Radiation induced Brachial-Plexus Peripheral Neuropathy Patients

Posted by robin0613 @robin0613, Apr 27, 2021

I am looking for other post-Breast Cancer w/Radiation to the Breast and Lymph nodes, suffering from RIBN (Found this acronym from a UK Paper). Let me say I’m sorry for your pain.

My Story: I am 65 now, I had L Breast Cancer in 1997, followed by a Stem Cell Transplant at Fred Hutch in Seattle, then Radiation to Breast and lymph node area that had 3 bigger tumors . 2006, I woke up to severe burning pain down my left arm into my fingers. I was sent to my 1st neurologist that did not have a diagnoses, I was sent for hand therapy for 2 yrs even though I knew it was coming from the shoulder (But I learnt some good hand stretches). In the meantime, I found an Angel, in a Therapeutic Massage specialist, she found the knot under my L shoulder blade, (Brachial-plexus) and immediately relieved my pain. (We would find out later, the relief was at first good for months, then like now weeks to days. I was told by Drs my muscles are loosing blood because a neuroma is attached in the shoulder area.

I’d go to 2 more Neurologist, the final one took me 7 months to get into at UWMedical (with the push from my Oncologist). By then I’d lost over 25% of the dexterity of my hand. After tests and diagnoses, I started Ot/Pt to learn how to keep my L Hand/arm stretched, dexterity exercises, and how to use my right arm to compensate for my left, trying to clip my nails on my R hand is a big chore (I thank God I am Right handed). I was told that most PN stops at some point, but mine was moving, and still is. No surgery would be worth the risk of loosing nerves I need vs the ones that are DOA. And what I could loose.

Today, my L hand feels like I have an extra small rubber glove on and stretching my fingers is a chore). I have pain up to my elbow and a knot in my back (that was a pin point last June) and now constant. I do find getting into a routine that gets me up and moving, my meds (Gebapantin allergy, so I take 90mg of Cymbalta, Tylenol and Topically I use lidocaine and a roll on CBD oil (being 65, I put off for 3 years). With constant movement and stretching, I’m working through it. I volunteer at a Food Bank.

Now I have a Palliative Pain Specialist, my Massage Therapist, Oncologist, PT/OT and neurological team. And still my PN is moving through the Nerve Roots and Path. My hand is at 80% loss, pain runs down arm from neck sometimes like I’m shooting flames from my fingers, and some days my face is numb when the weather is dramatically changing, I’ve noted Barometric Pressure causes my pain to increase. My pinky and ring finger are 100% numb. If my hand gets cold, it’s very hard to regain warmth. Most people that know me, know why I wear one wool glove in 80 degree weather. They know the weather is changing.

I’d love to start a support and information thread. I don’t know anyone with this, it’s hard to Describe my symptoms. Im blessed with friends and family that give me empathy .

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


Welcome to Mayo Connect, medical cannabis is discussed in many support groups beyond Breast Cancer. You might want to try this search to find other members who have discussed.
Depending on state you live in, approval and cost varies.
Do you care to share your state?

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I'm in Minnesota. I've been approved by the state. Just getting into the many product options--confusing at this point--but, slowly working my way through. Thank you for the link! Krin


I'm so glad I found this site. I was treated over 20 years ago for breast cancer---aggressive radiation and chemo after mastectomy/removal of lymph nodes. The loss of feeling in my right hand (dominant) started about 2 years ago. Some of my health care providers thought it was due to arthritis (I have that in R wrist also). I have a friend who is a PM&R physician--she found this condition--RIBP. I finally have may oncologist believing this is it, but educating the medical professionals about it is very frustrating. And like many of you have expressed--the thought that this is progressive is depressing. I've tried gabapentin and nortriptyline. My oncologist just certified me for medicinal cannabis. Interesting process to be officially approved--and the choices of "product" are confusing. Has anyone tried it?

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Welcome to Mayo Connect, medical cannabis is discussed in many support groups beyond Breast Cancer. You might want to try this search to find other members who have discussed.
Depending on state you live in, approval and cost varies.
Do you care to share your state?


I'm so glad I found this site. I was treated over 20 years ago for breast cancer---aggressive radiation and chemo after mastectomy/removal of lymph nodes. The loss of feeling in my right hand (dominant) started about 2 years ago. Some of my health care providers thought it was due to arthritis (I have that in R wrist also). I have a friend who is a PM&R physician--she found this condition--RIBP. I finally have may oncologist believing this is it, but educating the medical professionals about it is very frustrating. And like many of you have expressed--the thought that this is progressive is depressing. I've tried gabapentin and nortriptyline. My oncologist just certified me for medicinal cannabis. Interesting process to be officially approved--and the choices of "product" are confusing. Has anyone tried it?


I don't need anything in particular, but would love to know what you have learned. Feel free to reply here. I agree this is incredibly frustrating. Watching my body fall apart with no hope of improvement is terrible.


@lautwell I just found this message board. I also have RIBP and was diagnosed in October 2023 at UTSW. I had radiation in 2007 and started experiencing symptoms in 2019. I now have almost no use of my left (dominant) hand and the numbness is working its way up my arm. Are you in Dallas?

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@pamelahanson17 Hello! Yes, I live outside Dallas but not far. Is there anything I can do to help you? Just in recent weeks I have been seen by 3 doctors in Houston, so I have some new insights that I didn't have when I first posted. It's frustrating isn't it... not just the pain, but losing function of my right (dominant) hand.


