Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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I was diagnosed with it about a year ago. My protocol was 2 meds for constipation, 1 med for inflammation, that's it. I found a great nutritionist, who taught me how and what to eat.
Doing quite well. Yes, find another Doctor.

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Hi Sally, I have had Gerd, gastritis, constipation for years, have been to 4 of 5 Doctors, only to be told to take laxatives. Finally went to a good gastroenterologist, who did a colonoscopy and diagnosed me with tortuous colon, pancreatic insufficiency, lot of inflammation. He put me on Creon a prescription for pancreas enzymes and mesalamine for inflammation. I took my information to a nutritionist. She put me on a diet that was high in nutrition, basically soft foods, breakfast and lunch were smoothies with almond milk, protein powder, fruit, veggies, MCT Oil. She gave me a whole folders of recipes of lunches and dinner, soups. I chose six meetings on line with her for questions and suggestions. She was great, that was six or more months ago. Its helped with stomach issues and constipation, as long as I stick to it.
Feel free to ask me any questions.


I was diagnosed with it about a year ago. My protocol was 2 meds for constipation, 1 med for inflammation, that's it. I found a great nutritionist, who taught me how and what to eat.
Doing quite well. Yes, find another Doctor.

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Could you detail any of that? Meds, specific kid of nutritionist, what and what not to eat. Thanks!


That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you! I just asked my gi about that when he told me how twisted my colon was and he told me they don’t do that anymore, just remove whole colon. Guess maybe I’ll get another opinion.

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I was diagnosed with it about a year ago. My protocol was 2 meds for constipation, 1 med for inflammation, that's it. I found a great nutritionist, who taught me how and what to eat.
Doing quite well. Yes, find another Doctor.


That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you! I just asked my gi about that when he told me how twisted my colon was and he told me they don’t do that anymore, just remove whole colon. Guess maybe I’ll get another opinion.

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Yes, get a second opinion. When I went to the emergency room that doctor had never seen anything like it after looking at the numerous CT scans they did on me. He was calling around to other doctors to see what he should do. He didn't feel comfortable doing the surgery so they sent me home a couple of days later and I had to schedule the surgery. First they sent me to a doctor who only deals with stomach issues. He is the one who performed the surgery. Only thing is, I was in a lot of pain for the first week. It is staring to feel better now.


I just had the reduction surgery down last Thursday. The surgeon had to remove 12 inches of large intestines. One of the differences that I have noticed is that I am having a bowel movement every day now. It use to be every 5-6 days. In the beginning it does give you diarrhea for about 4-5 days. I didn't have just the laparoscopy surgery done, he had to cut my stomach open. I'm still in some pain and sore but hoping the surgery will help me in the long run. I spent many years in pain, constipation, bloating....I only found out I needed the surgery because I ended up in the emergency room with severe pains in my stomach. I'm just glad that I was able to finally have someone find out what was wrong with me and I'm hoping that I can finally have some relief.

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That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you! I just asked my gi about that when he told me how twisted my colon was and he told me they don’t do that anymore, just remove whole colon. Guess maybe I’ll get another opinion.


I just had the reduction surgery down last Thursday. The surgeon had to remove 12 inches of large intestines. One of the differences that I have noticed is that I am having a bowel movement every day now. It use to be every 5-6 days. In the beginning it does give you diarrhea for about 4-5 days. I didn't have just the laparoscopy surgery done, he had to cut my stomach open. I'm still in some pain and sore but hoping the surgery will help me in the long run. I spent many years in pain, constipation, bloating....I only found out I needed the surgery because I ended up in the emergency room with severe pains in my stomach. I'm just glad that I was able to finally have someone find out what was wrong with me and I'm hoping that I can finally have some relief.


Hey, rant away! That’s why we’re here. Where else can we share and vent where others understand? Read some of my posts if you think yours is long!
I started dealing with chronic pain, fatigue, IBS, and other symptoms of fibromyalgia in 2003. I’m 63 now and these other diagnoses certainly don’t make life easier. I’ve learned and used a lot of mind-body techniques to aid in pain relief and other symptoms from diagnoses. I’m not sure if you’re into that type of stuff, but it can be helpful. It got so difficult for me, living in constant pain and fatigue that I had to find ways to distract myself. It something that has helped me cope. Let me know how your doing and if you proceed with banding!

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I’m into anything that will help! I started meditation with the Balance app about 6 weeks ago. It really helps. I’m also talking to a psychologist who specializes in chronic pain. Can’t judge yet if she’s worth it. Also numerous health issues. Seeing a pulmonologist Wednesday for results of lung C/T. Never ending.


Gee Sallyw133….you don’t happen to live in TX do you?…. I’m being sarcastic cuz that’s about what I’d expect from 1 or 2 of my (past) Drs.
However, I don’t think I’ll be having another colon-scope for a while…I’ve had 5 or 6 already…..still not fun

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Haha. No I live in PA but my dr is at Cleveland Clinic. I see a new, female motility specialist in June there. So hoping she us going to be better than him!


I’ve had them since my 20’s, worse after kids. Now 64. Always constipated. Usually just flared after bout of IBS. Last fall out of nowhere, burning pain. GI doesn’t know. Colo-rectal surgeon says protalgia fugax. Then, pelvic floor dysfunction. So when I say people having their hands in places, believe me, you have no idea! So did the therapy for months. Sorry this is so long. During all this excruciating abdominal pain. And cyst on ovary but other side. 6 trips to ER, colonoscopies in Dec and Feb, ovaries and tubes out in Feb. colonoscopy showed the severely tortuous colon reason for pain. Burning had improved but back after surgery. Saw a colo-rectal/PF spec who said tense muscles back do more therapy. But I went and saw gi who said 3 internal hemorrhoids which could be banded. 99% success rate. PF therapist doesn’t think that is my problem but also doesn’t think PF could be causing it either. So I’m ready to literally tear my hair out! Have this burning all the time. Sorry, for ranting.

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Hey, rant away! That’s why we’re here. Where else can we share and vent where others understand? Read some of my posts if you think yours is long!
I started dealing with chronic pain, fatigue, IBS, and other symptoms of fibromyalgia in 2003. I’m 63 now and these other diagnoses certainly don’t make life easier. I’ve learned and used a lot of mind-body techniques to aid in pain relief and other symptoms from diagnoses. I’m not sure if you’re into that type of stuff, but it can be helpful. It got so difficult for me, living in constant pain and fatigue that I had to find ways to distract myself. It something that has helped me cope. Let me know how your doing and if you proceed with banding!


Oh shoot. We got talking about so many other things I forgot to ask. I will call her Monday and ask.

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Visceral mobilization. She said you can’t do it to yourself. It’s a procedure done by a trained PFT. But I looked it up on U-tube and there are some videos. What can it hurt? I tried it and it did get some gas out!

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