Possible liposarcoma?

Posted by worriedgirl35 @worriedgirl35, Feb 25 9:22am

Hi there.
I'm 35 years old, female, generally in good health and with a healthy lifestyle (very physically active, healthy diet etc etc)

A couple of days ago, while I was showering, I noticed a lump on the back on my thigh, just underneath my buttock. It hurts a little bit when I press on it.
It is maybe 5cm big.

It doesn't move but it is not firm. There is no redness or bruise there. I can't remember if I have hit or hurt myself somehow, and I usually remember those things.

I notice that when I sit down, I feel it because it hurts, albeit only a little bit. And I can't sleep on that side anymore... Maybe it is because my mind notices it, or maybe because of the slight pain?

I've already booked an appointment with my PCP for the coming week, but until then, I would like to hear some experiences... I'm not a type of person that panics, but this worries me quite a bit

Thank you in advance

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Sarcoma Support Group.

Has anyone had liposarcoma that had to remove one kidney ?


@worriedgirl35 I'd like to reassure you that you are doing everything you can to figure this out. It is frightening to find these lumps and changes and if you are like me you searched the Internet to try and figure out what this might be. I like to know everything I can find but I also realize that sometimes these Internet searches bring up even more worry and anxiety. I had some moments yesterday of anxiety (a common occurrence for me) and I told myself that at that moment I was where I needed to be. The best thing for me to do was to go forward with my life and my plans for the day and let the anxiety just be there. A few breaths, looking around the room, widening my view to get outside of myself and then the anxiety abated.

You wrote here your symptoms, when you first noticed the bump, and how it feels to touch as well as to sit on and to sleep. All good information for your doctor. Making an appointment with your PCP is the best step to figure this out. It's very possible that this is not malignant although I very much understand your worry. Even if your PCP tries to assure you that this "nothing to be concerned about" you can ask for a referral to a surgeon to have the lump removed as it is painful and affecting your life, especially your sleep. The lump will be sent to pathology for a diagnosis and then you will know for sure what this is.

I had a lump (not painful) that was at the junction of the top of my hip and lower abdomen. It became uncomfortable because it rubbed against my underwear. A surgeon removed the lump, sent it to pathology, and it was a benign lipoma. The surgeon told me that this location is a common place to get these common fatty lumps. It's now 16 years after that lipoma was removed and a smaller lipoma is back in the same place. Since at this point it doesn't bother me I have left it alone and mention it to my PCP during my annual exams.

What day will your see your PCP? Will you come back here and let me know what your doctor says and what the plans are?


@worriedgirl35 I'd like to reassure you that you are doing everything you can to figure this out. It is frightening to find these lumps and changes and if you are like me you searched the Internet to try and figure out what this might be. I like to know everything I can find but I also realize that sometimes these Internet searches bring up even more worry and anxiety. I had some moments yesterday of anxiety (a common occurrence for me) and I told myself that at that moment I was where I needed to be. The best thing for me to do was to go forward with my life and my plans for the day and let the anxiety just be there. A few breaths, looking around the room, widening my view to get outside of myself and then the anxiety abated.

You wrote here your symptoms, when you first noticed the bump, and how it feels to touch as well as to sit on and to sleep. All good information for your doctor. Making an appointment with your PCP is the best step to figure this out. It's very possible that this is not malignant although I very much understand your worry. Even if your PCP tries to assure you that this "nothing to be concerned about" you can ask for a referral to a surgeon to have the lump removed as it is painful and affecting your life, especially your sleep. The lump will be sent to pathology for a diagnosis and then you will know for sure what this is.

I had a lump (not painful) that was at the junction of the top of my hip and lower abdomen. It became uncomfortable because it rubbed against my underwear. A surgeon removed the lump, sent it to pathology, and it was a benign lipoma. The surgeon told me that this location is a common place to get these common fatty lumps. It's now 16 years after that lipoma was removed and a smaller lipoma is back in the same place. Since at this point it doesn't bother me I have left it alone and mention it to my PCP during my annual exams.

What day will your see your PCP? Will you come back here and let me know what your doctor says and what the plans are?