@robin0613, I am happy to see this thread you started as I know no one who has what we have. I am a little older than you. My radiation for breast cancer was in 2001, but it wasn't until 2012 that my hand started going numb (this fits the timeline I've read for RIBN/RIBP). The numbness changed to pain over the years and gradually climbed my arm. I've lost about 70% of function in my right hand, which unfortunately is my dominant hand. What frustrates me most is the loss of ability to write.

I have seen every kind of doctor and tried many treatment theories (e.g. acupuncture, spinal decompression, steroid injections in spine, pain rxs...too many to name). No doctor has been able to give me a definitive diagnosis; RIPN was something my husband found on the web, reading a post/article written by a woman in Canada. I fit her description perfectly. We feel very certain my issue is some kind of radiation scarring; doctors tend to nod in agreement for lack of a clearer diagnosis. Multiple tests (MRIs, EMGs, myelogram) have not pinpointed where exactly the damage is (other than brachial plexus), but a neurologist at UTSW in Dallas says even if they knew, there is no way to repair it. We have also identified some issue with the foramen of my C5 -C6. The best attempt to diagnose was from a doctor who did an EMG for me: "I think you have 1+1=3"...a cervical spine issue + brachial plexus damage + UNK = 3. I've concluded/accepted there is no answer that will 'fix' what I have.

I live with a consistent pain level of 7 ever day and take low dose Tramadol to take the edge off and probably need to take more. I'm thankful we have at least found that helps. What really helped me today was reading your post. I hope you are still following this thread. It comforted me to read that someone else has gone down this road I've been on. I'm sad that radiation caused this in me, but I am GRATEFUL I am still alive to look forward to my first grandchild. I also try to keep in mind "there are worse things in life"...and if you read MayoClinicConnect much, you know that is true. I hope something I've said here is helpful to someone else. I wish you all the best!

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@lautwell I just found this message board. I also have RIBP and was diagnosed in October 2023 at UTSW. I had radiation in 2007 and started experiencing symptoms in 2019. I now have almost no use of my left (dominant) hand and the numbness is working its way up my arm. Are you in Dallas?


my lyrica is being combined with amytriptyline


I don't have the pain from radiation treatment. I have had many falls and car accidents that have caused problems with my back. Now I have nerve pain down my right leg into my feet and also I have the trigger finger and I have on my left hand from my wrist down to all my fingers are almost without feeling I take cymbalta and I take Lyrica see. I have pain all the time and lower back pain as well. Any medications besides vitamin bs that people can suggest? Thank you


Hi Robin,
My OT therapist discovered this thread and, reading through it, I’m wondering how you all are doing.
I am experiencing something similar, but due to lungcancer radiation to the chest and clavicle area in 2006. 15 years later my my clavicle started swelling and going necrotic from the radiation. I was advised to have surgery to remove the necrotic tissue, but the year after the surgery, I started feeling numbness pins and needles in my right hand pinky. Since then I’ve been going through more or less the same as you. I was referred to a plastic surgeon who specializes in the brachial plexus area. He assured me he was confident he could decompress my brachial plexus nerve by cleaning up some of the scar tissue. When I woke up from anesthesia, I couldn’t bend my arm at all anymore. Not having use of my right arm, besides my right hand very much complicates things. I can’t drive, for instance, or bring anything up to my head even if I could hold it with my fingers. My arm has been becoming progressively worse to the point that the numbness is all the way up to my shoulder. Nobody has any solutions for my condition. The only thing I’m wondering is whether I should try stem cells.
Looking forward to hearing from you all.


@robin0613, I am happy to see this thread you started as I know no one who has what we have. I am a little older than you. My radiation for breast cancer was in 2001, but it wasn't until 2012 that my hand started going numb (this fits the timeline I've read for RIBN/RIBP). The numbness changed to pain over the years and gradually climbed my arm. I've lost about 70% of function in my right hand, which unfortunately is my dominant hand. What frustrates me most is the loss of ability to write.

I have seen every kind of doctor and tried many treatment theories (e.g. acupuncture, spinal decompression, steroid injections in spine, pain rxs...too many to name). No doctor has been able to give me a definitive diagnosis; RIPN was something my husband found on the web, reading a post/article written by a woman in Canada. I fit her description perfectly. We feel very certain my issue is some kind of radiation scarring; doctors tend to nod in agreement for lack of a clearer diagnosis. Multiple tests (MRIs, EMGs, myelogram) have not pinpointed where exactly the damage is (other than brachial plexus), but a neurologist at UTSW in Dallas says even if they knew, there is no way to repair it. We have also identified some issue with the foramen of my C5 -C6. The best attempt to diagnose was from a doctor who did an EMG for me: "I think you have 1+1=3"...a cervical spine issue + brachial plexus damage + UNK = 3. I've concluded/accepted there is no answer that will 'fix' what I have.

I live with a consistent pain level of 7 ever day and take low dose Tramadol to take the edge off and probably need to take more. I'm thankful we have at least found that helps. What really helped me today was reading your post. I hope you are still following this thread. It comforted me to read that someone else has gone down this road I've been on. I'm sad that radiation caused this in me, but I am GRATEFUL I am still alive to look forward to my first grandchild. I also try to keep in mind "there are worse things in life"...and if you read MayoClinicConnect much, you know that is true. I hope something I've said here is helpful to someone else. I wish you all the best!

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