Possible CRPS following foot fracture

Posted by kesk @kesk, Jun 15 8:02am

I fractured 5th metatarsal on left foot. I complained of nerve pain from the cast from the second day onward.The podiatrist and second doctor said it was nothing to worry about. I continued with the cast for 6 weeks all the while having nerve pain. 6 weeks after cast removal I can hardly walk. My bone is healed. My doctors, 5 in all, have done nothing. Please any info would be appreciated. I belong to a large HMO which moves at the speed of a slug and does not appear to have expertise in this area.

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@kesk Hello and welcome to Connect. I think what you are describing is normal for foot and ankle fractures. I went through this too for a very long time healing a severe ankle fracture. When my cast came off and I was told to start weight bearing with 25% weight the first week, then about 50% week after that, then 75% , etc, and it really hurt a lot to bear any weight after 6 weeks of no weight bearing. Don't assume there is another problem, this is just how it is when you have to weight bear on something that is a healing fracture. My foot was also purplish like yours for a long time and a bit swollen, perhaps close to a year. Your bone is still healing even though it is solid enough to stand on. I also felt nerve pain with the cast on and it felt like something was under my foot causing pressure, but there was nothing extra in there. That was damage from the injury, and I continued to have that pain for awhile, and then anytime I exceeded my walking endurance that caused fatigue and swelling which brought back the nerve pain because of the swelling near the joint. My injury happened while rolling the ankle so it also badly sprained tendons and ligaments and dislocated the joint.

Healing and recovery will take time, and you can't speed that up. What you can do is get off your foot when you need to, elevate it, use ice if it helps, and get custom othotics made by a podiatrist with sturdy supportive shoes. Limit how much weight you carry because that will transfer right to your feet. If you have been given an orthopedic boot to immobilize your foot be careful because if that is a different heel height than the other shoe you wear, it can throw your pelvis out of alignment (need equal height such as a hiking boot), or contribute to a stress fracture or torn Achilles tendon in the good foot because you would be putting more stress on it. If you can wear a pair of shoes that are the same that is the best. If you need a cane, walking stick, crutch or walker while you ease into full weight bearing again, go ahead and use what you have. Your muscles are very weak because of no weight bearing for a long time, and it will take time to regain strength and endurance. Full healing after a fracture may take a number of years. You are at the beginning of healing. I am 4 years past my fracture injury and still recovering, and it took this long for me to walk without pain. I still have weakness and endurance issues. I do not have the former nerve pain. Peripheral nerves can heal themselves and some of that pain is caused by swelling. Her are a couple of discussions that may be of interest.

Bones, Joints & Muscles - "Jones fracture"

Osteoporosis & Bone Health - "How long to heal after stress fractures in foot?"

Will you be seeing a physical therapist for rehab?


It's important to remember the information below:
"Possible CRPS...I pray it isn't. But just in case, get off of ALL refined sugar and catch the disease early! Walk as much as you are able. If it is CRPS, you should be experiencing the worst pain imaginable." The first few months were excruciating for me. Get off of refine white suguar. EVERYTHING with it in it. Good luck and keep moving.


I had foot surgery for a bunion. The pain was off the charts. A year later I had a 2nd surgery to remove what current surgeon said was metal objects too large for my foot. Four years later I was dx with CRPS. It's been 16 years. It has spread to opposite foot, calf, knee, and butt as well as traveling up original foot and ankle. Numbness and pain are main features. If found and treated early it can be healed. Search for a knowledgeable pain management doctor. That's where I was dx.

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