Red processed meat and things that affect CA 27-29 marker readings?

Without thinking, I had a pastrami sandwich for dinner and half for breakfast the day of my 27-29. That tumor marker went down from 188 to 33 in 7 months. The day after the test I got the results and it went up 9 points to 42. I've read fifteenth things about red mean and especially processed red meat affecting blood results. I'm stressed . Anyone ever hear of red meat and blood work? I had the test two hours after eating half a huge sandwich and about 22 hours after eating the other half for dinner. Thanks Janet

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If you are doing a 27-29 tumor marker test then I’m assuming it’s for breast cancer. I also have stage 4 breast cancer for almost 3 years. My markers have been 14-22 for the past 2-1/2 years. I gave up dairy and processed red meat because both of the two are some of the worst foods for driving up estrogen. Even tupperware drives up estrogen levels. If you do not have an estrogen driven cancer, dairy and processed red meat are the worse for any type of cancer. Good luck on your journey.


If you are doing a 27-29 tumor marker test then I’m assuming it’s for breast cancer. I also have stage 4 breast cancer for almost 3 years. My markers have been 14-22 for the past 2-1/2 years. I gave up dairy and processed red meat because both of the two are some of the worst foods for driving up estrogen. Even tupperware drives up estrogen levels. If you do not have an estrogen driven cancer, dairy and processed red meat are the worse for any type of cancer. Good luck on your journey.

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One more thing, I’ve read a lot of post from many sites on the 27-29 test and there seems to be a lot of doctors that don’t go by this testing method because there are many factors that can influence the results, not just eating a particular food.


My oncologist does not use the blood test - she says it's unreliable. But I agree eating red meat is something I only do occasionally. I got rid of my old Tupperware years ago. I'm old enough that all my Tupperware was vintage. They have BPA and even can leach heavy metals like arsenic and lead into food. Sugar is bad too - it can feed any active tumors.


Personally, I think, "All things in moderation." I avoid lunch meats that are processed that have chemicals. I avoid all chemicals; cleaning and even cosmetics. Plastics should be watched too. The latest on red meat is that it is fine. › staying-healthy › whats-the-beef-with-red-meat
What's the beef with red meat? - Harvard Health
An international team of researchers conducted five systematic reviews that looked at the effects of red meat and processed meat on multiple health issues, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death. The researchers found "low" evidence that either red meat or processed meat is harmful.


If you are doing a 27-29 tumor marker test then I’m assuming it’s for breast cancer. I also have stage 4 breast cancer for almost 3 years. My markers have been 14-22 for the past 2-1/2 years. I gave up dairy and processed red meat because both of the two are some of the worst foods for driving up estrogen. Even tupperware drives up estrogen levels. If you do not have an estrogen driven cancer, dairy and processed red meat are the worse for any type of cancer. Good luck on your journey.

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In regards to Tupperware, what if I switched to ziplocks for my food...probably just as bad right? I hate to use glass as I'm clumsy as can be and we have ceramic floors. What do you store in,


In regards to Tupperware, what if I switched to ziplocks for my food...probably just as bad right? I hate to use glass as I'm clumsy as can be and we have ceramic floors. What do you store in,

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Hi. You don’t want to put hot things in Tupperware because it activates the bad chemicals. The glass isn’t too bad, I’ve dropped a couple of times and they didn’t break. I now save all glass containers from sauces to pickle jars plus you can see what’s in your containers. I purchased these bags attached because they are plant based and I was surprised, depending on what you put in them, they can be rinsed off and reused. Plus get pots and pans that do not have APEO & PFOA chemicals, don’t use any aluminum. You would be surprised but sales receipts, candles, detergents and the simplest things produce extra estrogen in your body. I’ve been studying this for over 2 years. I have lived 8 months past my “expiration” date. The Dr told me the other day to keep doing what I’m doing because he didn’t think I would still be here! Good luck on your journey 💖


Hi. You don’t want to put hot things in Tupperware because it activates the bad chemicals. The glass isn’t too bad, I’ve dropped a couple of times and they didn’t break. I now save all glass containers from sauces to pickle jars plus you can see what’s in your containers. I purchased these bags attached because they are plant based and I was surprised, depending on what you put in them, they can be rinsed off and reused. Plus get pots and pans that do not have APEO & PFOA chemicals, don’t use any aluminum. You would be surprised but sales receipts, candles, detergents and the simplest things produce extra estrogen in your body. I’ve been studying this for over 2 years. I have lived 8 months past my “expiration” date. The Dr told me the other day to keep doing what I’m doing because he didn’t think I would still be here! Good luck on your journey 💖

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THank you for your response. Seems like you are on the right track! I would love to know more about your research on estrogen as I seem to find myself running in circles with info on good a and bad foods for estrogen positive cancer. I'm particular concerned with the amount of eggs and yogurt I eat. If you ever have the time I would love it if you posted any info you can share on the changes you have made. Appreciate you and praying for your continued progress!


@jpnnobx @janisbrede Why not share it here so that more people can benefit?


@jpnnobx @janisbrede Why not share it here so that more people can benefit?

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I just saw this. I will send some info!


Personally, I think, "All things in moderation." I avoid lunch meats that are processed that have chemicals. I avoid all chemicals; cleaning and even cosmetics. Plastics should be watched too. The latest on red meat is that it is fine. › staying-healthy › whats-the-beef-with-red-meat
What's the beef with red meat? - Harvard Health
An international team of researchers conducted five systematic reviews that looked at the effects of red meat and processed meat on multiple health issues, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death. The researchers found "low" evidence that either red meat or processed meat is harmful.

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I stay away from red meat because of the estrogen. My husband was diagnosed with throat and neck cancer in May 2022. His scans are clear today but he still eats red meat because as he says, he didn’t have an estrogen driven cancer.

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