Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?
Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.
My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne
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I was losing weight for awhile, but due to something different -- spastic colon, IBS-C symptoms, and wide-ranging food intolerances. I was basically too uncomfortable to eat and almost everything I ate triggered these problems, so I lost 25 lb and became underweight. Once I got on top of these problems, my weight stabilized in a healthy range.
Sometimes a redundant colon really doesn't hurt a person too much
I assume you are not getting enough calories with your five small meals. Hopefully, you will be able to figure out what you can eat to maintain if not gain weight. A dietician, Ms. Google, or your doctor could help with that. I eat a lot of soups and hot cereal, teas and lattes, beside plain water. Too much solid food, like meat and fish, raw produce, doesn't sit right with me. All produce is cooked.
As far as your drugs go, you really aren't taking many at all. You may want to explore more drug options, if available, before undergoing surgery.
Regarding surgery, if you go that route, just go to the best, most gifted surgeon on your plan. I use all sorts of tricks to find doctors I may want to trust: where they went to school, their patient reviews, if they are Castle and Connolly listed, and if they specialize in my problem.
I would also encourage you to seek a second opinion.
In other words, exhaust all available non-surgical remedies.
I don't take melatonin, rarely if I can't sleep I take a half pill of Ambien. Only other meds I take are prilosec (40 mg 2/x day) pepcid 40mg at night and allergy meds/inhaler.
Fiber is a struggle, I have gastroparesis I was just diagnosed with last fall, so fiber is not good for that, but the redundant colon needs some at least! Low fiber is something I def do before my colonoscopies.
I drink 100 ounces a day of alkaline water (I also have LPR which is affecting my vocal cords) so I think I am good there.
I eat 5 small meals a day because of the gastroparesis. My concern is I am losing weight and when will it stop! I am ok for another 40 pounds, lost over 30 in 4 months so far. I have been referred to Geisinger so waiting to make that appt. Hoping they suggest surgery to fix at least 3 things!
You do a lot of good things already and every gut is different.
I have had a problem with supplements like Melatonin causing a "complete stop" to my gastric motility. Constipation is listed as a possible side effect of this sleep aid. Consider looking at your meds.
Also, consider if you are eating too much of a "good thing" -- your fiber supplement consumption. They sure don't work for me.
You could try to "clear out" your colon again and eat more vegetables (for example kobocha squash, parsnips, carrots and greens like mature spinach all "green-lighted" Monash low FODMAP foods) instead. And of course, sip water (warm or hot for me) throughout the day.
Everyone says your colon has to be well-watered and I agree. Easier to do with 4 smaller meals a day. Also consider only eating at mealtime, no grazing. Give your gut time to rest and digest. Make sure you are hungry (enough) when you eat.
Also, consider Slipper Elm (Inner Bark) tea. Sold by Frontier. From anyone is fine but it needs to be a good product. It supports the mucosal lining of your gut. I take 1/2 teaspoon in hot water upon rising. Most take much more. I'd try it right away if I were you.
I learned I have a redundant colon last Dec when my gastroenterologist escorted me inside on an un-sedated colonoscopy. No wonder I've fought constipation most of my life! Having had classes in biology in HS and college the colonoscopy was great with minimum discomfort. Most people in the world aren't sedated for the procedure. Being 70 something, active and taking no meds, I use with the following: Am first thing 1 qt warm water and a few cups coffee. Ground flax and chia seeds soaked overnight in cranberry juice or prune juice or both is part of my breakfast too + being active and walking during the day + watch my electrolyte level is good since I drink a lot of water. Pm 2 Opti-Mag 125 + 1 K+2Potassium + (make sure Sodium and Magnesium and Potassium electrolytes balanced) If you're interested in going natural work on leaving out processed foods, most grains and sugar. Look up how the colon works osmotic gradation - we need to keep the whole pipe line watered + check out reducing FODMAP foods that may explain what's in the granola causing a problem + check out the migrating motor complex (MMC) related to vagus nerve too which is the ENS-programmed small intestinal motility pattern of the inter-digestive state. enteric nervous system. The enteric nervous system (ENS) or intrinsic nervous system is one of the main divisions of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and consists of a mesh-like system of neurons that governs the function of the gastrointestinal tract. There are foods that help but not FODMAP ones. Things like, humming, deep breathing, etc can help.
