Prescription Medication Shaming

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, Jul 3, 2023

I so respect people that can take "all natural" things and eat clean and that takes care of all of their medical issues and they take NO prescription medication. I am not one of them - wish I could be! I have had numerous reactions from "natural supplements" over the years. Sometimes to be honest, I can react worse to the "natural supplements" than medications. I am not someone that can just pop anything into their mouth and it works. I have been shamed several times for taking needed prescription medication . I would never and have never done that to anyone else because I am compassionate toward others. Why are people like this? And what say you?

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@covidstinks2023, I would report any post that is rude or shaming you for taking prescribed medication. Connect is a place where it is OK to disagree but we must be polite and respectful. Connect has guidelines - 12 short rules of conduct that help keep the Mayo Clinic Connect community safe, supportive, inclusive, and respectful. -

You can report a post or discussion by clicking the 3 dots at the bottom right of any post or discussion and select the Report post or discussion option.


@covidstinks2023 I am in your camp - the act of shaming anyone is an awful thing. I remember it being the "status quo" in my school as a child - and how my Mom, who normally expected us to stand up for ourselves, would come down on any teacher like a mama bear for such behavior - people were astonished when she even stood up to Mother Superior and the Pastor - but she got results.

I can't help having bad lungs any more than I can help being 5 feet tall or having green eyes. Just think how much better a place the world would be if we kept negative opinions to ourselves? I'm over 70, and still working on it!

By the way, whenever anyone suggests that I go "all natural" instead of using prescription medication, I smile sweetly and say "I'm glad that works for you. If I had tried that, I would be dead now." So far nobody has had a comeback for that one! My friend calls it "the equivalent of a Southern lady saying "Isn't that nice!"



@covidstinks2023, I would report any post that is rude or shaming you for taking prescribed medication. Connect is a place where it is OK to disagree but we must be polite and respectful. Connect has guidelines - 12 short rules of conduct that help keep the Mayo Clinic Connect community safe, supportive, inclusive, and respectful. -

You can report a post or discussion by clicking the 3 dots at the bottom right of any post or discussion and select the Report post or discussion option.

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@johnbishops, My fault that i was not more detailed. It is not on here at all. Folks on here have been so kind and respectful. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Blessings to you John!


@covidstinks2023 I’m glad to know that you find our members here to be respectful and kind.

I have received unsolicited advice from people about medications too and I’m going to remember what @sueinmn wrote. I’ll smile and say « Well, bless your heart (that’s what I’ve learned they often in the South). Had I done that I’d be dead ».


I can relate. I come from a family where depression and anxiety (along with many other mental/emotional problems) are rampant, yet most people in my family seem to think that any issue along those lines can be fixed by “bucking up”. And using medication for such things is met with equal absurdity.

It took all the courage I had to tell my mom (in a letter) that I was severely depressed and had been advised by a doctor and counselor to try an antidepressant. She made me feel like a pariah; like a weak person and like I was being stupid for trying meds. I wish I’d never told her.

I will never understand people who think that way or who treat others like that.

“ Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but those who are ill do.” (Luke 5:31)


I can relate. I come from a family where depression and anxiety (along with many other mental/emotional problems) are rampant, yet most people in my family seem to think that any issue along those lines can be fixed by “bucking up”. And using medication for such things is met with equal absurdity.

It took all the courage I had to tell my mom (in a letter) that I was severely depressed and had been advised by a doctor and counselor to try an antidepressant. She made me feel like a pariah; like a weak person and like I was being stupid for trying meds. I wish I’d never told her.

I will never understand people who think that way or who treat others like that.

“ Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but those who are ill do.” (Luke 5:31)

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Bless you 1k194! I have several friends that battle depression and have to take something for it....I agree. I look at that no differently than me taking something for a migraine. God Bless You! I love Luke 5:31. Prayers & Hugs.....


I'm with those of you on here who can't just pop any pill and have good results. My body overreacts to just about everything on this planet including Rx, OTC, supplements, plants, animals, foods, chemicals, etc. Proceed with caution. I ingest as few things as possible because I know for me the cure is quite often worse than the ailment.

There are lots of natural things in this world that are poisonous. Just because it comes from a health food store, doesn't make it safe or good for you. A lot of the natural stuff found in stores is not well tested. Lots of false claims and snake oil out there. We all know our own body based on years of trials and we know what works best for us. To each his own. Good luck to everyone in finding whatever helps you with what ails you. 🙂


I’m with you; I’ve gotten “advice” from supposedly well intentioned folks who are completely clueless about my medical condition(s) yet seem to feel like experts on supplements/medications , exercises, and diet that would be best for me. I have found this forum of experienced folks a qualified source of advice, and then I do have to credit doctors for the medical education and learnings they share with us and help in our disease management. I don’t need to listen to the ignorant.
I try to just change the subject on those folks, who are usually family or great friends! If they continue, I respond with something like “I’m glad that works for your Neuropathy” (which they don’t have) or “I’m working with my doctor right now but can see what he thinks about your ideas on my next visit.” Yet, for folks who may see the inside of my home or venture through our personal areas, I keep bottles of OTC vitamins separate from my prescription medication bottles to help keep the judging of my prescribed medicines down. Sadly, I only keep one bottle of each prescribed medicine there; refills or excess bottles due to 90 day supplies (like the 6 bottles of Gabapentin I get each quarter) are buried deeper somewhere. I resorted to that because a relative went all bat crazy with lectures once when I pulled my drawer out to refill my weekly pill container, so it’s easier for me to hide the extra supply so I don’t have to deal with explaining the “quantity” of pills I take. We’ll never fix them, so I try hard to avoid the conversations, which of course you already know is one-sided with these know-it-alls.


Everyone is different. The only thing we can do is share what has worked for us. No need for judgment of others. We never know what someone else is battling with. We all do the best we can to feel well.
The golden rule works best in all cases. Treat others the way you would have them treat you. Be kind.
Here’s wishing every one of you the best health you can achieve.

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