Prostate pain after my 2nd IMRT treatment

Posted by cs2024 @cs2024, Sep 18, 2024

So I had my simulation last week and started my 28 IMRT treatments on Monday. Yesterday in the afternoon I started having pain in what feels like my prostate. I have had prostatitis before and that is what it feels like. My concern is if I feel like this after 2 sessions how will I do as my treatment continues. I have messaged my doctor and hope to talk to him today before my next treatment. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I would appreciate your input.

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I had 35+ IMRT sessions and never noticed anything after them. Some people reported fatigue after having them, not heard of pain.

I would ask my doctor and glad to see you’re doing it.


@cs2024, did you get any answers about the pain you were experiencing? How did the subsequent radiation treatments go?


I had prostate pain after radiation treatment but it was extremely mild. More of a nuisance than anything to worry about. If you are having SERIOUS pain you should call your doctor IMMEDIATELY.


Good morning I did talk to my care team and my doctor. He said it is rare to have pain so soon and advised trying ibuprofen to take the edge off. Which I did and by the end of week one the pain had settled down. It was defiantly prostate pain which still comes and goes but is much better. I also wander how stress played into it. I have been on active surveillance for 5 years and dreading the day I would have to make the final decision and move forward. Today was session 10out of 28 and I must say my sideffects aren’t that bad so far.


Good morning I did talk to my care team and my doctor. He said it is rare to have pain so soon and advised trying ibuprofen to take the edge off. Which I did and by the end of week one the pain had settled down. It was defiantly prostate pain which still comes and goes but is much better. I also wander how stress played into it. I have been on active surveillance for 5 years and dreading the day I would have to make the final decision and move forward. Today was session 10out of 28 and I must say my sideffects aren’t that bad so far.

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I am on 17 of 20 IMRT sessions. I have had daily discomfort in my prostate starting about the 5th treatment. On three or four occasions I've had severe pain that lasted 15 minutes and then it dissipated. My doctor also recommended Ibuprofen. She says it could the nerve around the prostate. With it being radiated everyday I know it's inflamed. I'm surprised I'm not having more pain. As of my last two-three treatments the level of discomfort has subsided.
Good luck to you!


Hi thanks for your response I also thought as much abuse as they are doing to my prostate having discomfort would be more common. I’m glad to see you only have three sessions left. Hang in there

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