What is the Migrating Motor Complex & how to fix it
< › SIBO>
We gotta get coordinated with our longer then average pipe, oh bother! Best of luck, @farmersmith
I have a redundant colon 🙁 I have been severely constipated since November and have been taking both Miralax and Meta Mucil daily since December 15th with no relief at all. Today we did abdominal x-rays and I am EXTREMELY blocked. Had a colonoscopy done in 2018 when we discovered it after having extreme bouts of constipation my whole life. It is brutal.
I have a redundant colon as does my mom, and my dad is a polyp maker and so am I. 🙁 I was on psyllium fiber for years but it stopped helping. I am making my own granola which has lots of fiber including flaxseed, chia seeds, etc. I have numerous other gi issues, so now I am doing a smoothie for dinner with flax meal in it. I am not eating a lot of solid foods, and am having a difficult time with constipation after I stopped the granola for a couple weeks because I was getting heartburn, decided to keep eating the granola anyways. I have tried other products recommended like magnesium citrate, bisacodyl, Smooth Move teat/senna, and none have helped me. I had 4 colonoscopies in 20 months, the last two were two day preps and two jugs which I could only get 1 1/4 down and they were able to do them, though they take hour and half not 20 minutes like "normal" people. I walk a mile in the morning. I use a squatty potty. I have bowel trained myself, so I get up at 6am most mornings, and sit on toilet for 15 minutes no matter what, which worked for long time, not so good now.
I was diagnosed with it at the beginning of November. My GI Dr has not been much help, I've done some research. I have an appointment with a new GI Dr, who specializes in IBS and tortuous colon. I'm also looking into holistic Dr and medicine
After almost 3 years of undiagnosed pain, seeing four different gastroenterologist, having my gallbladder unnecessarily removed, losing 17 pounds, finally after a colonoscopy, it was discovered that I had a redundant torturous: with idiopathic chronic constipation. Before the diagnosis of IBSC was, I believe, just thrown out there because they had no idea what else it could be, my internist, who has Crohn’s disease is very sympathetic and educated for problems with the colon. At age 71 I’m not a good candidate for surgery so I’ve tried desperately to control this myself. First of all I think everyone’s condition is different and what works for one may not work for another . However, I admit I have picked up tips of what to do and what not to do on this support system. One thing I have found is I cannot have a completely empty stomach and I cannot have a two full stomach. Otherwise I’ll become very bloated which is painful . I always managed to eat something very late at night sometimes in the middle of a night maybe a cracker or a half a banana so that I don’t wake up with a totally empty stomach. I am also using lactulose 10 mg. It was recommended that I use it twice a day but that was too much for me so I use it once at night right before I go to sleep. Since anxiety and stress is a big trigger for me. I use a cannabis product to relieve my anxiety which in the end helps my colon. I hope these suggestions help someone. I’m amazed that I have had constipation all my life, even in childhood and no one ever thought to check my colon. Evidently this is a genetic factor that I was born with. I hope others find some relief as I did. I have just settled into the realization that I have a condition that can’t be cured. I have changed my living situation, my physical activities, my eating habits, my social activities to accommodate this condition. my wishes for others not to give up and keep searching for the routine that’s good for you
For my adhesions all the GI Drs. argued with me the lap for endometriosis wasn’t a big enough surgery to cause adhesions. So, it was years before the last surgery. I wonder about the resection of colon if that would work because I don’t want to be on a bag system. I also wonder about nervous system disorders too.
Sorry I am so tired and not cognitively functioning well. December 6th is when I submitted my information. I can’t wait to feel okay. This is terrifying.