Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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I was diagnosed a week ago ... and haven’t pooped since despite a LOT of laxatives snd prunes. Concerned. Yesterday doctorrecommended another laxative (which I took) and today she is in surgery. Hoping. But this is ridiculous.

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I have the same problem, a painful colonoscopy, I had to look at my diet by myself, without help from my doctor, I am with Low FODMAP DIET, I also drink Meta-Mucil -Natural fibers a spoon of tea dissolved in a good glass of water, followed by another glass of clear water, to regularize my colon,
It tastes like orange, and coffee, with dried plums. ( You have to be pacient. )
After two weeks I go every day in the morning, and my pop is normal, If you take laxatives the only thing they do is irritate your colon, and get used to this.
This works for me.
Good luck.


You do not have to excuse yourself, I understand, I'm sorry I can not help you more, because I know how you feel, I hope you get better, be patient and keep searching, somewhere you'll find something to relieve you, you'll see.
Take care.


I'm sorry to read that you feel this way, I live in Canada so I do not know anything about Madicaid, I guess it's the health insurance?

I started with the diet Fodmap, you have recipes on the internet that can help you, Please out Stop coke or any refreshing with gas, probiotics every day, antidepressants to take at night to help you sleep and calm anxiety Ativan, anti-exspam painkillers Bentyl (dicyclomine)

Yoga has helped me, meditation to calm my anxiety, and do not forget Metamucill to control my bowel.
look for a dietician specializing in torturous Colon, sure to help you, and have adequate exercises to place your colon.
I do not advise operation unless your situation is already very serious.
My son is a pharmacist and it is the advice he gives me, and I am 70% better than when I was diagnosed with this problem.
Good luck you deserve it.

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thank you, take care of yourself, Sorry I'm so down on this illness, but I only get a few good moments every now and then, usually sleeping.


I'm sorry to read that you feel this way, I live in Canada so I do not know anything about Madicaid, I guess it's the health insurance?

I started with the diet Fodmap, you have recipes on the internet that can help you, Please out Stop coke or any refreshing with gas, probiotics every day, antidepressants to take at night to help you sleep and calm anxiety Ativan, anti-exspam painkillers Bentyl (dicyclomine)

Yoga has helped me, meditation to calm my anxiety, and do not forget Metamucill to control my bowel.
look for a dietician specializing in torturous Colon, sure to help you, and have adequate exercises to place your colon.
I do not advise operation unless your situation is already very serious.
My son is a pharmacist and it is the advice he gives me, and I am 70% better than when I was diagnosed with this problem.
Good luck you deserve it.


Do not worry I have it too, and with a good diet and proper medicine l’am Ok, I'm taking Elavil pills for depression, they calm the colon, I'm pretty good, it has taken me 6 months to adapt to this new situationbe, and be able to have a somewhat normal life.
First take (probiotics) ALIGN) take a capsule a day with food, you open it and take only the powder that goes inside, we talk about getting rid of the bad stuff (bugs and food sensitivities), not milk, You can also eat foods like kimchi, kombucha, miso, or sauerkraut.
Sometimes, you can also eat yogurt if you are not allergic to dairy. Try unsweetened sheep or goat yogurt. These are all foods that help your gut flora get and stay healthy. METAMUCIL FIBRE SUGAR FREE to help you To go to the toilet, take a spoon of tea a day, before eating it has saved me from being able to control the movement of the colon. Antispasmodic medications like belladonna, only if it hurts.

Vitamin A, zinc, omega-3 fats (fish oil), evening primrose oil, and glutamine all help repair the gut. We also use herbs like quercetin and turmeric to reduce inflammation and heal to leaky gut, grilled salmon, and little by little you can eat something else, you have to investigate it yourself, with patience and a diet, you can get to live a normal life.

Relax try to sleep, and good luck.

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Thank you so much. What do you eat usually? Which diet should I follow? Do I need to not drink coffee or coke? I do drink lots of water. What do you do for pain and bloating? I'm on tramadol and dicyclomine. Live in Largo, Fl. Im on Medicaid, Medicaid doctors are hard to get down here, Do have appt. on July 30th with new gastro. Doc. It seems like I have a severe case of redundant colon.
Been in and out of ER with this, no help. Had colonoscopy thats were they diagnosed it. Tired a lot. Also, I need to work. Cant with this. Depressed have bipolar too. Have several health conditions including Heart problems. On a lot of meds. What about surgery? I'm 53 and want to live. Thanks so much again. Have a blessed life. Lesley


Do not worry I have it too, and with a good diet and proper medicine l’am Ok, I'm taking Elavil pills for depression, they calm the colon, I'm pretty good, it has taken me 6 months to adapt to this new situationbe, and be able to have a somewhat normal life.
First take (probiotics) ALIGN) take a capsule a day with food, you open it and take only the powder that goes inside, we talk about getting rid of the bad stuff (bugs and food sensitivities), not milk, You can also eat foods like kimchi, kombucha, miso, or sauerkraut.
Sometimes, you can also eat yogurt if you are not allergic to dairy. Try unsweetened sheep or goat yogurt. These are all foods that help your gut flora get and stay healthy. METAMUCIL FIBRE SUGAR FREE to help you To go to the toilet, take a spoon of tea a day, before eating it has saved me from being able to control the movement of the colon. Antispasmodic medications like belladonna, only if it hurts.

Vitamin A, zinc, omega-3 fats (fish oil), evening primrose oil, and glutamine all help repair the gut. We also use herbs like quercetin and turmeric to reduce inflammation and heal to leaky gut, grilled salmon, and little by little you can eat something else, you have to investigate it yourself, with patience and a diet, you can get to live a normal life.

Relax try to sleep, and good luck.


Just got diagnosed with redundant colon in bad shape


I was diagnosed a week ago ... and haven’t pooped since despite a LOT of laxatives snd prunes. Concerned. Yesterday doctorrecommended another laxative (which I took) and today she is in surgery. Hoping. But this is ridiculous.

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Milk of Magnesia? 3 tbsp?


I was just diagnosed after a painful colonoscopy. Unfortunately, the doctor didn’t stop to talk aboutit so I am doing my own research. For the last several years, since my last coloscopy, I have had episodes where I cannot relieve myself then it feels like I am going to pass out, followed by a drop in blood pressure with cold sweats. These episodes take up to 30 minutes to finish and I have to lie down afterward. I am wondering if they are related. I certainly appreciate everyone’s experience and input.

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I was diagnosed a week ago ... and haven’t pooped since despite a LOT of laxatives snd prunes. Concerned. Yesterday doctorrecommended another laxative (which I took) and today she is in surgery. Hoping. But this is ridiculous.


Virginia, I'm glad that making changes to your diet is working for you. I hadn't heard of the Plant Paradox diet, so I had to look it up. Here is some information from the Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic about it:
- Why Weight Loss on the Plant Paradox Diet Is Itself a Paradox
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: What are dietary lectins and should you avoid eating them?

You might also enjoy this blog post and video on Connect:
- Know Your Lectins

Virginia, what dietary changes have you made so far that seem to be having a positive effect?

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I know the program is controversial and there is a lot of disagreement. But my background in biology kept me interested because what he says about plant "warfare" and the production of chemicals meant to harm, and thus drive off, the herbivore is very accurate. So I decided to try it. I have cut back on whole grains and replace that with a less fibrous carbohydrate at breakfast. I can eat tomatoes and cucumbers and summer squash and not get diarrhea if I peel them and remove the seeds. Those are a few of the things that have helped.

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