PPI use and

Posted by wgilm @wgilm, Jun 19 6:25pm

I have been on PPIs for 2 years with no side effects so far and they are working for me, and yes I am aware of the long term side effects but I cannot get off. I have tried to no avail.
I am now experiencing heart issues [Arrhythmias]. I am 75 so not too unexpected ,,, but I have now come across these two studies on Arrhythmias and PPis,
Has anyone else experienced this?


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I was suffering arrhythmias which caused dizzy spells and blacking out, I was in and out of the emergency room, had stress test, heart ultra sound and a 24 hour Holter monitor which showed that my heart had stopped 4 times over the 24 hours, they put me on beta blockers and it did no good. Then I tried apple cider vinegar 1 TBS, and blackstrap molasses 1 TBS in a half glass of water once a day and the dizzy spells stopped. Now I'm fine as long as I keep up the ACV and molasses, when I forget he dizzy spells return. It might be worth a try for you.


Did you try to get off the PPI gradually? If you stop quickly you'll have an acid surge. I was on a PPI in the AM and famotidine at night and I wasn't feeling great so I decided to try to wean off the PPI. In the end I stopped both and now I feel better than I felt when I was taking them.
What I did was I gradually replaced the PPI with an H2 blocker (famotidine), for example, by taking the famotidine once a week instead of the PPI, and then twice a week, etc. After that, I was able to also get off the famotidine. There's much less of a problem to stop using famotidine. Even if you have to continue taking famotidine or the like, it's better than taking the PPI long term, which also seems to have other long term problems.

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