Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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Anyone have an elongated tortuous? I just found out five mins ago . I was also told I have diverticulosis a couple of years ago! OMG ! My stomach is so bloated I look pregnant!

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Welcome @kimmyi, I imagine that can be pretty unnerving being told you have an elongated tortuous colon when you also have diverticulosis. There is another older similar discussion that you may want to look through.
-- Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?:

There are also quite a few discussions and comments on stomach and bloating that you might find helpful to scan through. Here is a link that lists the discussions and comments -

Do you have a follow up appointment with your doctor to discuss the bloating symptoms?


Anyone have an elongated tortuous? I just found out five mins ago . I was also told I have diverticulosis a couple of years ago! OMG ! My stomach is so bloated I look pregnant!


I was born with a redundant colon. I never had a normal life. I missed out of a lot of things. Sometimes it got so bad that I would go into cold sweats, vomitting and almost passing out.


Feeling a bit relieved that I'm not alone with this... I had a scan in my early 20s and it was then I learnt I had a torturous (redundant) colon. I've had digestive issues, mostly constipation, excessive flatulence and pain all my adult life. Most recently in the last 6 months, the constipation has become chronic and a CT Scan revealed I'm faecally impacted. Will be having an endoscopy & colonoscopy soon as haemoglobin levels are also extremely low. The digestive issues have gotten worse as has the constipation since being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism over a decade ago. Have to say my appetite has greatly reduced and there's almost a fear of eating due to the pain that it now causes. Stress most definitely exacerbates the issue. Many people do not understand the pain, and discomfort one feels with this. I believe a few of my immediate family members have the same issue which is comforting in some sense. Thankfully I try and keep active and well-hydrated but hate to think how worse things would be if I weren't, but at this present time, it's difficult. take Movicol regularly and I've been prescribed 8 sachets a day for 3 consecutive days by my GP for faecal impaction. I'm starting to think about bowel surgery now cos it's becoming so distressful...

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Ignoring food choices, consider soups, smoothies and porridges. Liquidy foods to go around the curves.

Also slippery elm inner bark tea. It supports the mucosa. A lack of "slip" in the colon can contribute to constipation. I also eat foods that act as stimulant laxatives at night - kiwi and rhubarb.

I also take a very small dose of Zoloft. It helps with constipation (side effect) and the anxiety trigger I have for IBS. I can't handle many drugs and cut the 25 mg Zoloft pill into quarters and that is the right dose for me. Also Intoleran digestive enzymes for carbohydrates and lactose.

Looking at food choices, I am highly FODMAP sensitive and only eat about 15 foods. Non-meat proteins. No grains. It's pretty radical but it works.

All my best to you!


I found this group as I googled “ how to increase colon transit in redundant colon”. I have been struggling with constipation since childhood. Few years back , had a CT colonography that showed redundant colon. I used to think I have IBS, redundant colon seemed a better diagnosis. I manage it by eating fiber foods, wheat bread, fruits, vegetables, decreased meat, try to drink enough water but forget, FODMAPs are not good. My problem is that it takes me an hour or more in the morning (sometimes 2-3 shorter bathroom trips) to empty my bowel. I want to be done in 10-15 minutes, I’m a fast pace person ( only thing slow about me is my colon) I do thank God that my problem is manageable ( read other people’s miseries) never needed to go to ER. But I’m a physician myself so maybe I don’t get alarmed as easily as others. My 3 siblings have same problem, so probably hereditary. Just found this medicine called Motegrity that can be used although it’s very expensive and has depression as a side effect , so not going to take it. I figured a while ago that laxatives are not a good solution. The right kind of foods - some fiber , water, a low stress life, physical activity- has made this liveable for me. If I find better solutions, I’ll share. Good luck !