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Hi, and thank you so much for the detailed and quick response! This means the world to me right now.
My upcoming appointment is on Friday... So I will have to wait until the end of the week but hopefully I will receive some helpful information from my PCP, as well as advice for the next steps.
Of course I will come back here and I will let you know. Until then, I will just try to distract myself 🙂


Hi, and thank you so much for the detailed and quick response! This means the world to me right now.
My upcoming appointment is on Friday... So I will have to wait until the end of the week but hopefully I will receive some helpful information from my PCP, as well as advice for the next steps.
Of course I will come back here and I will let you know. Until then, I will just try to distract myself 🙂

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@worriedgirl35 Thank you for letting me know that my response was helpful to you. I've noted the date of your appointment so I can check back with you. Between now and then I'm certain you will hear from other members who have had similar worries and can provide their experiences.

You mentioned that you are physically active. Even when I don't feel motivated to be active I do it anyway. I refer to this as willingness. Either I'm willing or I'm not willing to do whatever it is I'm not motivated to do. I figure exercise is at the top of that list since physical activity is always helpful. What do you like to do?


@worriedgirl35 Thank you for letting me know that my response was helpful to you. I've noted the date of your appointment so I can check back with you. Between now and then I'm certain you will hear from other members who have had similar worries and can provide their experiences.

You mentioned that you are physically active. Even when I don't feel motivated to be active I do it anyway. I refer to this as willingness. Either I'm willing or I'm not willing to do whatever it is I'm not motivated to do. I figure exercise is at the top of that list since physical activity is always helpful. What do you like to do?

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At the moment, exercise really lowers my stress and my worries disappear for a couple of hours while I'm active. I don't do anything strenuous, but I love taking long walks and listening to podcasts. I do this day in-day out, even if I feel unmotivated. I still go out and I find that once I start the activity, I don't even want to stop 😀

How about you?


At the moment, exercise really lowers my stress and my worries disappear for a couple of hours while I'm active. I don't do anything strenuous, but I love taking long walks and listening to podcasts. I do this day in-day out, even if I feel unmotivated. I still go out and I find that once I start the activity, I don't even want to stop 😀

How about you?

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@worriedgirl35 Physical activity lowers my stress too so I'm with you on that. Once I start I'm not interested in stopping. My favorite activity is most anything outside. I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and we've had so little snow this winter that I haven't done any x-country skiing on the days that would work for me. I do like to snowshoe in the woods and today after I write this I'll go for a walk as our snow is almost gone. Again. I always take my binoculars as I'm a birder so for someone walking or hiking with me that wants to keep on going I'm not much fun. I often stop to listen and to look around for birds. I lift weights and do a variety of band and core exercises in the gym a few times a week. All of this is a long way of saying I agree with you how physical activity helps me deal with stresses.

Can you walk outside most days?


@worriedgirl35 Physical activity lowers my stress too so I'm with you on that. Once I start I'm not interested in stopping. My favorite activity is most anything outside. I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and we've had so little snow this winter that I haven't done any x-country skiing on the days that would work for me. I do like to snowshoe in the woods and today after I write this I'll go for a walk as our snow is almost gone. Again. I always take my binoculars as I'm a birder so for someone walking or hiking with me that wants to keep on going I'm not much fun. I often stop to listen and to look around for birds. I lift weights and do a variety of band and core exercises in the gym a few times a week. All of this is a long way of saying I agree with you how physical activity helps me deal with stresses.

Can you walk outside most days?

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You sound like you really enjoy the outsides and the nature! I'm not into gyms and lifting weights, and I do most of my walking outside. Here where I live we usually have mild winters and this year there wasn't any snow (luckily). So I'm proud to say I haven't skipped a day of walking outside 🙂


You sound like you really enjoy the outsides and the nature! I'm not into gyms and lifting weights, and I do most of my walking outside. Here where I live we usually have mild winters and this year there wasn't any snow (luckily). So I'm proud to say I haven't skipped a day of walking outside 🙂

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@worriedgirl35 You are inspirational. Being outside is the best, isn't it?


@worriedgirl35 You are inspirational. Being outside is the best, isn't it?

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True, especially when the weather is good 🙂



Hi. As promised, here is what happened at my appointment today/

Actually, in the past few days after I posted on here, the bump was steadily decreasing in size. Now it is maybe the size of a pea, and the pain is gone as well. I can sleep on my side without any problem again 🙂
I've told this to my PCP. He looked at it of course, and given the fact how small it has gotten, he told me that it is 99% some sort of an injury i.e. I have most likely hit myself but I can't remember it. And it looks completely benign
He told me to monitor the bump and see if it gets bigger again or if the pain reappears again, if it does, to go straight back to his office.

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