ProAct vs. AUS

Posted by jimchs @jimchs, 19 hours ago

In 2015 at 55 I had an RP with radiation. Never leaked. 2019 developed a stricture and urologist tried to balloon with cath but, it came back. He advised stricture surgery and, May 2024 had it done. Up until then I had no leakage. Since day of surgery I have 100% leakage. Dr. who did surgery wants to try ProAct which he does exclusively but, second doctor opinion said AUS which, he does exclusively. Since I am a beginning weightlifter I was wondering which can hold back the urine better. I also can find no information on how many surgeries of either any doctor has performed. I would like to find a doctor who has done many of one or, the other. HealthGrade and ZocDoc seem to be no help.

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Even though an AUS sounds like it would stop your leaking. It does not provide 100% stoppage.. Doing heavy exercises would probably still cause leaking. I asked this a few weeks ago in an advanced prostate cancer user group meeting. Everybody who had an AUS said they still had leakage.

I’ve been unable to find any information about ProAct’s ability to stop incontinence. The urologist I go to, who specializes in urological incontinence, has not used it yet, but has many other techniques.

Nobody In all of the groups I attend, has reported about having treatment with ProAct.

You can always use a penis clamp. I use a Weisner which I got from Amazon, It was recommended by one of my urologists. You can wear them for about two hours at a time and it works quite well. I use it when I go to the gym and have no problems leaking while using weights.


Even though an AUS sounds like it would stop your leaking. It does not provide 100% stoppage.. Doing heavy exercises would probably still cause leaking. I asked this a few weeks ago in an advanced prostate cancer user group meeting. Everybody who had an AUS said they still had leakage.

I’ve been unable to find any information about ProAct’s ability to stop incontinence. The urologist I go to, who specializes in urological incontinence, has not used it yet, but has many other techniques.

Nobody In all of the groups I attend, has reported about having treatment with ProAct.

You can always use a penis clamp. I use a Weisner which I got from Amazon, It was recommended by one of my urologists. You can wear them for about two hours at a time and it works quite well. I use it when I go to the gym and have no problems leaking while using weights.

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All good information (although I've never heard of ProAct. Do you have a link with information?)

From what I've read, you'll still get some stress incontinence with an AUS. Lifting will certainly do that. But I understand that the incontinence will reduce by around 90% with only one light pad per day needed for some stress incontinence.

I've read about the clamp. Everyone says don't wear it for more than 2 hours at a time.
I don't like the idea of it at all. But then, I've never tried it.


All good information (although I've never heard of ProAct. Do you have a link with information?)

From what I've read, you'll still get some stress incontinence with an AUS. Lifting will certainly do that. But I understand that the incontinence will reduce by around 90% with only one light pad per day needed for some stress incontinence.

I've read about the clamp. Everyone says don't wear it for more than 2 hours at a time.
I don't like the idea of it at all. But then, I've never tried it.

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I’ve actually forgotten to set my alarm to two hours and had the thing on for 3 1/2 hours one time. It wasn’t a problem. Of course I don’t repeat that. I almost always get off within two hours.

And the directions do not say to stop using it they say relocate it for another two hours.


I’ve actually forgotten to set my alarm to two hours and had the thing on for 3 1/2 hours one time. It wasn’t a problem. Of course I don’t repeat that. I almost always get off within two hours.

And the directions do not say to stop using it they say relocate it for another two hours.

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They just sound uncomfortable/painful. And for 100 bucks, it's a no from me.
But if it works for you, that's great.
I'm being assessed next week by surgeon no.2.


That’s just it, it is never uncomfortable. I forget I have it on. It’s $35 at Amazon.

I did misspell it, it’s wisener Incontinence clamp

It comes with three different sizes you can adjust for your needs.


All good information (although I've never heard of ProAct. Do you have a link with information?)

From what I've read, you'll still get some stress incontinence with an AUS. Lifting will certainly do that. But I understand that the incontinence will reduce by around 90% with only one light pad per day needed for some stress incontinence.

I've read about the clamp. Everyone says don't wear it for more than 2 hours at a time.
I don't like the idea of it at all. But then, I've never tried it.

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Here you go Peter. The AUS has been in use since the 70's and, supposedly is the go to. Downside is that if you had radiation like me it may cause urethral erosion, is not pressure adjustable and, it is considered major surgery. The ProAct has only been in use since 2017, uses a balloon on each side of the urethra and, is minimally invasive as it is placed under the skin and, there is no incision (don't understand how that could be) and, can be adjusted in doctor's office using an adjustment port. Since I'm new to group it won't let me post link ?? you can search


Even though an AUS sounds like it would stop your leaking. It does not provide 100% stoppage.. Doing heavy exercises would probably still cause leaking. I asked this a few weeks ago in an advanced prostate cancer user group meeting. Everybody who had an AUS said they still had leakage.

I’ve been unable to find any information about ProAct’s ability to stop incontinence. The urologist I go to, who specializes in urological incontinence, has not used it yet, but has many other techniques.

Nobody In all of the groups I attend, has reported about having treatment with ProAct.

You can always use a penis clamp. I use a Weisner which I got from Amazon, It was recommended by one of my urologists. You can wear them for about two hours at a time and it works quite well. I use it when I go to the gym and have no problems leaking while using weights.

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Thanks Jeff. My stricture surgery was May 2024 and, when I went back in October last year my full incontinence was stopping me from living normally. They gave me a Bard clamp which was a game changer. I was at least able to go back to work and social activities. Most of the time I forget it's there but, at the end of day it does get uncomfortable. I do wear it most of the day but, not at night. At least with the clamp it has given me time to do PT, which didn't help retention and, take my time deciding on which surgery, AUS or ProAct. I just wish I could find a doctor versed in both who could give me his take on the best course. It's impossible to find a scorecard on how many procedures a doctor has done on each.

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