PPIs vs. Potassium-Competitive Acid Blockers

Posted by billgil @billgil, Feb 9, 2024

A relatively new treatment for Gerd [Potassium-competitive acid blockers] has been approved that promises to be better than and replace PPIs, They come under the names "VOQUEZNA® (Vonoprazan) or (Tegoprazan) , see link below: Has anyone tried these ? or know where they can be purchased ? , Do they require a prescription? Trying to find in Canada. Thanks

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That’s quite impressive! I’m going to explore this. Thanks. Perhaps, someone who is familiar with it will respond.


How has your experience with vonoprazan been?


I'm going to see my doc on Monday and I was going to ask if I can get a prescription for it to try for a couple months. It's a new, with in the last year and I'm hoping it does a better job than the regular PPIs. I started see advertising for them back in September. The ppi didn't work well for me, I still had heartburn at night. After a good 15 years of them, I now have osteoporosis at 62 years old.

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