainder to sit comfortably in its allocated space . However I think there are risks to the op.
My worry is that if I become old and senile 🤔 no one else will be able to manage my bowels like me !!!!
I read that someone elderly in a home in those kind of circumstances actually dieffenbachia a blocked bowel ☹️ it’s a worry 🤷‍♀️


Try this it works for me , a spoonful every morning.


I had the leaky gut and the MRT ($500 blood test for food intolerances) about 2 years ago..and worked with a nutritionist for about 6 months.. it wasn't exactly right for me.. I had an antiphallic reaction to her Vitamin D drops (which she didn't know could happen..I called the company and they said "yes!! stop them" and I told her so she could inform others).. There's a way to tell if you're having an allergic reaction..I was told by a nurse.. get one of those things they put on your finger (for pulse..??) and if it goes up then it's started..(I live very rural and keep an epipen)..Also have you been tested for Alpha Gal.. we have alot of that around here.. from a tick bite.. and you can never eat anything that "has fur" on it again.. beef, milk.. etc.. it's a simple blood test... (also did you know gluten can be found in lipstick and some makeup and hair products?.. The leaky gut is a tough thing to cope with.. bless your heart..I'll pray for you!!

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Woops!! Correction to the above..I was wrong.. The finger thing to the nurse said to use to see about an allergic reaction is a Finger Pulse Oximeter (can buy on Amazon for about $10) and she said the normal number was 92 and if it goes're beginning to have an allergic reaction.. it won't detect intolerances.. allergies and intolerances are 2 different things..


I have it! I barely go anywhere! I’ve asked to get part removed!? Nope!
Dr says next time I get a blockage to go to Er! I do not like going there. I can’t even move when a blockage is in process. I actually was even in hospitol a couple times as child. They called it telescopic bowel back in the days. It’s difficult to manage
Does anyone take laxatives?

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I have it! I barely go anywhere!! Just dignosed..I use biscadyls (3) sometimes several time a week.. every few days to prevent a blockage.. have tried Linzess,.Amtisa, IBSrela and now Trulance..Miralax.. to no avail.. drink lots of water and watch diet.. but still have to take the biscadyls.. and they make me sick and about 8-12 hours I go and go and go..I do not like ER!! Am waiting on my GI to send me to a surgeon to do a bowel resection..I hope this helps you!! prayers coming your way!!


What kind of relaxation therapy? Do you massage yourself?

I also have leaky gut syndrome, can't eat dairy or yogurt or goat or sheep milk products, can't eat gluten, soy or rice, and took a special blood test in which I found that I cannot process many different foods. Oh, I haven't eaten meat or poultry for 61 years, and I don't eat shellfish. Good thing that I am not a foodie!

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I had the leaky gut and the MRT ($500 blood test for food intolerances) about 2 years ago..and worked with a nutritionist for about 6 months.. it wasn't exactly right for me.. I had an antiphallic reaction to her Vitamin D drops (which she didn't know could happen..I called the company and they said "yes!! stop them" and I told her so she could inform others).. There's a way to tell if you're having an allergic reaction..I was told by a nurse.. get one of those things they put on your finger (for pulse..??) and if it goes up then it's started..(I live very rural and keep an epipen)..Also have you been tested for Alpha Gal.. we have alot of that around here.. from a tick bite.. and you can never eat anything that "has fur" on it again.. beef, milk.. etc.. it's a simple blood test... (also did you know gluten can be found in lipstick and some makeup and hair products?.. The leaky gut is a tough thing to cope with.. bless your heart..I'll pray for you!!


Relaxation therapy for my redundant colon, as anxiety is one of the things that cause my guts to "twist" and bloat. Also, massage for constipation for bloat too. Sleeping on my left side (for gravity to move things along), avoiding dense foods (dense bread/meat/etc.). Focusing on liquidy soups and hot cereals. Little to no meat.

I have made a large number of adjustments. If all that stops working I just don't know what else would do the trick.

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What kind of relaxation therapy? Do you massage yourself?

I also have leaky gut syndrome, can't eat dairy or yogurt or goat or sheep milk products, can't eat gluten, soy or rice, and took a special blood test in which I found that I cannot process many different foods. Oh, I haven't eaten meat or poultry for 61 years, and I don't eat shellfish. Good thing that I am not a foodie!


I am 58 and had issues as a child as well. Just dealt with it as a young person. In the last few years it has gotten worse. I found out I have a hiatal hernia as well as the redundant colon. The one thing I have found that works best is not eating until 10:00ish in the morning. Water first thing then sitting with hot coffee for a while in the morning almost always works for me. Staying away from bread products has also seemed to be beneficial. Lots of home cooked meals rather than processed and eating slowly and stopping as soon as I feel full definitely helps. When I over eat I am miserable.

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I’m miserable too when I overeat. 😞


I am 58 and had issues as a child as well. Just dealt with it as a young person. In the last few years it has gotten worse. I found out I have a hiatal hernia as well as the redundant colon. The one thing I have found that works best is not eating until 10:00ish in the morning. Water first thing then sitting with hot coffee for a while in the morning almost always works for me. Staying away from bread products has also seemed to be beneficial. Lots of home cooked meals rather than processed and eating slowly and stopping as soon as I feel full definitely helps. When I over eat I am miserable.


Yes! And it has affected my quality of life!

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I have it! I barely go anywhere! I’ve asked to get part removed!? Nope!
Dr says next time I get a blockage to go to Er! I do not like going there. I can’t even move when a blockage is in process. I actually was even in hospitol a couple times as child. They called it telescopic bowel back in the days. It’s difficult to manage
Does anyone take laxatives?

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