Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?
Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.
My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne
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Hi had a colonoscopy it was very painful bcz i have same like you redundant tortus colon with sigmoid symptoms are very painful gas all over stomach that including stomach skin discomfort..when seating long time and too much gas...also empty stomach more worse..🥲🥲🥲
Hi had a colonoscopy it was very painful bcz i have same like you redundant tortus colon with sigmoid symptoms are very painful gas all over stomach that including stomach skin discomfort..when seating long time and too much gas...also empty stomach more worse..
Hi Jayne,
Best of luck. Stick with it and you can find just the right fit for you! I am so glad I didn't even consider surgery after finding out about my longer than usual colon! You can form fit the changes you need for just you. Be sure to be active too. Glad others have natural suggestions like kiwi and artichoke root and slippery elm, Maybe I will add them from time to time too.
Disclaimer: Only my experience going natural for chronic constipation and come to find out redundant colon. I have used organic, integrative, functional, holistic Naturopathic doctor's advice along with my MD’s since the early 1980's. There is science in alternatives too.
I work closely with my ND, he told me to study the Migrating Motor Complex and Osmotic Gradient and he bet that I would find something that worked for me. Goal: how to keep a longer than normal pipe consistently moist…. My ND also said because my condition was physical, attention would be needed from now on.
I tried laxatives and they are not consistent and have side effects like bloating, etc. All say for occasional use. They disrupt the system if taken continuously. Psyllium husks, MD's go to, made me worse. I liked response from a co-redundant colon person: “It’s physical” so regular constipation suggestions may not work. Don’t give up because it took me 4 months to feel I could depend on being regular. It is worth going natural.
Dec 2023 the doc had me do non sedated colonoscopy. He went through my colon as I watched on TV. I had had a baby years ago (natural and could stand pain) so figured I could stand it – it was no big deal. Most people in world don't get put out. Very interesting and it helped allow the scope to get through because I relaxed. No wonder I had been constipation on and off starting in my teens. I’m now in my early 70’s.
OptiMag and K2+ Potassium are great supps. I take them when I go to bed and once in the night. I include prunes/prune juice, winter squash, sweet potatoes, rhubarb etc in my diet. I eat cups of steamed vegetables each day. I grind 2T chia, 1 T sesame seeds and 2 T flax seeds, then soak in prune juice overnight. I add a T or two of carob now since it can help regularity. Take half in the morning and half at night or all in the morning. Throw sugar out along with processed and refined foods. Look up foods and drinks that constipate and give them up, at least as a test. Drink lot of water starting with a quart of hot water in the morning - boy scouts. I use warmed up diluted chicken broth at times too. It is soothing to my stomach. Coffee and Smooth Move are my back ups. I don't like coffee and never have drunk it much but it usually works for me in a pinch. Thankfully I only need coffee a few times a month.
Check out helpful research of biological processes that take place in our gut:
- Migrating Motor complex which is the electroactivity in the GI tract during meals and fasting
- Osmotic gradient. If too much water is pulled into the colon, diarrhea results. If not enough water is pulled into the colon constipation results. Balance of minerals is important. Magnesium, potassium and sodium brings water into the colon. I have found balancing these help prevent constipation. I have to watch my calcium supplement intake because it tends to encourage constipation. Calcium carbonate seems to be the most constipating. I depend on blood work from time to time to make sure my minerals are balanced. Oh and letting stress go is important too - I know how scary it can be. Golly it seems there is no hope for relief but it is worth looking at diet and trying lifestyle changes that can help. Good luck, @farmersmith
Yes, I can say.I have had similar thing happen with me.
Stabbing pain when turning in bed on my left side.
Seem to coincide when I began to have gastro.Issues because of my twisted colon.
Is always a situation that you have to deal with all the time.
Just completed a colonoscop and it was a moderately torturous colon.
I wish that there was a way we could untwist the colons!
i'm going to look into it.
Considering age @66yy, what i've endured w cholecystectomy, umbilical hernia repair, rectopexy-(anal prolapse), & 40 y ago hysterectomy- scar tissue growth- doc talked re removal of excess growth- Huh? PCP i have past year offered a tetanus shot, another Huh? Petty stuff when I'm in maternity clothes w distensions & a prolapse. I kid you not. So many tests & blood work & i agree 100%
WFPB... Whole Food Plant Based.
Redundant Colon.
I got off all the this to make me go, this to make me 🛑. I can't eat fiber. Fresh fruits & veggies was the hardest to give up. DX GERD initially, 25y's ago. Researching my chart 5y's ago DX Chronic gastritis, E.O.E, Gastroparesis; stomach's Slow
emptying. 2022 colonscope; redundant colon. EUS. EGD. CT's (xmany). X-rays. & there's no end for tests but i can hardly keep appts w Huge swollen stomach- i thought. There's no test for IBS. Symptoms. D 4y's & C past y. Acidic spit vs Bile spit? w D explosive, oily, immediately after food - bthrm. & C going once every 7 d. I had salmon n sweet taters T & W. on F& Sat, i see pink in poo balls in toilet. It's salmon 3 days digesting. Today stomach ( ctr rib cage) normal from Fast. Colon's painfully swollen, bloated. w 30g Boost & Gatorade Zero drinking all day 3rd day. Trying to reset biological clock & hopefully prepared for Intake & Elimination. GES Gastric Emptying Scan should be very successful tomorrow. Can't say couldn't complete test or Any food could be Something
Slippery elms provides the mucosal support that helps my otherwise "dry" colon move everything through. It doesn't give a "urge." I use a golden kiwi a night for that. Either alone not as useful.
Good to know about artichoke root. I cannot try it though as I am sensitive to most foods -- think FODMAP, but in the extreme. Glad it works for you and others though.
No I decided against that surgery bc of age and nothing is 100%.
@dfloyd1133 I'm w GES re stomach emptying super slow. I'm w redundant torturous colon. My chart 2022 read redundant c. Asked GI re torturous & YES i fit the tab. Was unaware Colon Resection surgery ? Looked at stomach options. No Fundalop re that. Wrapping stomach around another organ. Did you ever resection? How's your life going?
@researchmaven Thanks. I take artichoke root too. Slippery elm for digestion too ?