Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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Hi, I am to suffering from the same condition
I am too having severe constipation.


Hi, the surgery went very well, helped a lot, mine was caused by chronic constipation which I still have. I had it in 2010. I'm sure technology has come a long way since then. I know it's scary but it really helped, no more trips to er for having that much pain because of it. Hope this helps

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Thank you for sharing. This is most likely the cause of mine as well.


I’m uncomfortable with the surgical option. But, it’s hard when the pain hits and interferes with situations.
How long ago did you have it done and results- pro or con, please?

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Hi, the surgery went very well, helped a lot, mine was caused by chronic constipation which I still have. I had it in 2010. I'm sure technology has come a long way since then. I know it's scary but it really helped, no more trips to er for having that much pain because of it. Hope this helps


I had surgery to correct mine, spent 5 days inpatient. Helped a ton w spams, pain, trips to er and such. They only took 24 inches, it was looped up over my liver. Best wishes

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I’m uncomfortable with the surgical option. But, it’s hard when the pain hits and interferes with situations.
How long ago did you have it done and results- pro or con, please?


Hello! I was 44 when I was diagnosed with redundant colon three years ago but doctor never pointed out the cause of my chronic abdominal pain was related. I changed my diet completely: no lactose, no gluten (wheat, corn, oats, etc), no sugar.. i included green juice and giger-curcuma infusion on daily basis also, i started activities to handle the stress: meditation, yoga and substitute the swimming training because pandemic closed my pool for biking ... It helps a lot. However, i had another crisis two years ago and i decided to check out the ovaries and uterus the gynecologist did a exploratory laparoscopy and it was needed a gastro because they found adherences and it was need it to clean them up. I didn't have previous surgieres which it is the most common cause as fas as i have read... after that i was better... being very careful with my diet ... however, i am having a new crisis I went out of the strict diet and i am planning to go back to full gluten free detox (bye bye popcorn) i started Yoga at home again (my pool is being fix so i am again without swimming training) ... but I honestly will like to go to doctor and tell him: open me and reduce the colon and clean everything up again... otherwise i will do my self. I am the only income of my family and i don't get sick leave for this... and it is really hard to work with constant pain and discomfort
Hope, science finds a solution for this... Let you know how my new detox goes...

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I had surgery to correct mine, spent 5 days inpatient. Helped a ton w spams, pain, trips to er and such. They only took 24 inches, it was looped up over my liver. Best wishes


I have had this for sometime and waiting for a referral to the Mayo Clinic. My additional issue is I have two meshes from previous incisional hernia surgeries. No one wants to do the surgery.
I have tried gluten and lactose free along with FODMAP diet. I find none of it helps as this is a mechanical issue on the outside not the inside. Be that said, too much roughage is not good. My GI doc says I am always partially obstructed. So far, I have been able to clear obstructions with an NG tube and time in the hospital. My fear is that at some point it won’t help.
My dietary help is to not eat too much at one time and to have a mostly liquid diet so I don’t build up too much content. My bowel movements and urine output it small as not much gets through at a given time.


Hello! I was 44 when I was diagnosed with redundant colon three years ago but doctor never pointed out the cause of my chronic abdominal pain was related. I changed my diet completely: no lactose, no gluten (wheat, corn, oats, etc), no sugar.. i included green juice and giger-curcuma infusion on daily basis also, i started activities to handle the stress: meditation, yoga and substitute the swimming training because pandemic closed my pool for biking ... It helps a lot. However, i had another crisis two years ago and i decided to check out the ovaries and uterus the gynecologist did a exploratory laparoscopy and it was needed a gastro because they found adherences and it was need it to clean them up. I didn't have previous surgieres which it is the most common cause as fas as i have read... after that i was better... being very careful with my diet ... however, i am having a new crisis I went out of the strict diet and i am planning to go back to full gluten free detox (bye bye popcorn) i started Yoga at home again (my pool is being fix so i am again without swimming training) ... but I honestly will like to go to doctor and tell him: open me and reduce the colon and clean everything up again... otherwise i will do my self. I am the only income of my family and i don't get sick leave for this... and it is really hard to work with constant pain and discomfort
Hope, science finds a solution for this... Let you know how my new detox goes...


Hi, I also have a redundant colon, transverse and sigmoid. I was recently hospitalized for a blockage and sigmoid volvulus. I did not have a resection "yet". I am being pushed by just about everyone to have this surgery before the redundant colon twists again but I am trying to control this with diet. I am new to this forum and learning a lot. Thank you everyone for posting. Did you end up having the laparoscopic sigmoid resection? If so, how did it go and how are you doing? Thank you!

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Sorry you are going through that. No, I did not have any surgery. I have been managing with diet and hydration. Having daily bowel movements without laxative use other than prune juice. It is concerning that you have had a significant obstruction, so in my opinion, I would follow the advice of the colorectal surgeon. From my understanding, the laparoscopic sigmoid resection has a short healing time and is a well tolerated procedure. Wishing you the best of luck.


I also have a redundant colon, transverse and sigmoid. Saw a colorectal surgeon who suggested further testing, consider laparoscopic sigmoid resection. Putting that on hold and trying to manage it with lifestyle and strengthening pelvic floor. I agree it is hard to know what to eat because of course we worry about obstruction! I have been able to increase my fiber intake (about 20-25grams) gradually as long as I’m drinking 2 L of water and taking 4 ounces of warm prune juice at night. Since I’ve done that, I am getting much better movements and not having as much abdominal pain since I am clearer. This condition sucks. Wishing you the best of luck.

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Hi, I also have a redundant colon, transverse and sigmoid. I was recently hospitalized for a blockage and sigmoid volvulus. I did not have a resection "yet". I am being pushed by just about everyone to have this surgery before the redundant colon twists again but I am trying to control this with diet. I am new to this forum and learning a lot. Thank you everyone for posting. Did you end up having the laparoscopic sigmoid resection? If so, how did it go and how are you doing? Thank you!

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