Prolotherapy relief for ischial bursitis?

Posted by ch47 @ch47, Sep 27, 2023

After suffering from ischial bursitis for about 2 years, I finally got a diagnosis 6 months ago. Both sides. It just showed up one day, when I sat in my comfy easy chair. Thought my chair seat padding had collapsed and I was sitting on the frame.
Had cortisone injections, and had minimal short term relief.
Acupucnture, (which has helped for other things) pt, etc.
Today, had first prolotherapy injection in one side and will see in the next six weeks if there is any improvement. Second injection on that side is scheduled, and if no stepped improvement after that one, then we that won’t continue with that plan.
Has anyone had success with prolotherapy in any area with bursitis?
Thanks all…

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@ch47, I'd like to invite @lara2323, @nerojas00051, and @rjmtwit to this discussion as they all had similar questions about prolotherapy or have had it done on varying joints in the past and may be able to share their experiences with you.

@ch47, a few days have passed since your injections, how are you doing?


It has been 10 days? since the injection.
One of my doctors said it might not be bursitis since the cortisone injections didn’t help. 🤷‍♀️
I have numerous spine/nerve issues since an accident 6 years ago. Have been treating those things, and some have gone, but the others I’m having nerve ablation for; will have second set of test injections in a couple weeks for the next area. So many people that I chat with on this site have so many worse problems, that I am thankful for MY pain…
Bursitis…I can remember the first day it showed up, and it hurt so bad when I sat in my comfy chair, I thought the seat had collapsed and I was sitting on the wood frame.
It took about 2 years to find someone who was able to diagnose the issue.
Started using numerous over the counter pain creams, etc, and finally worked my way up to oxycodone. After about a year of that, I realized my back felt great, but it wasn’t helping the bursitis, so I quit the meds.
I used RX diclofenac patches, one on each area, and that helped immensely. The gel rubs off and had to be reapplied frequently.
Realized that the problem was probably inflammation.
With that information, an X-ray, and then an mri, no major tears or hip issues, I decided to try the prolotherapy. Doctor will see me 6 weeks after first injections, and then do a second round. If there is no improvement 6 weeks after the second round, the we will decide if the want to try the other side, he only does one side at a time, if there is improvement, then we will do another set on the first side.
I think that way too much pt for years gave me a strong midsection, but overworked my butt area.
As of this moment, I’m not really feeling any relief yet, but he said could take weeks before I noticed improvement. Will keep in touch…
Looking forward to hearing about other experiences!

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