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Feeling a bit relieved that I'm not alone with this... I had a scan in my early 20s and it was then I learnt I had a torturous (redundant) colon. I've had digestive issues, mostly constipation, excessive flatulence and pain all my adult life. Most recently in the last 6 months, the constipation has become chronic and a CT Scan revealed I'm faecally impacted. Will be having an endoscopy & colonoscopy soon as haemoglobin levels are also extremely low. The digestive issues have gotten worse as has the constipation since being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism over a decade ago. Have to say my appetite has greatly reduced and there's almost a fear of eating due to the pain that it now causes. Stress most definitely exacerbates the issue. Many people do not understand the pain, and discomfort one feels with this. I believe a few of my immediate family members have the same issue which is comforting in some sense. Thankfully I try and keep active and well-hydrated but hate to think how worse things would be if I weren't, but at this present time, it's difficult. take Movicol regularly and I've been prescribed 8 sachets a day for 3 consecutive days by my GP for faecal impaction. I'm starting to think about bowel surgery now cos it's becoming so distressful...


I had surgery in June 2022 for a mobile cecum. The right colon had moved to the left quadrant of my abdomen and created an obstruction. Surgeon just moved the right colon back in place. I just had a CT scan (July 2024) with contrast that showed the ileocecal valve is in the left quadrant, not the right. The radiologist didn’t even mention it as an incidental finding. But I constantly have bloating, constipation, etc. Anyone else have this happen? I had never heard of the ileocecal valve. Does Mayo perform cecoplexy? My surgeon told me in 2022 they don’t work and was thinking of removing the right colon before he moved it back in place. . Looking for viable options if there are any - hoping cecoplexy is a possibility.


I have not heard of apple pectin, I have tried EVERY OTC for constipation, to no avail, as well as milk o magnesia, magnesium citrate (which historically has worked, always)…but i don’t feel constipated, in fact, no urge at all. Sometimes, after long periods of not going, I’ve noticed there is NO noise…no normal gut sounds at all. I also had swelling in lower back over hip with crippling pain…was on my cane for 3-4 days , then pain stopped. So I’m walking normal now. Not to mention, brain fog. I use that term loosely, because my memory is so bad…I only notice when I do remember something. I’m tired of being in bed & crying for weeks at a time.

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Gastro. New dr? Keep going til you get some answers.
It seems as though drs don’t want to deal with this. We need to be more assertive!
Good luck to you!!!


I’d say a gastro first. It appears we need to be straightforward and assertive with the drs.
Have you tried apple pectin? It’s a natural fiber, plus. Prunes? I can change the dosage as needed. Rhubarb, sweet potatoes, at least half your body weight in ounces of water?
Sure hope you find relief!

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I have not heard of apple pectin, I have tried EVERY OTC for constipation, to no avail, as well as milk o magnesia, magnesium citrate (which historically has worked, always)…but i don’t feel constipated, in fact, no urge at all. Sometimes, after long periods of not going, I’ve noticed there is NO noise…no normal gut sounds at all. I also had swelling in lower back over hip with crippling pain…was on my cane for 3-4 days , then pain stopped. So I’m walking normal now. Not to mention, brain fog. I use that term loosely, because my memory is so bad…I only notice when I do remember something. I’m tired of being in bed & crying for weeks at a time.


I’d say a gastro first. It appears we need to be straightforward and assertive with the drs.
Have you tried apple pectin? It’s a natural fiber, plus. Prunes? I can change the dosage as needed. Rhubarb, sweet potatoes, at least half your body weight in ounces of water?
Sure hope you find relief!


I’m back, after a little over a year? I go 2 wks w/out BM’s..I can’t go w/out some help..I used to be able to drink “Smooth Move” herbal tea, prune juice…after 2 weeks with no results, would take Linzess. But the pain is unbearable anymore.
I don’t know what to do…I may have said this previously, not sure, (forgive repeat if so). Had lots of pain pre rev, now it’s unbearable. I remembered the other day that my GI Dr. I had seen for 4-5 yrs told me the last time I saw her that she thought my gut issues were related to my hip implant, (at that time, it was m.o.m.)
Here I am 4yrs later & it’s just worse!
Should I see another GI or orthopedic?

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